Teaching and Technology Videos
Explore videos on this page to learn more about various teaching and learning topics, including online and remote teaching strategies, student well-being and engagement, creating an inclusive pedagogy and technology support.
Pedagogy Videos
Designing and Developing Courses for a Hybrid Environment
Instructional designers Dr. Patrick Mose, Becky Simons, and K.K Komey from the Office of Instructional Innovation and Librarian Dr. Chris Guder share ideas and strategies for designing hybrid courses. (59 minutes)
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Online Teaching and Learning Videos
Intro to Online Teaching
Learn how to conduct an analysis of learner needs and an analysis of course needs as well as how to write goals, learning objectives, and learning outcomes. (1 hour, 3 minutes — includes post-presentation discussion)
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Assessment Videos
Authentic Assessments
In this session, Audra Anjum, Office of Instructional Innovation, Jody Monk, Office of Instructional Innovation, and Sherri Saines, Libraries, discuss what authentic assessment is and how best to implement authentic assessments in your course. (57 minutes)
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Additional Pedagogy Videos
Options and Considerations Around Affordable Course Materials (opens in a new window)
Learn about the options OHIO instructors have in the selection of quality course materials that meet their course objectives but enable savings for students. Presenters review the pros and cons of a variety of commercial textbook alternatives, methods for discovery and inclusion, and the University’s support structures around these options. (31 minutes)
Student Development Theory for Online Instruction (opens in a new window)
Introductory information about student development theory and actionable steps you can take in the (digital) classroom. (1 hour)
Pedagogy Supplemental Materials
Designing Your Syllabi: Laying an Inclusive Foundation
An Introduction to Experiential Learning
Running Effective Discussions
- PowerPoint Presentation: Effective Discussions (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Effective Discussions handout (PDF) (opens in a new window)
Authentic Assessment
- Presentation slides (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Authentic Assessment handout (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Article: Facilitating Effective Collaboration in Virtual Student Teams (opens in a new window)
Online Experiential Learning
- PowerPoint Presentation: Online Experiential Learning (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Active Learning while Physical Distancing 2.0 (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- NSEE Principles of Best Practice in Experiential Education (PDF) (opens in a new window)
Tips for Teaching Large Enrollment Classes Online
- PowerPoint Presentation: Engaging Large Classes Online (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Tips for Engaging Large Classes Online (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Blackboard Organization Tips (PDF) (opens in a new window)
Asynchronous Online Teaching
- Presentation Slides (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Strategies and Tips for Effective Asynchronous Online Courses Handout (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Tips and Checklists for Organizing your Course in Blackboard (PDF) (opens in a new window)
Flipped Learning
Creating Authentic Assessments
Inclusive Pedagogy Videos
Videos in this section offer support for creating an inclusive pedagogy.
Inclusive Pedagogy Overview
Dr. M. Geneva Murray, former Director of the Women’s Center within the Division of Diversity and Inclusion, introduces instructors to inclusive pedagogy and techniques to begin incorporating inclusive pedagogy into their courses. (58 minutes)
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Inclusive Pedagogy Supplemental Materials
Inclusive Pedagogy Overview
- IPA Overview Handout (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Qualtrics: Pre-class Survey Example (opens in a new window) (Downloadable Document (DOCX) (opens in a new window) that can be uploaded into Qualtrics)
- eBook: Kathryn C. Oleson’s Promoting Inclusive Classroom Dynamics in Higher Education (opens in a new window) (access eBook via Alden Library)
- Guidance for Accessibility (opens in a new window)
- Checklist for Accessible Course Content (opens in a new window)
Course Engagement and Classroom Management
Explore ways to promote student well-being, maximize student success and engage with students in online courses.
Well-being in Times of Challenge
There are many aspects of our well-being and the needs of students can vary greatly. This session will explain the Division of Student Affairs’ framework for well-being and the resources available to support students. Panelists will explore how faculty can infuse well-being into work with students in the classroom and beyond. (56 minutes)
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Supplemental Materials
Helping to Maximize Student Success: Managing the Expectations of Ourselves and Our Students
- Helping to Maximize Student Success Presentation (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Helping to Maximize Student Success Worksheet (DOCX) (opens in a new window)
- Sample Motivational Syllabus (DOCX) (opens in a new window)
- Sample First Class Presentation (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Sample Last Class Presentation (PDF) (opens in a new window)
- Questions Students and Instructors Should Be Asking (DOCX) (opens in a new window)
- Instructor- and Student-Focused Managing Up (DOCX) (opens in a new window)
Connecting and Engaging with our Students in the Virtual Classroom
Technology Videos
Videos in this section offer support for technology, navigating and using the learning management system and setting up courses in a hybrid or online environment.
Course Layout Basics
Introduction to best practices in laying out your course for keeping students focused on content rather than course navigation. (48 minutes)
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Additional Technology Videos
Creating Assignments that Leverage Digital Library Resources: A Panel Presentation (opens in a new window)
OHIO librarians share and describe examples of their collaborations with instructors to utilize library resources, meet information-literacy and course-specific learning outcomes, and effectively engage students in the remote learning environment. (51 minutes)
Qualtrics Overview (opens in a new window)
Learn how to create, distribute and review the results from a basic Qualtrics survey. (43 minutes)
Technology Video Supplemental Materials
Starter Guide to Streaming Resources: Film & Media Subject Guide (opens in a new window)
This presentation offers highlights of the four media streaming platforms available via the University Libraries (Academic Videos Online, Swank, Films on Demand, Kanopy), including details on access through embedding and stable URLs, as well as making playlists and creating clips. (14 slides)