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Modern Languages Faculty Directory

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Spanish
email address
College of Arts and Sciences
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 263, Athens Campus
Professor of French
email address
phone number 740-593-2768
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 327, Athens Campus
Professor of Spanish
email address
phone number 740-593-9171
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 251, Athens Campus
Associate Professor of Spanish
email address
phone number 740-593-2761
International Studies
Latin American Studies
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 225, Athens Campus
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Spanish
phone number 740-593-2804
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 265, Athens Campus
Professor of Instruction, Spanish
email address
phone number 740-593-2734
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 273, Athens Campus
Associate Professor of Instruction, Spanish
email address
School of International Studies and Languages
International Studies
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 253, Athens Campus
Professor of Instruction, Spanish
email address
Modern Languages
building location Southern Campus
Professor of Instruction, French
email address
phone number 740-593-2772
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 325, Athens Campus
Associate Professor of Italian
email address
phone number 740-597-2726
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 133, Athens Campus
Associate Professor of Instruction, Spanish
email address
phone number 740-597-2729
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 275, Athens Campus
Associate Professor of German
email address
phone number 740-593-2762
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 271, Athens Campus
Professor of Instruction, Spanish
email address
phone number 740-597-2729
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 244, Athens Campus
Associate Professor of German & Department Chair
email address
phone number 740-597-2725
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 283C, Athens Campus
Professor of Instruction, Spanish
email address
phone number 740-593-2811
Modern Languages
building location Gordy 269, Athens Campus