The Social Justice Certificate prepares students for careers in non-governmental organizations, international organizations, community organizations, social work, counseling, public policy, advocacy, education, justice professions, and law.
Social Justice Certificate
The Social Justice Certificate provides liberal arts training in the theory and practice of social justice, providing critical thinking and social consciousness skills that can be applied in a number of fields.
It is organized around core competencies necessary for effective analysis and advocacy leading to social transformation.
Students may study social justice issues in local, national and international arenas so that they may become more informed citizens and community leaders.
Admission to the Certificate
Students from all colleges and departments are invited to pursue a Minor in Anthropology.
To apply, use the form on this page: Declaring & Changing Majors & Minors in Arts & Sciences.
Courses & Curriculum
With courses from a wide array of social science and humanities disciplines, the Social Justice Certificate curriculum emphasizes a practice-oriented approach that enables students to understand and respond to social disparities and structural inequalities associated with race, class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, nationality, and other identities.
View Certificate Requirements in the Official Academic Catalog (opens in a new window)
Contact Us
If you have questions or would like more information about the Social Justice Certificate, contact Dr. Haley Duschinski.
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