Physics & Astronomy Alumni—Where Are They Now?

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Physics & Astronomy alumni are working around the world in universities, research centers, business, industry and more.
Nobel Prize Winner (opens in a new window)—Ohio University alumnus Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Ph.D. '76 (opens in a new window) won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on the function of ribosomes.
Founder of Spintronics Center (opens in a new window)—Ohio University alumnus Jairo Sinova, B.S. '94 (opens in a new window) established the Spin Phenomena Interdisciplinary Center at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. He is the Alexander von Humboldt Professor and leading specialist in the area of theoretical solid-state physics and pioneer in the theory of nanoscale magnetic materials.
Einstein Postdoctoral Fellowship Winner (opens in a new window)—Ohio University alumnus Jack Steiner, B.S. '06, (opens in a new window) has been named an Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow. Sponsored by NASA and administered by the Chandra X-Ray Center, the fellowship promotes research in high energy astrophysics and is considered to be one of the most prestigious postdoctoral fellowships in astrophysics
Directory of Physics & Astronomy Ph.D. Alumni
Nadyah Alanazi
- Ph.D. 2018, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Alexander Voinov.
Present position: Assistant Professor, King Saud University
Contact: nalenazi@ksu.edu.sa
Shrouq Aleithan
- Ph.D. 2018, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Eric Stinaff.
Present position: Assistant Professor, King Faisal University
Contact: aleithanshrouq@gmail.com
J. Perry Corbett
- Ph.D. 2018, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Arthur Smith.
Present position: Postdoc, Ohio State University
Contact: corbett.123@osu.edu
Sudiksha Khadka
- Ph.D. 2018, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Eric Stinaff.
Contact: khadkasudi@gmail.com
Yang Li
- Ph.D. 2018, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Saw-Wai HlaPresent position: Data Scientist, Uptake Technologies
Contact: leechineseyoung@gmail.com
Andrea Richard
- Ph.D. 2018, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Heather Crawford.
Present position: Research Associate, NSCL, Michigan State University
Contact: andrea.richard897@gmail.com
Zakia Alhashem
- Ph.D. 2018, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Arthur Smith.
Present position: Assistant Professor, King Faisal University
Contact: zalhashim@kfu.edu.sa
Abdulrhman Alsharari
- Ph.D. 2018, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Assistant Professor, University of Tabuk
Contact: aalsharari@ut.edu.sa
Mahvand Khamesian
- Ph.D. 2018, Biophysics advised by Dr. Alexander Neiman.
Present position: Lecturer, Saginaw Valley State University
Contact: mk341511@ohio.edu
Pratheesh Jakkala
- Ph.D. 2017, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch
Present position: Assistant Professor, Illinois College
Contact: pratheeshjakkala@gmail.com
Sai Teja Pusuluri
- Ph.D. 2017, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Horacio Castillo.
Present position: Data Scientist-Associate VP, JP Morgan Case
Contact: sai19872000@gmail.com
Larousse Khosravi Khorashad
- Ph.D. 2017, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Alexander Govorov.
Present position: Postdoc, Ohio University
Contact: larousse.khosravi@gmail.com
Kiran Prasai
- Ph.D. 2017, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Postdoc, Stanford University
Contact: kiranprs@gmail.com
Nicholas Compton
- Ph.D. 2017, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Mathematician, King Show Games
Anup Pandey
- Ph.D. 2017, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Postdoc, Oak Ridge National Lab
Contact: ap439111@ohio.edu
Mayur Sundararajan
- Ph.D. 2017, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Gang Chen.
Present position: VP Business Development at Versa Drives PVT LTD, India
Contact: mayursundararajan@gmail.com
Shamim Akhtar
- Ph.D. 2016, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Carl Brune.
Present position: Visiting Assistant Prof., Colorado State University, Pueblo
Contact: shamim.akhtar@csupueblo.edu
Khan Alam
- Ph.D. 2016, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Arthur Smith.
Present position: Postdoc, U of Chicago
Contact: khanalam.phy@gmail.com
Sushil Dhakal
- Ph.D. 2016, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Carl Brune.
Present position: Lab Technician, Barry U
Contact: sushildhakal20@gmail.com
Christopher S. Diltz
- Ph.D. 2016, Astrophysics advised by Dr. Marcus Boettcher.
Present position: Software Developer, MDS Engineering, Dayton, OH
Contact: cd264606@ohio.edu
Linda Hlophe
- Ph.D. 2016, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Charlotte Elster.
Present position: Postdoc, NSCL, Michigan State U
Contact: dnldhlphe@gmail.com
Chandrasiri (Chad) Ihalawela
- Ph.D. 2016, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Gang Chen.
Present position: Visiting Assistant Prof., Miami U, Hamilton Campus
Contact: chansikuchan@gmail.com
Christopher M. Johnson
- Ph.D. 2016, Biophysics advised by Dr. Peter Jung.
Present position: IBM Corporation, Columbus, OH
Contact: cj791502@ohio.edu
Sean Krupa
- Ph.D. 2016, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Eric Stinaff.
Present position: Optical Engineer, Sotera Defense Solutions, Naval Research Lab, Washington DC.
Contact: skrupa15@gmail.com
Andrada Mandru
- Ph.D. 2016, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Arthur Smith.
Present position: Postdoc, EMPA Institute, Dubendorf, Switzerland
Contact: mandruandrada@gmail.com
Sean McGraw
- Ph.D. 2016, Astrophysics advised by Dr. Joe Shields.
Present position: UBS Bank in Zurich
Contact: mcgrawsean88@gmail.com
Brian Muccioli
- Ph.D. 2016, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Madappa Prakash.
Present position: Scientist, Frontier Technology
Contact: brian.muccioli@gmail.com
Sneha Pandya
- Ph.D. 2016, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Process Engineer, Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR
Contact: snehapandya14@gmail.com
Cody Parker
- Ph.D. 2016, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Carl Brune.
Present position: Postdoc, MIT, Cambridge, MA
Contact: codyep@mit.edu
Arbin Thapaliya
- Ph.D. 2016, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Daniel Phillips.
Present position: Tenure track Physics Faculty, Franklin College, IN
Contact: athapaliya@franklincollege.edu
V. Ramana Thota
- Ph.D. 2016, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Eric Stinaff.
Present position: Development Engineer, Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR
Contact: tvrkumar@gmail.com
Bijaya Acharya
- Ph.D. 2015, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Daniel Phillips.
Present position: Postdoc, University of Tennessee
Contact: vjacharya@yahoo.com
Rami Amro
- Ph.D. 2015, Biophysics advised by Dr. Alexander Neiman.
Present position: Assistant Professor, Palestine Technical University, Tulkarm
Contact: ramro@physics.ucla.edu
Mahmoud Asmar
- Ph.D. 2015, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Postdoc, Louisiana State U
Contact: asmar@lsu.edu
Shloka Chandavar
- Ph.D. 2015, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Postdoc, Michigan State U
Contact: cshloka@gmail.com
Heath Kersell
- Ph.D. 2015, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Saw-Wai Hla.
Present position: Postdoc, Lawrence Berkeley Nat'l Lab, Berkeley, CA
Contact: hkersell@yahoo.com
Yang Liu
- Ph.D. 2015, Biophysics advised by Dr. David Tees.
Contact: yl259607@ohio.edu
Ameneh Mohammadalipour
- Ph.D. 2015, Biophysics advised by Dr. David Tees.
Contact: am0alipour@yahoo.com
Congshang Wan
- Ph.D. 2015, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: maternity leave, San Jose, CA
Haocheng Zhang
- Ph.D. 2015, Astrophysics advised by Dr. Marcus Boettcher.
Present position: Postdoc, U of New Mexico
Contact: phitlip2007@gmail.com
Karina Avila-Coronado
- Ph.D. 2014, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Horacio Castillo.
Present position: Postdoc, Georg-August-Universitat
Contact: ka258208@ohio.edu
Dilupama Divaratne
- Ph.D. 2014, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Carl Brune.
Present position: job seeking in Columbus, Ohio area,
Contact: dd213908@ohio.edu
Zhiyuan Fan
- Ph.D. 2014, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Alexander Govorov.
Present position: Postdoc, University of Texas at Austin
Contact: fan_zhy@hotmail.com or zf298108@ohio.edu
Sajida Khan
- Ph.D. 2014, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Saw-Wai Hla.
Yuting Li
- Ph.D. 2014, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold/Dr. Gang Chen.
Present position: Postdoc, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
Contact: zayuky@gmail.com
Greg Petersen
- Ph.D. 2014, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Nancy Sandler.
Present position: Senior Engineer, TSI, Inc., Shoreview, MN
Contact: petersengm@gmail.com
Anthony Ramirez
- Ph.D. 2014, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Alexander Voinov.
Present position: Postdoc, University of Kentucky
Contact: ramirez_ap@yahoo.com
Nowo Riveli
- Ph.D. 2014, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Justin Frantz.
Present position: Physics Instructor/Education Web Developer, Universitas Indonesia
Contact: nowo.riveli@gmail.com
Bing Xia
- Ph.D. 2014, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Justin Frantz.
Present position: Postdoc, Ohio University
Contact: bxia@ohio.edu
Yuan Zhang
- Ph.D. 2014, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Saw-Wai Hla.
Present position: Postdoc, Argonne Nat'l Lab, IL
Contact: yz111607@ohio.edu
Rakitha Beminiwattha
- Ph.D. 2013, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Julie Roche.
Present position: Postdoc, Syracuse University, NY
Contact: rakithab@jlab.org
Youngshin Byun
- Ph.D. 2013, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: High School teacher,
Contact: dewocean81@hotmail.com
Kevin Cooper
- Ph.D. 2013, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. David Ingram.
Present position: Assistant Professor, Lincoln Memorial U., Harrogate, TN
Contact: kevin.wayson.cooper@gmail.com
Desiree Cotto-Figueroa
- Ph.D. 2013, Astrophysics advised by Dr. Thomas Statler.
Present position: Postdoc, U of Arizona, Tucson
Contact: Desiree.Cotto-Figueroa@asu.edu
Andrew DiLullo
- Ph.D. 2013, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Saw-Wai Hla.
Present position: Scientist, Bridgestone Americas Center for Research & Technology
Jiong Hu
- Ph.D. 2013
Tejinder Kaur
- Ph.D. 2013, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Nancy Sandler.
Present position: Premium Consultant, Genpact Headstrong Capital Markets, Richardson, TX
Contact: teji.kaur83@gmail.com
Yinyun Li
- Ph.D. 2013, Biophysics advised by Dr. Peter Jung.
Present position: Assistant Professor, Beijing Normal U
Contact: leeyinyun@hotmail.com
Kellen Murphy
- Ph.D. 2013, Astrophysics advised by Dr. Douglas Clowe.
Present position: Senior Consultant, Cardinal Computing Consultants
Contact: kellen@cardinalcomputing.com me@kellenmurphy.com
Azamat Orazbayev
- Ph.D. 2013, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Charlotte Elster.
Present position: Lecturer, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
Binay Prasai
- Ph.D. 2013, CMSS Theory and Experiment advised by Dr. David Drabold/Dr. Gang Chen.
Present position: Postdoc, Central Michigan U.
Contact: bp249507@gmail.com
Brett Ragozzine
- Ph.D. 2013, Astrophysics advised by Dr. Douglas Clowe.
Present position: Data Scientist, Zions Bancorp
Contact: brag42@gmail.com
David Ruiz Tijerina
- Ph.D. 2013, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (opens in a new window)
Contact: davidangelrt@gmail.com; d.ruiz-tijerina@fisica.unam.mx, Google Scholar page (opens in a new window)
Buddhini Waidyawansa
- Ph.D. 2013, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Julie Roche.
Present position: Postdoc, Jefferson Lab, VA
Contact: buddhini@jlab.org
Ginetom Diniz
- Ph.D. 2012, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Postdoc, University of Uberlandia, Brazil
Contact: ginetom@gmail.com
Chen Ji
- Ph.D. 2012, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Daniel Phillips.
Present position: Postdoc, TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
Contact: cj644206@ohio.edu
Gcina Mavimbela
- Ph.D. 2012, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Horacio Castillo.
Present position: Lecturer, U of Swaziland
Contact: gmavimbela@gmail.com
Hoai Nguyen
- Ph.D. 2012, Biophysics advised by Dr. Alexander Neiman.
Present position: Adjunct Lecturer, Moraine Valley Community College
Contact: hoainguyen06us@gmail.com
Swati Ramanathan
- Ph.D. 2012, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Eric Stinaff.
Present position: Product Development Engineer, KLA-Tencor
Contact: swati.ramanathan@gmail.com
Parisa Roustazadeh
- Ph.D. 2012, Astrophysics advised by Dr. Marcus Boettcher.
Present position: Postdoc and Adjunct Faculty, North-West U, South Africa and Ohio University
Contact: parisa.rousta@gmail.com
Wei Tang
- Ph.D. 2012, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Brookhaven National Lab, New York, Brookhaven National Lab, New York
Kushal Wijesundara
- Ph.D. 2012, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Eric Stinaff.
Present position: Postdoc, UNC Chapel Hill
Contact: kushal.wijesundara@gmail.com
Carol Abbott
- Ph.D. 2011, Musical Acoustics advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Faculty member, Ohio U - Lancaster
Contact: abbott@ohio.edu
Bin Cai
- Ph.D. 2011, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Instructor, Dept of Radiation Oncology, Washington U
Abhijit Chinchore
- Ph.D. 2011, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Arthur Smith.
Present position: Engineer, Intel
Contact: abhijitchinchore@gmail.com
Young Eun Choi
- Ph.D. 2011, Biophysics advised by Dr. David Tees.
Mohammed Ebdah
- Ph.D. 2011, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Engineer, Intel
Wenzhi Lin
- Ph.D. 2011, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Arthur Smith.
Present position: Postdoc, Los Alamos National Lab
Contact: wenzhilinphy@gmail.com
Ahn Ngo
- Ph.D. 2011, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Postdoc, Argonne Nat'l Lab, IL
Contact: tahngo@gmail.com
Gayani Perera
- Ph.D. 2011, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Saw-Wai Hla.
Juan Rolon-Soto
- Ph.D. 2011, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Postdoc, U of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Contact: juanrolon@yahoo.com
Daniel Sayre
- Ph.D. 2011, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Carl Brune.
Present position: Staff member, Lawrence Livermore
Contact: d.b.sayre@gmail.com
Aman Ullah
- Ph.D. 2011, Biophysics advised by Dr. Peter Jung.
Kangkang Wang
- Ph.D. 2011, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Arthur Smith.
Present position: Staff Metrology Engineer, Seagate Technology
Contact: wkang598@gmail.com
Anton Wiranata
- Ph.D. 2011, advised by Dr. Madappa Prakash.
Present position: Physics Instructor and Computational Consultant, Ohio State University and InsideSales.com
Contact: awiranata@gmail.com
Yeliz Celik
- Ph.D. 2010, advised by Dr. Madappa Prakash.
Present position: Assistant Professor, Marshall U and Lakeland Comm College
Mauricio Garrido
- Ph.D. 2010, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Eric Stinaff.
Pedro Hernandez
- Ph.D. 2010, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Alexander Govorov.
Dustin Keller
- Ph.D. 2010, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Research Scientist Faculty, U of Virginia
Contact: dustin@jlab.org
Sergey Postnikov
- Ph.D. 2010, advised by Dr. Madappa Prakash.
Timur Skeini
- Ph.D. 2010, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Saw-Wai Hla.
Divya Swaminathan
- Ph.D. 2010, Biophysics advised by Dr. Peter Jung.
Joel Vaughn
- Ph.D. 2010, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: President, Wolfram Laboratories
Chieh Jen Yang
- Ph.D. 2010, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Daniel Phillips.
Present position: Postdoc, IPN, Orsay, France
Contact: jryang1027@gmail.com
Aderemi Adekola
- Ph.D. 2009, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Carl Brune.
Present position: Staff member, Canberra Industries
Fakhar-ul Inam
- Ph.D. 2009, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Assistant Professor, COMSATS Inst of Info Tech, Pakistan
Contact: fakhar.inam@lums.edu.pk
Manasvita Joshi
- Ph.D. 2009, Astrophysics advised by Dr. Marcus Boettcher.
Present position: Postdoc, Boston University
Contact: mjoshi@bu.edu
Babatune (Moses) Oginni
- Ph.D. 2009, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Staff member, Canberra Industries
Azita Paarsaeian
- Ph.D. 2009, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Horacio Castillo.
Serder Kizigul
- Ph.D. 2008, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Postdoc, Univ. Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Ting Lin
- Ph.D. 2008, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Charlotte Elster.
Present position: Postdoc, Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr for Astrophysics
Yue Pan
- Ph.D. 2008, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Shaleen Shukla
- Ph.D. 2008, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Faculty, George Washington University
Efta Yudiarsah
- Ph.D. 2008, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Lecturer, Universitas Indonesia, Dept of Physics
Contact: e.yudiarsah@ui.ac.id
Tesfaye Abtew
- Ph.D. 2007, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Postdoc, North Carolina State Univ.
Contact: abtew@chips.ncsu.edu
Danda Acharya
- Ph.D. 2007, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Saw-Wai Hla.
Present position: Postoc, Brookhaven National Lab
Laura Birzan (Rafferty)
- Ph.D. 2007, Astro advised by Dr. Brian McNamara.
Present position: Postdoc, Leiden University
Justin Finke
- Ph.D. 2007, Astro advised by Dr. Marcus Boettcher.
Present position: Astrophysicist, Naval Research Laboratory
Swati Gupta
- Ph.D. 2007, Astro advised by Dr. Marcus Boettcher.
Present position: Instructor, Harold Washington College
Saima Khan
- Ph.D. 2007, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Postdoc, Ohio University
David Rafferty
- Ph.D. 2007, Astro advised by Dr. Brian McNamara.
Present position: Postdoc, Leiden University
Ameenah Al-Ahmadi
- Ph.D. 2006, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Faculty, Umm Al Qura Univ. (Saudi Arabia)
Contact: alahmadi_ameenah@hotmail.com
Christopher Bade
- Ph.D. 2006, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Instructor, U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School
Contact: chrisbade@aol.com
Deepshikha Choudhury
- Ph.D. 2006, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Daniel Phillips.
Present position: Postdoc, George Washington University
Aparna Deshpande
- Ph.D. 2006, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Saw-Wai Hla.
Present position: Postdoc, University of Arizona
Steven Diehl
- Ph.D. 2006, Astro advised by Dr. Thomas Statler.
Present position: Research Scientist, TLT Turbo GmbH
Contact: stevendiehl@gmail.com
Ishaq Hleiqawi
- Ph.D. 2006, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Assistant Professor, King Khalid Univ. (Saudi Arabia)
Contact: hleiqawi@kku.edu.sa
Violetta Iancu
- Ph.D. 2006, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Saw-Wai Hla.
Present position: Postdoc, University of Tennessee
Aurangzeb Khan
- Ph.D. 2006, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Professor and Chair, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (AWKUM), Pakistan
Contact: draurangzebkhan@gmail.com / akhan@awkum.edu.pk
Caitlin Matei
- Ph.D. 2006, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Carl Brune.
Present position: Research Scientist, Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics, Magurele, Romania
Contact: catalin.matei@eli-np.ro
John Peters
- Ph.D. 2006, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Jean Heremans.
Present position: Postdoc, Drexel University
Yurii Pidopryhora
- Ph.D. 2006, Astro advised by Dr. Joe Shields.
Present position: Postdoc, Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe
Ghanim Ullah
- Ph.D. 2006, Biophysics Theory advised by Dr. Peter Jung.
Present position: Assistant Professor, Physics, U of Southern Florida
Rong Yang
- Ph.D. 2006, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Arthur Smith.
Present position: Associate Professor, National Center for Nanoscience & Technology, Beijing
Daniel Asare
- Ph.D. 2005, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Jean Heremans.
Raymond Atta-Fynn
- Ph.D. 2005, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Postdoc, Univ. of Texas at Arlington
Costel Constantin
- Ph.D. 2005, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Arthur Smith.
Present position: Assistant Professor, Seton Hall University
Jebreel Khoshman
- Ph.D. 2005, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Professor, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University
Hang Liu
- Ph.D. 2005, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Charlotte Elster.
Present position: Research Associate, U. Texas Advanced Computing Center
Mohammad Maqbool
- Ph.D. 2005, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Assistant Professor, Ball State University
Suhita Nadkarni
- Ph.D. 2005, Biophysics Theory advised by Dr. Peter Jung.
Present position: Postdoc, UCSD
De Nyago Tafen
- Ph.D. 2005, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Postdoc, West Virginia University
Contact: denyago.tafen@mail.wvu.edu
Shangyou Zeng
- Ph.D. 2005, Biophysics Theory advised by Dr. Peter Jung.
Muhammad Afghan
- Ph.D. 2004, Biophysics Theory advised by Dr. Peter Jung.
Hamad Al-Brithen
- Ph.D. 2004, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Arthur Smith.
Present position: Assistant Professor, King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)
Contact: brithen@ksu.edu.sa
George Caia
- Ph.D. 2004, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Present position: Applications Scientist, PSIA Inc.
Anca Constantin
- Ph.D. 2004, Astro advised by Dr. Joe Shields.
Present position: Assistant Professor, James Madison University
Glen MacLachlan
- Ph.D. 2004, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Allena Opper.
Present position: Postdoc, New Mexico State Univ./Jefferson Natl. Lab.
Yannis Parpottas
- Ph.D. 2004, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Faculty, University of Cyprus
Robert Salow
- Ph.D. 2004, Astro advised by Dr. Thomas Statler.
Present position: Senior Analyst, Institute for Defense Analyses
Andreas Weichselbaum
- Ph.D. 2004, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Postdoc, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitdt (Germany)
Contact: weichsa@gmx.at
Asghar Kayani
- Ph.D. 2003, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. David Ingram.
Present Position: Associate Professor/ Dir. Particle accelerator lab , Physics Department, Western Michigan University
Contact: https://wmich.edu/physics/directory/kayani (opens in a new window)
Americo Salas Bacci
- Ph.D. 2003, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: postdoc, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Contact: asalas@lanl.gov
Eugen Trifan
- Ph.D. 2003, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. David Ingram.
Yin Zhou
- Ph.D. 2003, Biophysics Theory advised by Dr. Peter Jung.
Present position: Partner, Orinno Software, Ltd. (P. R. China)
Contact: myedge_2000@yahoo.com
Khamit Ardashev
- Ph.D. 2002, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Research Associate, University of Virginia
Contact: ardashev@bnl.gov
Murat Durandurdu
- Ph.D. 2002, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Assistant Professor, Univ. of Texas at El Paso
Contact: mdurandurdu@utep.edum
Yixiu Kang
- Ph.D. 2002, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. David Ingram.
Present position: Research Scientist, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Contact: YiKang@mdanderson.org
James Oldendick
- Ph.D. 2002, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Postdoc, Rush University Medical Center
Gabriela Petculescu
- Ph.D. 2002, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Larry Wilen.
Present position: Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Contact: gp@louisiana.edu
Andi Petculescu
- Ph.D. 2002, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Larry Wilen.
Present position: Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Contact: andi@louisiana.edu
Raymond Wheeler
- Ph.D. 2002, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Mark Little
- Ph.D. 2001, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Failure Analysis Engineer, AMI Semiconductor
Contact: Mark_Little@amis.com
Serge Nakhmanson
- Ph.D. 2001, CMSS advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Staff Member, Argonne National Laboratory
Contact: nakhmanson@anl.gov
Florentina Perjeru
- Ph.D. 2001, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Sr. Process Engineer, Intel
Contact: florentina.perjeru@intel.com
Diane Reitzner
- Ph.D. 2001, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Allena Opper.
Present position: Postdoc, University of Guelph
Xiaochun Wang
- Ph.D. 2001, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Present position: Assistant Professor, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Xiaodong Zhang
- Ph.D. 2001, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Assistant Professor, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, U. of Texas
Contact: xizhang@mdanderson.org
Esma'el Badran
- Ph.D. 2000, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Faculty, Birzeit University
Contact: ebadran@birzeit.edu
Xuewen Bai
- Ph.D. 2000, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Micron Technology
Contact: xuewenbai@yahoo.com
Jakob Bak
- Ph.D. 2000, Astro advised by Dr. Thomas Statler.
Present position: VP for Research, Mellon Bank of New York
Contact: jakob_bak1@hotmail.com
Chen-Hu Chang
- Ph.D. 2000, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Present position: Software Engineer, Bradley Corp.
Hong Chen
- Ph.D. 2000, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Graduate Student (Comp. Sci.),
Bassem Sabra
- Ph.D. 2000, Astro advised by Dr. Joe Shields.
Present position: Assistant Professor, Notre Dame University (Lebanon)
William Antel Jr.
- Ph.D. 1998,CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Gerry Harp.
Present position: Research Physicist, GE Global Research Center
Contact: antelwj@yahoo.com
Birgit Effey
- Ph.D. 1998,CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Contact: birgits@sbcglobal.net
Doru Florescu
- Ph.D. 1998,CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Present position: Staff Scientist, EMCORE Corp.
Contact: Doru_Florescu@Emcore.com
Tao Lin
- Ph.D. 1998,CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Gerry Harp.
Present position: R&D Engineer, Quantum Corp.
Francisco Mireles
- Ph.D. 1998,CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Associate Researcher, UNAM-CNyN, Ensenada (Mexico)
Contact: fmireles@cnyn.unam.mx
Markus Schwickert
- Ph.D. 1998,CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Gerry Harp.
Present position: Senior Reliability Engineer, Innovative Fluidics, Inc. (Austin TX)
Contact: schwick@ieee.org
Joseph Thomas
- Ph.D. 1998,CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Roger Rollins.
Present position: Technical Educator, C-Bridge
Vince Ballarotto
- Ph.D. 1998, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Physicist, Laboratory for Physical Sciences
Contact: vince@lps.umd.edu
David Cigna
- Ph.D. 1998, Nonlinear Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Present position: Systems & Control Engineer, Burleigh Instruments
Jianjun Dong
- Ph.D. 1998, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Associate Professor, Auburn University.
Contact: jjdong@physics.auburn.edu
Hector Guerrero
- Ph.D. 1998, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Present position: Faculty, Univ. de Monterrey
Zainuriah Hassan
- Ph.D. 1998, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Director of Institute of Nano Optoelectronics Research and Technology (INOR) at Universiti Sains Malaysia
Contact: zai@usm.my
Cheri Hautala
- Ph.D. 1998, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Present position: Manager, Remote Sensing Lab - Andrews
Contact: HautalCL@nv.doe.gov
Po-Lin Huang
- Ph.D. 1998, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: College Instructor, (Taiwan)
Jin-Hyun So
- Ph.D. 1998, Acoustics advised by Dr. Sung Yun.
Present position: Postdoc, Penn State Univ.
Contact: jinso@phys.psu.edu
Manny Tomaz
- Ph.D. 1998, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Gerry Harp.
Present position: IBM Almaden
Contact: tomazxyz@us.ibm.com
Joo Won Cho
- Ph.D. 1998, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
Present position: Software Developer, (Korea)
Saleh-Ibra Al-Quraishi
- Ph.D. 1997, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Assistant Professor, King Fahd Univ.
Mark Cobb
- Ph.D. 1997, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Sverdrup Technology
Ja Kyoung Song
- Ph.D. 1997, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Postdoc, Univ. of Washington
Contact: jsong@ikazki01.chem.washington.edu
Markus Loecher
- Ph.D. 1997, Nonlinear Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Present position: Science Consultant, Siemens Corp. Research
Contact: loecher@mailaps.org
Andreas Rhode
- Ph.D. 1997, Nonlinear Theory advised by Dr. Roger Rollins.
Present position: Quantitative Research, Bank of America Securities (New York)
Contact: martin.a.rhode@bofasecurities.com
Petra Stumm
- Ph.D. 1997, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Engineer, Siemens (US)
Stephen Weppner
- Ph.D. 1997, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Charlotte Elster.
Present position: Associate Professor, Eckerd College
Contact: weppnesp@eckerd.edu
Joel Keay
- Ph.D. 1996, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. David Ingram.
Present position: Postdoc, Univ. of Oklahoma
Contact: keay@mail.nhn.ou.edu
Kyung-Sik Kim
- Ph.D. 1996, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Present position: Research Assistant Prof., Sung Kyun Kwan Univ. (Korea)
Contact: kyungsik@color.skku.ac.kr
Eric Montei
- Ph.D. 1996, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: works on HAMR at Seagate Technology
Contact: eric.l.montei@seagate.com
Soon-Cheon Seo
- Ph.D. 1996, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. David Ingram.
Present position: Engineer, IBM R&D (Microelectronics)
Contact: sooncheo@us.ibm.com
Joe Shovlin
- Ph.D. 1996, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Staff Engineer, Fairchild Semiconductor
Contact: dr_joe_@hotmail.com
Xiaoju Wu
- Ph.D. 1996, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Dallas Semiconductor
Dominic Alfonso
- Ph.D. 1995, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa/Dr. David Drabold.
Present position: Scientist, Nat'l Energy Technology Lab (DOE)
Contact: dominic.alfonso@sag1.chem.pitt.edu
Raul Esquivel-Sirvent
- Ph.D. 1995, Acoustics advised by Dr. Sung Yun/Green.
Gregg Johnson
- Ph.D. 1995, Nonlinear Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Present position: Group Lead, Optinel Systems
Dmitrii Kachintsev
- Ph.D. 1995, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Financial Analyst, Morgan Stanley et al.
Contact: dkachin@gmail.com
Rodney Michael
- Ph.D. 1995, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Professor, Ashland Univ.
Contact: rmichael@ashland.edu
Chi Tang
- Ph.D. 1995, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. David Ingram.
Present position: Research Associate, PPG Industries Inc.
Contact: ctang@ppg.com
Hong Zhang
- Ph.D. 1995, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Computer Programmer, (Philadelphia)
Werner Abfalterer
- Ph.D. 1994, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Los Alamos Nat'l. Lab.
Fred Bateman
- Ph.D. 1994, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Physicist, NIST
Contact: fred.bateman@nist.gov
Adrian Garcia
- Ph.D. 1994, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Present position: Director, CICATA IPN Unidad Queretaro (Mexico)
James Guillemette
- Ph.D. 1994, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Junior College Instructor, (Maine)
Wenhai Han
- Ph.D. 1994, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Present position: Sr. Res. Scientist, Molecular Imaging Corp
Anita Kumar
- Ph.D. 1994, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
Xun Yang
- Ph.D. 1994, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Present position: Princ. Staff Sys. Architect,
Contact: xyang1@email.mot.com
Henry Clark
- Ph.D. 1993,Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Kenneth Hicks.
Present position: Accel. Phys./REF Proj. Dir., Texas A&M Univ.
Contact: clark@comp.tamu.edu
Seongsik Hong
- Ph.D. 1993,CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Andrea Richards.
Hui Li
- Ph.D. 1993,CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Present position: Hurley Medical Ctr.
Dick Pappas
- Ph.D. 1993,CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Present position: Battelle Northwest,
Punit Parmananda
- Ph.D. 1993,Nonlinear Theory advised by Dr. Roger Rollins.
Present position: Associate Professor, Morelos State Univ. (Mexico)
Contact: punit@caos.fc.uaem.mx
Earl Saito
- Ph.D. 1998,Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Ray Lane.
Present position: ADB Combustion Engineering,
Lian Wang
- Ph.D. 1993,Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Present position: Computer Programmer, (Indianapolis)
Congjun Wang
- Ph.D. 1993,CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Martin Kordesch.
Frank Xiaodong Lee
- Ph.D. 1993,Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Present position: Assistant Professor, George Washington Univ.
Contact: fxlee@eagle.phys.gwu.edu
Dan Cheng
- Ph.D. 1992, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Yong-Suk Joe
- Ph.D. 1992, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Present position: Professor, Ball State Univ.
Contact: ysjoe@bsu.edu
Sukesh Mahajan
- Ph.D. 1992, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Vivek Mishra
- Ph.D. 1992, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Director of Medical Physics, AMS- Baptist Hospital of Miami
Michael Sumption
- Ph.D. 1992, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Md. Amirul Hoque
- Ph.D. 1991, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Nourredine Boukharouba
- Ph.D. 1991, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Faculty, University of Guelma, Algeria
Brent K. Park
- Ph.D. 1991, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Present position: Associate Laboratory Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Contact: parkbk@ornl.gov
Jian-Kang Zhang
- Ph.D. 1991, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
Issam Abdel-Raziq
- Ph.D. 1990, Acoustics advised by Dr. Sung Yun.
Present position: Associate Professor, An-najah National University
Contact: iashqer@yahoo.com
George Irwin
- Ph.D. 1990, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Edward Sanford.
Yanhe Jin
- Ph.D. 1990, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
Frans P. Lautzenhiser
- Ph.D. 1990, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Edward Sanford.
Present position: Research Scientist, Heraeus CMD
Contact: flautzenhiser@4cmd.com
Jian Zhang
- Ph.D. 1990, CMSS Theory advised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa.
Didarul Islam Qadir
- Ph.D. 1989, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Present position: Professor, Central Michigan Univ.
Contact: qadir1di@cmich.edu
Ralf Adelseck
- Ph.D. 1988, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Present position: VP Business Development, Siemens ICN (Germany)
Contact: ralf.adelseck@icn.siemens.de
Rupak Das
- Ph.D. 1988, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Edward Sadowski
- Ph.D. 1988, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Ray Lane.
Sharad Saraf
- Ph.D. 1988, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Zhongren Su
- Ph.D. 1988, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Present position: V.P. & Director of R&D, XOCECO Ltd. (China)
Contact: suzr@xoceco.com.cn
Yun Wang
- Ph.D. 1988, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Cornelius Bennhold
- Ph.D. 1987, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Present position: deceased,
Paul Egun
- Ph.D. 1987, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Charles Brient.
Present position: Ahmadu Bello Univ. (Nigeria)
Steven Fast
- Ph.D. 1987, Acoustics advised by Dr. Sung Yun.
Peter LeMaire
- Ph.D. 1987, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Present position: Professor, Central Conn. State Univ.
Contact: lemaire@ccsu.edu
David Resler
- Ph.D. 1987, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Ray Lane.
Present position: Senior Network Engineer, Ohio Univ.
Contact: resler@ohio.edu
Dau Wang
- Ph.D. 1987, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Present position: Penetron, Inc.
Hung-Jen Kuo
- Ph.D. 1986, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Md. Saiful Islam
- Ph.D. 1986, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Associate Professor, Ball State Univ.
Contact: mislam@bsu.edu
Hirannaiah Satyanarayana
- Ph.D. 1986, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Medical Physicist(retired)
Indu Talwar
- Ph.D. 1986, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Present position: Assistant Professor, SUNY Geneseo
Contact: talwar@cs.geneseo.edu
Ricardo Alarcon
- Ph.D. 1985, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Present position: Professor, Arizona State Univ.
Contact: ricardo.alarcon@asu.edu
Steven Graham
- Ph.D. 1985, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Steve Grimes.
Present position: Community Worker, Plow Creek Fellowship
Contact: sbgraham@plowcreek.org
Mahfuza Khatun
- Ph.D. 1985, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Jeremiah Barry.
Present position: Professor, Ball State Univ.
Contact: mkhatun@bsu.edu
Charles Niederriter
- Ph.D. 1985, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Present position: Professor, Gustavus Adolphus College
Contact: chuck@gac.edu
Daniel Azofeifa
- Ph.D. 1984, Solid State advised by Dr. Tomoyusa Tanaka.
Present position: Profesor, Univ. de Costa Rica
Contact: daniel.azofeifa@ucr.ac.cr
Carlos Calle
- Ph.D. 1984, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Richard Koshel.
Present position: Lead Scientist, NASA Kennedy Sp. Ctr.
Contact: Carlos.I.Calle@nasa.gov
Paul Koehler
- Ph.D. 1984, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Ray Lane.
Present position: Oak Ridge National Lab
Majid Sawtarie
- Ph.D. 1984, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Tomoyusa Tanaka.
Present position: Professor & Dept. Chair, Bethany College
Contact: m.sawtarie@mail.bethanywv.edu
Ali Solemani Maigooni
- Ph.D. 1984, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Professor, Univ. of Kentucky Med. Ctr.
Contact: alimeig@pop.uky.edu
Farid Zamani-Noor
- Ph.D. 1984, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
Present position: Associate Professor, Villanova University
Contact: Farid.Zamani@villanova.edu
Baldev Bains
- Ph.D. 1983, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Richard Koshel.
Present position: Faculty, Punjab Univ., India
Rajendra Kurup
- Ph.D. 1983, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Steve Mellema
- Ph.D. 1983, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Professor, Gustavus Adolphus Coll.
Contact: mellema@gac.edu
Brian Scipioni
- Ph.D. 1983, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Ramesh Tailor
- Ph.D. 1983, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Prabhawati Durgapal
- Ph.D. 1982, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
Present position: VLSI Standards, Inc.
Carlos Munera
- Ph.D. 1982, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Jeremiah Barry.
Natthi Sharma
- Ph.D. 1982, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Tomoyusa Tanaka.
Present position: Faculty, Eastern Michigan Univ.
Contact: phy_sharma@online.emich.edu
Ming-Hui Huang
- Ph.D. 1981, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Charles Chen.
Keunha Koh
- Ph.D. 1981, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Rollins.
Present position: Faculty, Ajou Univ., Korea
Vivek Kulkarni
- Ph.D. 1981, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Satyavrat Mehrotra
- Ph.D. 1981, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Shailendra Shukla
- Ph.D. 1981, Acoustics advised by Dr. Sung Yun.
Present position: Research Asst. Professor, University of Florida
Contact: shukla@ufl.edu
Marijke Augusteijin
- Ph.D. 1980, Theory advised by Breitenberger.
Present position: Professor & Dept. Chair, Univ. of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Contact: mfa@cs.uccs.edu
Dan Kosik
- Ph.D. 1980, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Present position: Associate Professor, Butler Univ.
Contact: dkosik@butler.edu
Patrick Griffin
- Ph.D. 1979, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Richard Koshel.
Present position: Research Scientist, Sandia National Lab
Contact: pjgriff@sandia.gov
Prem K. Gupta
- Ph.D. 1979, Acoustics advised by Dr. Burt Stumpf.
Present position: Deceased,
Munukutla Lakshmi
- Ph.D. 1979, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Shivnath Dutta
- Ph.D. 1978, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
M. H. Hadizadeh-Y.
- Ph.D. 1978, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Faculty, Ferdosi Univ., Iran
Philip Honsinger
- Ph.D. 1978, High Energy Theory advised by Dr. James Dilley.
Mohammed Mirzaa
- Ph.D. 1978, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Present position: Associate Professor & Dept. Chair, University of Bahrain
Contact: mkmerza@hotmail.com
David Bainum
- Ph.D. 1977, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Director of Academic Computing, Washburn University
Contact: bainum@washburn.edu
Sudhir Kaicker
- Ph.D. 1977, High Energy Theory advised by Dr. James Dilley.
Present position: Director, Computer Ctr., Jawaharlal Nehru Univ. (India)
Contact: sudhir_kaicker@hotmail.com
Kee Soo Nam
- Ph.D. 1977, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Tomoyusa Tanaka.
Present position: Senior Scientist, Oceanogr. Data & Info. Ctr. (Seoul)
Claudio Soto
- Ph.D. 1977, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Present position: Professor, Univ. de Costa Rica
Contact: csoto@cariari.ucr.ac.cr
Garimella Venkatachalan
- Ph.D. 1977, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Robert Wang
- Ph.D. 1977, CMSS Experiment advised by Dr. Ronald Cappelletti.
Roger White
- Ph.D. 1977, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Ray Lane.
Retired from LLNL
Anjaneyulu Yellapu
- Ph.D. 1977, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Rollins.
Tarlok Cheema
- Ph.D. 1976, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Present position: Faculty, Punjab Univ., India
Kumaroth Devan
- Ph.D. 1976, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Charles Brient.
Present position: Faculty, Univ. of Gaborna, Botswana
Pierre Nagel
- Ph.D. 1976, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Richard Koshel.
Present position: System Manager, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (Paris, France)
Contact: nagel@nea.fr
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
- Ph.D. 1976, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Tomoyusa Tanaka.
Present position: Cambridge University
Contact: ramak@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Krishan Sud
- Ph.D. 1976, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Present position: Prof., Dir. Comp. Ctr., Udaipur Univ., India
Contact: ncamp12@yahoo.com
Eliseo Chan
- Ph.D. 1975, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Tomoyusa Tanaka.
Gabriel Doukellis
- Ph.D. 1975, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Juan Ferrer
- Ph.D. 1975, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Jacobo Rapaport.
Michael Twerdochlib
- Ph.D. 1975, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Brahm Bhandari
- Ph.D. 1974, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
Present position: Faculty, Univ. of Garyounie, Libya
Contact: dr.bsbhandari@gmail.com
David Eldridge
- Ph.D. 1974, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Edward Sanford.
William Tucker
- Ph.D. 1974, Solid State Experiment advised by Oja.
Present position: Professor, Florida A&M Univ.
William Frank
- Ph.D. 1973, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
Edwin Frederick
- Ph.D. 1973, Cosmic Rays advised by Dr. Charles Randall.
Present position: Planetarium Director, EcoTarium (Worcester MA)
Ralph Gibson
- Ph.D. 1973, High Energy Theory advised by Dr. James Dilley.
Present position: Deceased,
Siegfried Hausladen
- Ph.D. 1973, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Ray Lane.
Present position: Surgeon (retired), Head and Neck Surgery Associates
Contact: shmd1@aol.com
Peter Hoffmann-Pinther
- Ph.D. 1973, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Jerry Adams.
Present position: Professor, Univ. of Houston-Downtown
Contact: hoffmannpint@dt.uh.edu
Charles Nelson
- Ph.D. 1973, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Ray Lane.
Lowell Nelson
- Ph.D. 1973, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Wes Unruh.
James Prewitt
- Ph.D. 1973, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Louis Wright.
Louis Simonangeli
- Ph.D. 1973, High Energy Experiment advised by Dr. Darrell Huwe.
Basil Venitis
- Ph.D. 1973, High Energy Experiment advised by Dr. Darrell Huwe.
John Cox
- Ph.D. 1972, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Ray Lane.
Kenneth Flowers
- Ph.D. 1972, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Present position: Professor, Castleton State College
Contact: kenneTheoryflowers@castleton.edu
Richard Hentz
- Ph.D. 1972, Acoustics advised by Dr. Sung Yun.
Present position: Software Test Engineer, Raytheon Corp.
Contact: hentz@sels.rsc.raytheon.com
Jon Kinel
- Ph.D. 1972, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Jeremiah Barry.
Harold Knox
- Ph.D. 1972, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Deceased,
John Lemming
- Ph.D. 1972, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Scientist, Brookhaven National Lab
Contact: jlemming@bnl.gov
Wiu Man Ng
- Ph.D. 1972, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Jeremiah Barry.
Frank Schneider
- Ph.D. 1972, High Energy Experiment advised by Dr. Darrell Huwe.
Kallarackal Thomas
- Ph.D. 1972, Acoustics advised by Dr. Burt Stumpf.
Present position: Retired
Pawan Bindal
- Ph.D. 1971, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Richard Koshel.
William Bremner
- Ph.D. 1971, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Richard Koshel.
Cary Chen
- Ph.D. 1971, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Jerry Adams.
George Clovis
- Ph.D. 1971, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Richard Koshel.
James Fearday
- Ph.D. 1971, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Rollins.
Present position: Professor, Slippery Rock Univ.
Contact: james.fearday@sru.edu
Thomas Gibbons
- Ph.D. 1971, High Energy Theory advised by Dr. James Dilley.
Present position: Instructor, Clinton Comm. College
Contact: tgibbons@eicc.edu
Linsey Hess
- Ph.D. 1971, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Present position: Faculty, Montana Coll. of Mining & Tech.
Ted Leung
- Ph.D. 1971, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Richard Koshel.
Present position: Patient Counselor, National Institutes of Health
Contact: tleung@mail.cc.nih.gov
Ray Reighart
- Ph.D. 1971, Quantum Mechanics advised by Dr. Ernst Breitenberger.
Jerome Wagner
- Ph.D. 1971, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Rollins.
Present position: Professor, Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech.
Contact: Jerry.Wagner@Rose-Hulman.edu
Glen Westin
- Ph.D. 1971, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Jerry Adams.
Present position: Faculty, Prarie St. College
William Gargaro
- Ph.D. 1970, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
Contact: gargaro@bnet.org
Yan-Yum Lam
- Ph.D. 1970, Acoustics advised by Dr. Burt Stumpf.
Present position: Faculty, North Harris College
Contact: clement.lam@nhmccd.edu
John Malko
- Ph.D. 1970, High Energy Experiment advised by Dr. Darrell Huwe.
James Tison
- Ph.D. 1970, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Earle Hunt.
Kelly Weaver
- Ph.D. 1970, High Energy Experiment advised by Reynolds.
Jerry Wilson
- Ph.D. 1970, Acoustics advised by Dr. Sung Yun.
Present position: Retired
Joseph Abita
- Ph.D. 1969, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Charles Chen.
SungChae Chung
- Ph.D. 1969, High Energy Theory advised by Dr. James Dilley.
Philip Chute
- Ph.D. 1969, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Charles Chen.
Present position: Professor & Chair, Univ. of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Contact: chutepa@uwec.edu
Douglas Harrington
- Ph.D. 1969, Solid State Theory advised by Dr. Jeremiah Barry.
Thomas Lick
- Ph.D. 1969, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Wes Unruh.
Present position: Professor, Stetson Univ.
Contact: tlick@stetson.edu
Robert Mueller
- Ph.D. 1969, Theory advised by Dr. Ernst Breitenberger.
Present position: V.P. Intell. Pgms., Raytheon
William Updegraff
- Ph.D. 1969, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. David Onley.
Bruce Danner
- Ph.D. 1968, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Edward Sanford.
Present position: Professor Emeritus, Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech.
Jen-Shu Hsieh
- Ph.D. 1968, High Energy Experiment advised by Dr. Basharat Munir.
Charles Smith
- Ph.D. 1968, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Edward Sanford.
Present position: Professor, Univ. of Maine
Contact: Charless@maine.edu
Gene Stoppenhagen
- Ph.D. 1968, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Professor Emeritus, Ohio Univ. (Lancaster)
Contact: jgs60@att.net
Lawrence Crum
- Ph.D. 1967, Acoustics advised by Dr. Burt Stumpf.
Present position: Senior Scientist, Univ. of Washington
Contact: lac@apl.washington.edu
Ahmed Elatter
- Ph.D. 1967, High Energy Experiment advised by Dr. Basharat Munir.
Michael Gilpatrick
- Ph.D. 1967, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Charles Hess
- Ph.D. 1967, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Richard Koshel.
Present position: Professor, Univ. of Maine
Contact: hess@maine.edu
John Barkley
- Ph.D. 1966, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Edward Sanford.
Paul Beach
- Ph.D. 1966, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Attorney, Daugham, Kimmel, Geyer, & Beach
William Beam
- Ph.D. 1966, High Energy Experiment advised by Dr. Basharat Munir.
Thomas Boster
- Ph.D. 1966, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. John Edwards.
Robert Cassola
- Ph.D. 1966, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Richard Koshel.
Nguyen Hau
- Ph.D. 1966, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Edward Sanford.
Charles Howard
- Ph.D. 1966, High Energy Experiment advised by Dr. Vittitoe.
Jerald Lee
- Ph.D. 1966, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Wes Unruh.
Jerry Clark
- Ph.D. 1965, High Energy Theory advised by Dr. James Dilley.
Albert Frasca
- Ph.D. 1965, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Professor, Wittenberg Univ.
Contact: frasca@wittenberg.edu
Douglas Humphrey
- Ph.D. 1965, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Professor, Western Kentucky Univ.
Contact: douglas.humphrey@wku.edu
Tom Joldersma
- Ph.D. 1965, High Energy advised by Dr. Vittitoe.
Thomas Listerman
- Ph.D. 1965, Solid State Experiment advised by Dr. Edward Sanford.
Present position: Professor Emeritus, Wright State Univ.
Contact: thomaslisterman@yahoo.com
Tran Trong Gien
- Ph.D. 1965, Nuclear Theory advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Professor Emeritus, Mem. Univ. of Newfoundland
Contact: tgien@mun.ca
M. A. Ijaz
- Ph.D. 1964, High Energy Experiment advised by Dr. Basharat Munir.
Present position: Deceased,
William Gettys
- Ph.D. 1964, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.
Present position: Retired.
John Ray
- Ph.D. 1964, Theory advised by Dr. Gallaher.
Present position: Professor, Clemson University
Merwyn Vander Lind
- Ph.D. 1964, Cosmic Rays advised by Dr. Charles Randall.
Richard Castle
- Ph.D. 1963, Nuclear Experiment advised by Dr. Roger Finlay.