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Information for CHEM 1510 Students

The following items should be purchased prior to your first week of class:

  1. The textbook for CHEM 1510 (and for CHEM 1520) is the 6th edition of Silberberg's Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, published by McGraw Hill, copyright 2012. In addition to the textbook, you will be required to purchase access to the online homework system Connect Plus. You may purchase a specially priced bundle containing both a loose-leaf copy of the listed text and the required Connect Plus access code from one of the Athens area bookstores or directly from the publisher (cheapest option) at the Connect Plus website (opens in a new window).

    Note: If you purchase the textbook new or used from a source not listed above, you may need to purchase a Connect Plus code independently from the publisher.
  2. You are required to purchase student access to Top Hat. This web-based system will be used for in-class participation and attendance tracking via laptop, smartphone, cell phone, tablet, etc. You will receive an email with further instructions on purchasing access and registering the week leading up to the first day of class.
  3. The required laboratory manual may be purchased from one of the Athens area bookstores.
  4. Both a lab coat and safety goggles may be purchased from any purveyor, as long as the lab coat is one approved by the Chemistry Department and the safety goggles are OSHA approved (rated ANSI Z87.1). Note: Both items are available for purchase at either one of the Athens area bookstores. Both items also can be purchased from our own chemistry stockroom at cost (located in the basement under Clippinger 194); however, all purchases from the chemistry stockroom will require a "breakage card." (See item #5 below.)
  5. A $20 "breakage card," required for lab, may be purchased from the Cashier's Office in Chubb Hall on campus.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions:

Lauren McMills, and Shadrick Paris