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Group Counseling

Counseling and Psychological Services offers a variety of different counseling groups each semester. Group counseling empowers students to give and receive feedback and support while working through individual concerns in a safe and confidential environment. Group therapy consists of 6–8 members, as well as group facilitators.

If you are interested in joining a group, set up a consultation by calling 740.593.1616 or dropping in to Hudson Health Center 3rd Floor during business hours.

Please note, there are no group offerings during the summer. Check back in August for the Fall 2024 group schedule! 

Process Groups 

Process groups focus on addressing issues such as loneliness, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, and interpersonal challenges. Group members share experiences, give and receive feedback and support, and explore new ways of relating to others in a safe and confidential environment.


Graduate and non-traditional students can connect with others around their unique experiences and receive support as they manage stress, anxiety, depressive, or other symptoms, and relationship concerns. 

Meaning Through Music

This group creates a safe space where students can learn to utilize music (and potentially other forms of creativity such as writing, visual art, movement) as positive coping skill and as a way to connect to self and others. Integrate ways to explore/express emotions, build self-esteem, and develop sense of empowerment.

Understanding Self & Others (USO)

This group is helpful for students who are wanting to alleviate and manage anxiety and/or depression, share personal experiences, improve relationships and communication skills, increase self-awareness, and engage in personal growth.

Skills-Based Groups 

Skills-based groups provide a space in which students can learn and practice tools for enhancing their well-being and managing specific concerns. These groups are usually more structured and involve direct instruction from the group leader.

ACT Your Mood

This group incorporates principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help individuals manage depressive and anxious symptoms. 

Finding Balance

Learn and practice skills that will help a person navigate their world more easily including: mindfulness, skills to manage distressing emotions and thoughts, and skills that can help a person have more effective relationships. 

Perfectly Imperfect

This five-week group includes psychoeducation regarding maladaptive perfectionism, with a combination of worksheets and discussions, along with utilizing values to challenge perfectionism. This group is beneficial for individuals who are experiencing challenges with perfectionism and rigidity in their lives.

Radical Body Image Acceptance

This is an eight-week semi-structured group based on an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) model for body image acceptance.  This group can accommodate broad concerns related to body image – clients learn powerful strategies to help accept and move beyond body image imperfections while identifying valued life areas where body image distress “gets in the way”.    

Resisting Distraction

Learn about attention differences and connect with peers to practice strategies that will improve focus and reduce distraction, within a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) framework. 

Stress Less

Using Biofeedback technology, you will learn how to reduce stress, regulate emotions, improve focus and performance, and enhance resilience. This six-week group consists of one hour weekly group sessions where you will learn the techniques with Heartmath's HRV technology. In addition, you will schedule 30-minute sessions per week to practice with the technology on your own. 

Support Groups 

Support groups are designed to help students whose lives are impacted by similar issues, to come together and receive information, support, and guidance from one another. These groups focus on providing a space for validation, encouragement, and mutual understanding. They present a safe space for exploration of thoughts, feelings, and reactions.


This is a support group for transgender, gender non-binary, gender non-conforming, and gender fluid individuals. Members can find connection with others, receive support, and also learn about resources that may be useful to them. 

Still not sure about group?

Here are some reflections from previous participants:

"Group therapy this semester helped me to deal with my emotions and honestly kept me afloat. I always looked forward to sessions and would leave them feeling grounded. I appreciate the connections I formed and the kindness with which we all treated each other.”

"Group was a very useful tool for me. Group helped me to realize that I am not the only person going through different scenarios in my life, and it helped me to manage my coping skills."

"Co-leaders were wonderful and made me feel safe and accepted. The dynamics of any group can be challenging but I think they did a wonderful job at making space for growth and healing for everyone."