Access online help resources or schedule a time with OIT staff to address your technology questions.
Online Teaching Resources
The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CTLA) offers many resources to help instructors create successful online and hybrid courses.
Instructional Design
Book time with an Office of Instructional Innovation instructional designer to discuss options for teaching online, in a hybrid format, using a flipped classroom model, redesigning your assessments and other related topics.
Research Expertise
Schedule a time with a Subject Matter Librarian, Archivist or Regional Campus Librarian to discuss course materials, including low-cost and supplemental resources.
Articles, Documents and Presentations
Relevant Articles
- 6 Tips for Teaching Online and In Person Simultaneously (opens in a new window)
- Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms: Teaching Students In The Room And Online Simultaneously (opens in a new window)
Documents and Presentations
- Tips and Checklists for Organizing Your Course in Blackboard (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Strategies and Tips for Effective Asynchronous Online Courses handout (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Strategies and Tips for Effective Asynchronous Online Courses presentation slides (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Flipped Learning handout (PDF) (opens in a new window)
Online Learning Videos
Putting Your Course Online in a Hurry
Straightforward examples, tips, and suggestions for how to transition to online teaching in as stress-free a manner as possible. (40 minutes)
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