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Excellence in Teaching in the College of Health Sciences and Professions Award

This award is presented to an outstanding faculty member who uses an innovative approach to teaching and preparing students for the professions included in CHSP.   Some examples include but are not limited to the effective use of simulation, patient-centered case studies, community partnerships, or interprofessional training. A monetary award of $1,000 will be given to the recipient directly via payroll.


All faculty in the College of Health Sciences and Professions are eligible to receive this award. A recipient may not receive the award in consecutive years. 

Period of consideration

Most recent evaluation period, i.e., January through December 


Chair/director, colleague, or self-nomination


March 3, 2025: Nominee submits a complete set of materials online.  Convert your application to one consolidated PDF file.  

Basic requirements of the application

Please use an 11-point, Arial font.  The proposal should not exceed seven (7) pages.  Appendices have no page limit.
Page 1: Cover page.  Please include the name, the name of the award, and period
Page 2: If nominated by a chair/director or colleague, please include a brief endorsement written by that individual.  A formal letter may be submitted, but not required.

Pages 3-7:  In this section, please make sure that you address the following:

  1. Description: Describe your teaching approach. Describe how the student outcome supports/demonstrates your approach. How does your approach specifically prepare students to be a professionals in their discipline?
  2. Rationale/justification: Explain how you came up with this idea. Why did you choose this approach or strategy?  For example, were you inspired by student feedback, a workshop you attended, or conversations with colleagues?
  3. Teaching philosophy:  Describe how this approach or strategy relates to your overall teaching philosophy.  Does it impact/change your teaching philosophy?
  4. Next step in this innovation:  Where will you go from here? What is your plan for future development of your approach or strategy?
  5. Briefly describe how you would convey your unique approach/talent to a faculty member interested in adopting this approach in their course. 

Appendix (Not required)

In an appendix, the nominee may provide evidence of the teaching implemented during the prior calendar year. Examples of evidence include but are not limited to (a) the outcome or result of your teaching; (b) student work product; (c) student feedback on learning experiences or skills acquired; and/or (d) the results of a novel course evaluation method.

Review Committee

The CHSP Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Committee will serve as the selection committee.  In the event that one of the committee members is a nominee, a substitute committee member will be obtained from that department/school.

Award Selection by the Teaching and Learning Committee

The CHSP Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Committee will review the award submissions, select the recipient, and advise the CHSP Dean of its selection. If the Teaching/Learning Committee does not reach a consensus, it will forward the names of potential recipients to the Dean, who will make the final decision.