Departmental Honors for Physics & Astronomy Majors
Departmental Honors Coordinator: Dr. Julie Roche
College of Arts & Sciences Guidelines and Forms (opens in a new window)
General Guidelines
The honors program in the Physics & Astronomy Department is awarded through the College of Arts & Sciences for those students satisfying a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree with a GPA of 3.2 or higher and the addition of a written senior thesis (or published paper). Details of this program can be obtained from the Departmental Honors Coordinator, Dr. Julie Roche.
Students who meet the honors requirements will receive a diploma (and transcript) with the words "With Honors" after the degree.
Requirements for the B.S. Degree with Honors
- Students must graduate with a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
- The student must complete a research project approved by a faculty adviser and the honors coordinator.
- Contact Dr. Roche to arrange registration to PHYS4910H. The thesis must be submitted by the end of that semester.
- An abstract describing the project must be approved by the adviser and honors coordinator BY THE SECOND WEEK of the student's final semester.
- The project must be written up in the form of a senior thesis of at least 15 pages. This must be submitted no later than the third week before the end of the student's final semester.
- The thesis requirement will be waived if the student is the primary author of a research paper that has been accepted for publication by the deadline for submission of the thesis.
- It is the student's responsibility to find a faculty adviser for the honors project. Of course, the student's academic adviser will be a good source of information for students desiring to pursue an honors program.
- Guidelines on the format for the senior thesis may be obtained from the honors coordinator. The format will closely follow that required for a senior thesis in the Honors Tutorial College.
- The student's senior honors thesis must be evaluated and signed by the honors coordinator and the student's faculty research adviser. The evaluation will be done by questioning the student about the content of the thesis by the two faculty evaluators. No formal presentation by the student is required, however the student must answer the questions showing that they understand the details of the research project described in the senior honor thesis.
- The final step for approval of the honors thesis is to complete a form provided by the College of Arts & Sciences and to schedule a meeting with Randy Price in the college office to review the thesis for formatting. The honors thesis will then be sent to the Dean (or his designee) who will review and sign the thesis.
- For further information, contact the honors coordinator.
Last modified on 11/13/2024