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Sociology & Anthropology Student Organizations & Honor Societies

Sociology Organizations

Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honors Society Emblem

Alpha Kappa Delta Honor Society, Sociology

Sociology students who qualify can become life-long members of the Beta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta (opens in a new window), the International Honor Society for Sociology. Members join with thousands of others who identify nationally as successful Sociology students. In addition, members are eligible for awards based on competitive essay contests (opens in a new window) conducted by Alpha Kappa Delta.

Membership Criteria: To become a member, several criteria must be met. The eligible student must be a Sociology major and hold at least a 3.3 GPA. The one-time cost of joining Alpha Kappa Delta is $50. Students interested in Alpha Kappa Delta can contact Dr. Amanda Cox for additional information.

Alpha Phi Sigma

Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society, Criminal Justice

The mission of Alpha Phi Sigma is the promotion of critical thinking, rigorous scholarship, life-long learning, and the elevation of the ethical standards of the criminal justice professions.

Membership Criteria: Sociology students who qualify can become life-long members of the Delta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma (opens in a new window), the National Honor Society for Criminal Justice. Members join with thousands of others who identify nationally as successful students of criminal justice and criminology.

To become a member, several criteria must be met. The eligible student must be a Sociology-Criminology major of junior standing or more and must hold at least a 3.2 GPA. The one-time cost of joining Alpha Phi Sigma is $50. Students interested in Alpha Phi Sigma can contact Dr. Amanda Cox for more information.

Sociology-Criminology Club

The Sociology-Criminology Club is an academic forum for students majoring in Sociology-Criminology to discuss and explore issues related to society and crime as well as obtain information on relevant career opportunities. Club activities have included a career fair, tours of various criminal justice agencies (crime labs, juvenile facilities, and adult penitentiaries), an overnight ghost-hunt at a closed state prison, and a variety of guest speakers, including local and regional criminologists, federal law enforcement agents, and former inmates and ex-offenders.

The club is also a gateway organization to Alpha Phi Sigma, the national criminal justice honors society. For more information, contact faculty adviser Dr. Nicole Kaufman.

Sociology-Criminology Club on Bobcat Connect (opens in a new window)

Sociology-Criminology Club at Ohio University Lancaster on Bobcat Connect (opens in a new window)

Anthropology Organizations

Lambda Alpha

Lambda Alpha Honors Society, Anthropology

Anthropology students who qualify can become life-long members of the Delta Chapter of Lambda Alpha (opens in a new window), the National Honor Society for Anthropology. Members join with thousands of others who identify nationally as successful Anthropology students. In addition, members are eligible for awards based on competitive essay contests conducted by Lambda Alpha.

Membership Criteria: To become a member, several criteria must be met. The eligible student must be an Anthropology major of junior standing or more and must hold at least a 3.0 GPA. The one-time cost of joining Lambda Alpha is $25. Please contact Dr. Nancy Tatarek for additional information.

Ohio Student Anthropology Society

The Ohio Student Anthropology Society seeks to provide members professional and career development skills to supplement their academic training. It is also a social organization for anthropology students or students in any other major who are interested.

OSAS meets Thursdays 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Bentley 205. All interested students are welcome to join and engage in upcoming events.

Connect with the Anthropology Society on Bobcat Connect (opens in a new window)