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2013 Physics & Astronomy Graduate Student Publications

A selection of referred publications.

L. Hlophe, Ch. Elster, R.C. Johnson, N.J. Upadhyay, F.M. Nunes, G. Arbanas, V. Eremenko, J.E. Escher, I.J. Thompson
Separable Representation of Phenomenological Optical Potentials of Woods-Saxon Type
Phys. Rev. C 88, 064608 (2013)

A. Orazbayev, Ch. Elster, S.P. Weppner
Open Shell Effects in a Microscopic Optical Potential for Elastic Scattering of 6(8)He
Phys. Rev. C 88, 034610 (2013)

Ch. Elster, A. Orazbayev, S.P. Weppner
Microscopic Optical Potentials for Helium-6 Scattering off Protons
Few Body Syst. 54, 1399 (2013)

Andrada-Oana Mandru, Reyes Garcia Diaz, Kangkang Wang, Kevin Cooper, Muhammad Haider, David C. Ingram, Noboru Takeuchi, and Arthur R. Smith
Heteroepitaxial Growth and Surface Structure of L10-MnGa(111) Ultra-thin Films on GaN(0001)
Applied Physics Letters 103, 161606 (2013)

Abhijit V. Chinchore, Kangkang Wang, Meng Shi, Andrada Mandru, Yinghao Liu, Muhammad Haider, Arthur R. Smith, Valeria Ferrari, Maria Andrea Barral, and Pablo Ordejon
Manganese 3x3 and sqrt3 x sqrt3-R30o Structures and Structural Phase Transition on w-GaN(000-1) Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and First-principles Theory
Physical Review B 87, 165426 (2013)

A.P.D.Ramirez, A.V.Voinov, S.M.Grimes, A.Schiller, C.R.Brune, T.N.Massey, A.Salas-Bacci
Nuclear level densities of 64, 66Zn from neutron evaporation
Phys. Rev. C 88, 064324 (2013)

D. Keller and K. Hicks
U-spin predictions of the transition magnetic moments of the electromagnetic decay of the Sigma(1385) baryons
Eur. Phys. J. A, 49, 53-58 (2013)

Mahmoud M. Asmar and S. E. Ulloa
Rashba spin orbit interaction and birefringent electron optics in graphene
Phys. Rev. B 87, 075420 (2013)

U.G.E. Perera. F. Ample, H. Kersell, Y. Zhang, G. Vives, J. Echeverria, M. Grisolia, G. Rapenne, C. Joachim, and S.-W. Hla
Controlled Clockwise and Anticlockwise Rotational Switching of a Molecular Motor
Nature Nanotechnology 8, 46-51 (2013)

D. Androic et al. (including R. Beminiwattha, P.M. King, J.H. Lee, J. Roche and B. Waidyawansa)
First Determination of the Weak Charge of the Proton
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 141803 (2013)

D. Wang  et al. (including R. Beminiwattha, P.M. King, J.H. Lee, J. Roche and B. Waidyawansa)
Measurement of the Parity-Violating Asymmetry in Electron-Deuteron Scattering in the Nucleon Resonance Region
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 082501 (2013)

Swati Ramanathan, Greg Petersen, Kushal Wijesundara, Ramana Thota, E. A. Stinaff et al.
Quantum-confined Stark effects in coupled InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 213101 (2013)

B. Prasai, G. Chen, and D. A. Drabold
Direct ab-initio molecular dynamic study of ultrafast phase change in Ag-alloyed Ge2Sb2Te5
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 041907 (2013)

W. Tang, K. Hicks et al. (CLAS Collaboration)
Cross sections for the γp→K*+Λ and γp→K*+Σ0 reactions measured at CLAS
Phys. Rev. C 87, 065204 (2013)

H. Zhang and M. Böttcher
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Polarization in Leptonic and Hadronic Jet Models of Blazars
Astrophysical Journal, 774, 18 (2013)

B. Acharya, C. Ji, D.R. Phillips
Implications of a matter-radius measurement for the structure of Carbon-22
Physics Letters B, 723, Issues 1-3, (2013)

B. Acharya, Daniel R. Phillips
19C in halo EFT: Effective-range parameters from Coulomb dissociation experiments
Nuclear Physics A, 913, (2013)

Chen Ji, Daniel R. Phillips
Effective Field Theory Analysis of Three-Boson Systems at Next-To-Next-To-Leading Order
Few-Body Systems (2013)

B. Prasai, M. E. Kordesch, D. A. Drabold and G. Chen
Atomistic origin of rapid crystallization of Ag-doped GeSbTe alloys: a joint experimental and theoretical study
Phys. Stat. Sol. B 250 1785 (2013)