Psychology Faculty Accomplishments
2016 Faculty Accomplishments
The research of Ain Simpson and Kim Rios was featured in the Huffington Post (opens in a new window).
Ryan Shorey was notified that his R21 grant proposal, The Temporal Association between Alcohol and Dating Violence: Moderators in Young Adult Couples, will be funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Chris Gidycz will be a co-Investigator on this grant.
Jeff Vancouver has been appointed by the Dean as the Byham Chair in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
Steve Evans and Julie Owens were notified that a three-year multi-site grant proposal that they submitted with colleagues at the University of British Columbia has been funded by the Institute of Education Sciences. The aim of this project is to develop and then evaluate a school-based version of Making Socially Acceptable and Inclusive Classrooms (MOSAIC), an intervention designed to address social impairment and academic engagement about youth with peer problems.
Peggy Zoccola was selected to receive a 2016 APA Early Career Achievement Award. She was also promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
Kim Rios was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. She was also interviewed about her research on stereotypes about Christians in science (opens in a new window) for NPR's Morning Edition. Kim's collaborators include Rebecca Totton, one of her graduate students, as well as colleagues at the University of Oregon.
Julie Owens was awarded seed funding from the Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research to bring together an interdisciplinary group to develop a project to study how to enhance school capacity to provide evidence-based support for young children with behavior problems.
Chris France was notified that NIH is going to fund his grant titled :"Blood Donor Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness Enhancement (Blood Donor CARE)". Funding is for five years.
2015 Faculty Accomplishments
Ken Holroyd was the 2015 recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Headache Society.
Ryan Shorey was selected to receive the 2015 American Psychological Foundation's Visionary Fund Grant.
Peggy Zoccola was chosen to receive the 2014-15 Jeanette G. Grasselli Brown Faculty Teaching Award in the Social Sciences.
Sandra Hoyt was chosen to receive a 2014-15 Dean's Outstanding Teaching Award.
Julie Owens received funding from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), US Department of Education. The grant, which she is a Co-PI with Rob Volpe and Amy Briesch at Northeastern University, is titled "Development and Validation of a Web-based System for Monitoring Social Behavior".
Ryan C. Johnson won Best Article Award in the journal Personnel Psychology for "Work-Family Conflict and Flexible Work Arrangements: Deconstructing Flexibility". Johnson's co-authors were Tammy D. Allen, Kaitlin M. Kiburz and Kristen M. Shockley.
Keith Markman was named the editor of the journal Social and Personality Psychology Compass. Unique in its range, Social and Personality Psychology Compass is an online-only journal publishing original, peer-reviewed surveys of current research and theory from across the entire discipline.
2014 Faculty Accomplishments
Drs. Fran and Brian Wymbs organized Camp BOOST during July 2014. Camp BOOST is a two-week enriching recreational and academic program aimed at giving children (aged 6-13) an academic, behavioral, and social boost on the academic school year. There were 10 graduate students from clinical psychology and six undergraduate students who received 120 clinical hours (40 training hours, 80 direct-service hours) from participating in this experience. This experience allowed graduate students to learn evidence-based treatments in treating children with behavior problems, including ADHD. The undergraduate counselors had a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience delivering this state-of-the-art behavioral treatment to children from a broad range of ages and backgrounds that may well shape their future academic and career goals.
Steve Evans was honored by being elected a Fellow of Division 53 (Clinical Child Psychology) of the American Psychological Association.
Chris France was named as the 2014 Ohio University Distinguished Professor.
Claudia Gonzalez-Vallejo received an invitation to sit on the editorial board of Decision, a new APA journal devoted to the topic of decision making.
Keith Markman was named Associate Editor of Social Cognition.
Julie Owens was invited to join the Society for the Study of School Psychology. This is an invitation-only group of established researchers who study school psychology issues.
Julie Owens was selected to serve on the Institute of Education Sciences' Special Education Research Scientific Review Panel. (The Institute of Education Sciences is the research arm of the U.S. Department of Education.)
Kim Rios was named Associate Editor of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
Ryan Shorey received The Deborah L. Rhatigan Early Career Award for Excellence in Violence Research from the Child Maltreatment and Interpersonal Violence Special Interest Group of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Julie Suhr who was named an Associate Editor for the APA journal Psychological Assessment.
Jeff Vancouver was chosen to serve as one of seven panelists on the National Science Foundation Science of Organizations Program.
Jeff Vancouver was an invited speaker at the 26th APS Annual Convention in San Francisco on May 22-25, 2014.
2013 Faculty Accomplishments
The Ohio University Industrial/Organizational Psychology program was ranked second in the country based on scholarly productivity, after adjusting for number of faculty (Beiler, Doerr, Zimmerman, & Clark, 2013). Unadjusted for number of faculty, the Ohio University I/O program ranked 24th in the country.
Publications & Books
Faculty in the Psychology Department published or had accepted for publication 110 articles between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013. During this period, Group I faculty members alone averaged 5.0 (Mdn = 4) articles published or accepted for publication. The list of articles published in highly influential outlets includes the following:
- Hom, P. Mitchell, T., Lee, T., & Griffeth, R. (2012). Reviewing employee turnover: Focusing on proximal withdrawal states and an expanded criterion. Psychological Bulletin, 138, 831-858.
Faculty members published or had accepted for publication four books and 30 book chapters. The list of books follows:
- Weeks, J. W. (Ed.). (in press). The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of social anxiety disorder. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Markman, K. D., Proulx, T., & Lindberg, M. J. (Eds.). (2013). The psychology of meaning. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Vigo, R. (in press). Mathematical principles of human conceptual behavior (Scientific psychology series). New York: Taylor and Francis.
- Weist, M. D., Lever, N. A., Bradshaw, C. P., & Owens, J. S. (Eds.) (in press). Handbook of school mental health: Research, training, practice, and policy (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
The following book chapter is particularly noteworthy because of the longevity and prestige of the series in which it was published:
- Alicke, M. D., Zell, E., & Guenther, C. (2013). Social self-analysis: Constructing protecting and enhancing the self. In J. M. Olson & M. P. Zanna (Eds.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol. 48, pp 173-234). New York: Elsevier.
Conference Presentations
Faculty presented 160 conference presentations or invited addresses between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013. More specifically, Group I faculty members averaged 7.6 (Mdn = 8) conference presentations or invited addresses. These included the following.
- Biing-Jiun Shen received a Citation Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in San Francisco, CA for his presentation titled "Reciprocal influences between psychological distress and physical health functioning in heart failure patients."
- Mark Alicke gave invited presentations at University College, London and Ohio State University.
- Chris Gidycz gave an invited presentation at the National Scientific Meeting on Violence Against Women on College Campuses at Lexington, KY.
- Claudia Gonzalez-Vallejo gave invited talks at the University of Maryland and Ohio State University.
- Keith Markman gave invited presentations at the University of Michigan, University of Tennessee, University of Toronto, and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and an invited paper at the International Conference on Thinking in London.
- Jeff Vancouver gave an invited address at the University of Florida.
- Justin Weeks gave an invited address at Bar-Ilan University and at the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Center in Israel.
- Peggy Zoccola gave invited addresses at the Flagstad Conference in Hamar, Norway.
- 4. Seven faculty members were the principal investigator or co-principal investigator on one or more external grants. Following are grants that were newly awarded to faculty during the 2012-2013 academic year:
- Steve Evans (PI): Helping Adolescents with ADHD Succeed at School. Ohio Education Research Center, 2013-14.
- Julie Owens (PI): Development of Strategies to Increase Teacher Integrity in a Daily Report Card Intervention for Children with or at-risk for ADHD. Institute of Education Sciences, 2012-15.
- Rodger Griffeth (PI): Proximal States of Organizational Participation and Withdrawal: Measurement Development and Theory Validation. Society for Human Resource Management, 2013-15.
- Kim Rios (PI): Religious identity as stereotype threat: Understanding effects of the science-religion conflict on the self-concept and Academic Performance. John Tempelton Foundation, 2013-15.
- Dan Lassiter (PI): Video-recorded Interrogations: Beyond Camera Perspective. National Science Foundation, 2012-14.
Journal Editors
The 21 Group I faculty members in the Psychology Department served as editors of four journals, as associate editors of three journals, and as editorial board members of 26 journals.
- Editors were Steve Evans (School Mental Health), Chris France (Annals of Behavioral Medicine), Rodger Griffeth (Human Resource Management Review), Keith Markman (Social and Personality Psychology Compass)
- Associate editors were Bruce Carlson (Journal of Statistics Education), Keith Markman (Social Cognition), Kimberly Rios (Journal of Applied Social Psychology), Julie Suhr (Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology)
- Editorial board members were Mark Alicke (Self and Identity), Steve Evans (Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review, Behavioral Disorders, Journal of Attention Disorders, Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, Education and Treatment of Children), Chris France (Journal of Caffeine Research), Chris Gidycz (Journal of Interpersonal Violence), Claudia Gonzalez-Vallejo (Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Decision Analysis, Acta Psychologica), Rodger Griffeth (Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of Management), Dan Lassiter (Legal and Criminological Psychology, Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology), Keith Markman (Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Self & Identity), Julie Owens (Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, School Mental Health), Kimberly Rios (Social Cognition, Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology), Julie Suhr (The Clinical Neuropsychologist), Jeff Vancouver (Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Business and Psychology)
Grant Reviewers
Faculty members served on federal and private foundation grant review committees.
- Chris France was chosen to be Chair of the NIH Behavioral Medicine, Interventions, and Outcomes (BMIO) Study section.
- Claudia Gonzalez-Vallejo was chosen to serve as a member of the NIH Cognition and Perception Study Section.
- Steve Evans was chosen to serve as a member of the Interventions Committee for Disorders Involving Children and their Families (ITVC) at the NIMH.
- Chris France served as a member of the National Blood Foundation Grant Review Committee.
- Peggy Zoccola served as a participant in the NIH Early Career Review Program.
- 7. Faculty members played critical roles in organizing national professional conferences.
- Justin Weeks is the Program Chair for the Annual Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies Meeting.
- Steve Evans co-chaired the International School Mental Health Research Summit as a preconference for the Annual Conference on School Mental Health meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Kimberly Rios was one of the organizers of the Attitudes Preconference at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
- 8. Faculty members were engaged in numerous professional activities nationally in addition to those already mentioned.
- Chris France served on the APA, Divison 38 Nominations Committee and on the Board of Directors for the Society of Behavioral Medicine.
- Peggy Zoccola served as a Mentor for the American Psychosomatic Society Conference.
- Chris Gidycz served as a subject matter expert for the U.S Air Force.
- Dan Lassiter served as a member of the Book Award Committee for the American Psychology-Law Society and as an invited member of the Research Committee of the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG), an intelligence group created by President Obama.
- Steve Evans has served as a member of the national advisory board for the Center for School Mental Health Assistance and as a special advisor to the director for school mental health research since 2003 and served as a member of the grant review committee for young professionals for the Society for the Study of School Psychology in 2012-13 and the review committee for "Article of the Year" for Journal of School Psychology.
- Julie Suhr was selected as an Exam Writer for the Examination for Professional Practice of Psychology (EPPP), which is the national licensing examination developed by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB).
- Mark Alicke conducted a program evaluation for the Department of Psychology at Central Michigan University.
Awards for Teaching, Research & Service
Faculty members were honored for their teaching, research, and service.
- Chris France was elected to the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research.
- Chris France earned the 2012-13 College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Outstanding Teaching Award.
- Susan Tice-Alicke earned the 2012-13 College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Group II Special Recognition Award.