It’s been exciting to see the CTLA gain prominence in recent years and be part of some of its endeavors from workshops and focus groups to leading the development of the Peer Teaching Observation Program (PTOP) in 2023-2024 and now facilitating the return of the Bruning Teaching Academy.
I’m the James S. Reid/Standard Products Company Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Charles J. Ping Institute for the Teaching of the Humanities, Professor of English, and Director of the Master of Arts in English (MAE) Online program.
As a teacher of teachers, curriculum development and course design are my passion because they are multifaceted endeavors that involve content mastery, organization, presentation, creativity and pedagogical know-how. I enjoy the challenge of figuring out how to put the various pieces together in a way that resonates well with students and steps instruction so that students can accomplish big tasks without being overwhelmed.
I’ve found that students respond well to and ultimately perform at higher levels when they have routine accountability. Students are savvy and figure out early in the term which professors will hold them accountable for completing course readings and assignments and which ones won’t. Class meetings are always better when students come prepared, and I want to be on the receiving end of that, so I employ multiple means to help ensure students come ready to learn and participate.
It’s also important to provide students with a balance of recognition for what they’ve done well and a continued push to help them achieve at higher levels. Clear and detailed assignments, models and rubrics help students to succeed and support students’ value of consistency and transparency. I aim for my classroom to be like my home and relationships – where we each do our part, accept responsibility, develop trust over time, demonstrate mutual respect, fairness, and kindness, and have fun as we journey together.