Chemistry Centers & Institutes
Chemistry & Biochemistry faculty and student researchers are involved with many centers, institutes and special programs at Ohio University.
Edison Biotechnology Institute (opens in a new window)
The Edison Biotechnology Institute is a research institute of Ohio University. Its rich interdisciplinary and entrepreneurial environment fosters basic discovery research, the development of new technology -- and the transfer of that technology to the private sector to create companies, jobs and investment in Ohio.
Molecular & Cellular Biology Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (opens in a new window)
Ohio University offers interdisciplinary graduate study in molecular and cell biology through the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Molecular & Cellular Biology. The departments of Biological Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry, and Environmental & Plant Biology contribute dynamic faculty and access to world-class research facilities to provide students with the broadest scientific educational opportunities.
Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute (opens in a new window)
Ohio University's NQPI has strong efforts in a variety of areas of nanoscience, with many ongoing and developing cross-campus collaborations. Some of the efforts are toward "soft" nanoscience, and in 2004 the BNNT (Biomimetic Nanoscience & NanoTechnology) effort began at Ohio University. Still, an even larger sector of NQPI is the area of "hard" nanoscience, which is loosely the science of nanomaterials which are non-bio-related.
Quantitative Biology Institute (opens in a new window)
The institute fosters research collaborations that cross disciplinary boundaries, provides a venue for informal discussions and interactions that are the foundation for a truly interdisciplinary perspective, and provides unique opportunities for interdisciplinary graduate training and undergraduate education in this increasingly important new field.