Recommended Syllabus Information
The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment offers recommendations for information to include in your syllabus. In addition, as of March 31, 2023, instructors are required to include language related to reasonable accommodations of sincere religious beliefs and practices (found under "Policy Information").
Course Information
- Location and days, time and duration
- Required materials and texts
During the transition to Canvas, students will have some courses delivered in Canvas and others in Blackboard. Instructors should clearly indicate on their syllabus which system their courses will use. It is recommended that instructors include one of the two following statements:
As part of Ohio University's learning management system transition, this course will be delivered in Canvas. Course materials, discussions, activities, assessments, and assignments, as well as student grades, can be accessed through (opens in a new window). Continuous 24/7 Canvas support is available through the “Get Help” link in the lefthand navigation menu in Canvas or by visiting the Office of Information Technology’s Canvas student help page (opens in a new window).
This course will be conducted using Blackboard. Course materials, discussions, activities, assessments, and assignments, as well as student grades, can be accessed through For assistance with Blackboard, visit the Office of Information Technology’s Blackboard help page (opens in a new window).
- Course description: purpose, goals, outcomes
- Last day to drop course
- Course requisites
- Relation of course with larger program, major and/or curriculum
- Course evaluations and their importance (include date if done electronically in class)
- Special notes regarding online or hybrid courses
- Calendar of activities. including readings, materials to review, relevant session activities, assignments, assessments, etc.
Instructor Information
- Office hours and location
- Phone and email address, including contact preferences and anticipated timeframes for response
- Brief instructor biography
- Brief teaching philosophy statement/approach to teaching
Grading Information
- Grading scales
- Grading rubrics
- Coursework guidelines (deadlines, submission, format, etc.)
- Rationale for required assignments/course work
- Participation
Policy Information
- Classroom use of cell phones, tablets, laptops, and other electronic devices
- Expectations for classroom engagement, language and behavior, and/or respectful dialogue
- Course policy on use of technologies like ChatGPT or AI
- Policy on absences
- Policy on making up work.
Diversity and Inclusion Information
View the Diversity and Inclusion Statement examples document [Word] (opens in a new window) for details on the following sections.
- Diversity and Inclusion Statement
- Content Warning (Safe Learning Environments)
- Guidance for Productive Conversations
- Gender and Pronouns
- Accessibility Services (opens in a new window)
Sexual Misconduct and Mandatory Reporting
Sample language you can include and personalize in your syllabus:
Basic Information:
All students and employees at Ohio University have the right to work and learn in an environment free from sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct. With the exception of the confidential resources listed below, all OHIO employees are required to report any instances of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance (ECRC).
If you or someone you know has experienced sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct, and you would like to make a report, please contact OHIO’s Director of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance (ECRC) and Title IX Coordinator. Ways to make a report include:
- Visit the Equity and Civil Rights Compliance website (opens in a new window) and click the "Submit a Report" button
- Walk-in or mail:
Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance
Kerri Griffin, J.D., Director and Title IX Coordinator
Ohio University
Lindley Hall 006
Athens, Ohio 45701- Phone: 740.593.9140
- Fax: 740.593.9168
- Email: or
When a report is made to ECRC, it leads to outreach where the alleged victim can receive information about their options for medical services, counseling, reporting to law enforcement, requesting an investigation, and other supportive measures, such as assistance with class adjustments, work schedules, housing arrangements, etc. If you are not yet ready to have something that happened to you or someone else reported, you can speak confidentially with the Survivor Advocacy Program (740-597-SAFE or (opens in a new window)), Counseling and Psychological Services (740.593.1616 or (opens in a new window)) or Campus Care (740.592.7100).
Longer Personalized Option:
We all share in the responsibility to create a safe learning environment for students and the campus as a whole. With the exception of the confidential resources listed below, all OHIO employees are required to report any instances of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance (ECRC). If you share that you or another OHIO student has had any of these experiences (including, but not limited to, through class discussion, papers, office hours or other scenarios), it is my responsibility to notify ECRC.
Your safety and the safety of others is important to me. Therefore, I take seriously my responsibility to report to the Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance. Reports are made to the Title IX Coordinator electronically at by selecting the “report sexual misconduct” tab, by phone at 740.593.9140,by fax at 740.593.9168, or by email at or
When a report is made to ECRC, it leads to outreach where the alleged victim can receive information about their options for medical services, counseling, reporting to law enforcement, requesting an investigation, and other supportive measures, such as, assistance with class adjustments, work schedules, housing arrangements, etc.
If you are not yet ready to have something that happened to you or someone else reported to ECRC, you can speak confidentially with the Survivor Advocacy Program (740-597-SAFE or (opens in a new window)), Counseling and Psychological Services (740.593.1616 or (opens in a new window)) or Campus Care (740.592.7100)
Shorter Personalized Option:
All OHIO faculty and staff share in the responsibility to create a safe learning environment for students and for the campus as a whole. With the exception of the confidential resources listed below, all OHIO employees are required to report any instances of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance (ECRC), even if they learn of it through classroom assignments, discussions or the like. Reports are made to the Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance and can be made electronically at by selecting the “report sexual misconduct” tab, by phone at 740.593.9140, by fax at 740.593.9168, or by email at or If you are not yet ready to have something that happened to you or someone else reported to ECRC, you can speak confidentially with the Survivor Advocacy Program (740-597-SAFE or (opens in a new window)), Counseling and Psychological Services (740.593.1616 or or Campus Care (740.592.7100).
Confidential Resources
No information will be shared with third parties without your written permission, except in circumstances involving potential harm to self or others (e.g., suicide, homicide or other life-threatening behaviors), suspected child or elder abuse or neglect and court subpoena of counseling records.
- Counseling and Psychological Services – 740.593.1616
- Campus Care – 740.593.1660
- The Survivor Advocacy Program – 740.597.SAFE (7233)
Private Resources
Conversations are kept as confidential as possible, but information is shared with key staff members so the University can offer resources and accommodations, and to take action if necessary, for safety reasons.
- Ohio University Police Department – 740.593.1911
- The Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance – 740.593.9140
- The Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility – 740.593.2629
Additional Considerations
- Welcome statement
- Resources: Finding help/available support along with contact information
- Advice for success
- Questions from students
- Student Affairs One-Stop Student Resource Hub (opens in a new window)
- Basic needs statement: Any student who has difficulty affording groceries of accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to contact the Dean of Students Office for support. The Food Pantry is located on the 5th floor of Baker Center and is open to all students. Additional resources can be found on the Dean of Students website (opens in a new window) under Bobcats Helping Bobcats.