Supplemental Admissions Information for Home School Applicants

Ohio University welcomes applications for admission to the College Credit Plus (CC+) program from students who have a home education background. Our home school review process is designed to recognize the unique experience of a home education while ensuring preparation for academic success at OHIO.

The CC+ home school admission policy is modeled on the same set of requirements that are applied to traditionally educated applicants. Home-educated CC+ applicants are asked to complete the following steps to document their distinctive and individualized scholastic work:

  1. All home-schooled applicants must submit written verification from the appropriate school district that the student has been excused from compulsory attendance for home education. Students applying from states that do not require school districts to issue a statement excusing the student from compulsory attendance may have this application requirement waived.
  2. All applicants must provide a high school transcript that includes the following: course titles, the date range (month/year) of when each course was taken, units earned, expected graduation date; and course grades.
  3. All home-schooled applicants are encouraged to submit a personal statement that addresses their academic preparation and that details any unique experiences, academic or otherwise, which speak to the students' preparation for enrollment at Ohio University.
  4. Applicants who wish to be considered for admission based on the results of an assessment should request ACT and/or SAT test scores to be sent. All applicants to OHIO’s CC+ program with a 3.0 or higher cumulative, unweighted high school grade-point average (GPA) will be considered for admission regardless of submission of an exam score. A cumulative, unweighted high school 3.0 GPA does not guarantee CC+ admission. Students must demonstrate college-level preparation for admission and meet necessary prerequisites for specific course enrollment. Applicants with a cumulative, unweighted high school GPA below 3.0 may still be considered for admission if qualifying exam scores can be provided.

Ohio University regional campuses do not require ACT/SAT for admission; this requirement may be waived by the appropriate campus. However, applicants whose admission is based on the results of an assessment may need to take the ACCUPLACER placement exam and meet the minimum scores posted below if ACT/SAT scores are not provided.

Remediation-Free Standards & Placement Testing

English Sub Score18EBR W 490 Next Gen Writing 263 or above or 5 on Writerplacer
Reading Sub Score22EBR W 490Next Gen Reading 250 or above
Mathematics Sub Score20520QAS 263 or above / AAF 263 or above

In some cases, applicants may be asked by Undergraduate Admissions to submit a portfolio of the student’s work. The portfolio may include a curriculum outline, information about purchased curriculum used during home education, descriptions of courses, syllabi for courses, etc. In general, the portfolio should help admissions staff understand the applicant's secondary-level coursework in progress, and the transcript should provide evidence of academic preparation to succeed at OHIO. Successful applicants generally will be working towards the completion of 21 college-prep units in the areas of English, math, science, social studies, foreign language and visual or performing arts.

Submission of all application materials, including the curriculum summary, must meet all published deadlines.

The materials outlined above should be submitted in addition to the materials required for all other College Credit Plus applicants and should sent directly to Ohio University Undergraduate Admissions for processing. Please reference the CC+ application instructions for additional guidelines.


Ohio University Athens

Undergraduate Admissions

Chubb Hall 120

1 Ohio University

Athens OH 45701
