Honors Tutorial College Physics Majors
Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy Degrees in the Honors Tutorial College
- Physics (B.S.) (opens in a new window)
- Astrophysics (B.S.) (opens in a new window)
- Engineering Physics (B.S.) (opens in a new window)
The Honors Tutorial College (opens in a new window) programs offered through the Physics & Astronomy Department provide unique opportunities for exceptional students. At the heart of the program is the tutorial, in which the student studies selected material under the guidance of a faculty member acting as tutor. At individual weekly meetings, the student and tutor discuss the weekly reading, solutions to problems, and other assignments. Students are strongly encouraged to gain experience as research assistants, either in the Physics & Astronomy Department's laboratories or through temporary internships at other universities, research centers, or national labs. All students in HTC must complete a senior thesis.