Roger Green

Research Engineer/Scientist
Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment
email address
phone number
740.654.6711 ext. 277
Roger Green joined ORITE in 2013 after working for the Ohio Department of Transportation in the areas of operations, pavement design, and research for 33 years.
Research Interests: pavement design and rehabilitation, pavement management, materials, non-destructive testing
All Degrees Earned: B.S., Civil Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1978
- Registered PE, State of Ohio. Currently serving on three TRB committees. Co-authored Implementation of a Dynamic Deflection System for Rigid and Flexible Pavements in Ohio with William F. Edwards and James Gilfert
Journal Article, Academic Journal (1)
- Sargand, S., Zhu, J., Green, R., Khoury, I. (2018). Forensic Study of Premature Failures with Unbonded Concrete Overlay on Interstate 70 in Ohio. 1. Inderscience; 4: 1-19.
Conference Proceeding (3)
- Zhu, J., Sargand, S., Green, R. (2017). Forensic Investigation of Early Failures with Unbonded Concrete Overlay on Interstate 90 in Ohio. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers; 164-174.
- Khoury, I., Sargand, S., Green, R., Jordan, B., Cichocki, P. (2016). Rutting Resistance of Asphalt Mixes Containing Highly Modified Asphalt (HiMA) Binders at the Accelerated Pavement Load Facility in Ohio. Berlin and San Jose: Springer Verlag; 429-439.
- Green, R., Khoury, I., Sargand, S., Cichocki, P. (2015). Rutting Resistance of Asphalt Mixes Containing Highly Modified Asphalt (HiMA) Binders at the Accelerated Pavement Load Facility in Ohio. San Jose.
Other (6)
- Sargand, S., Al-Jhayyish, A., Khoury, I., Green, R. (2018). Determining Optimum Thickness for Long-Life Concrete Pavement in Ohio. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1.
- Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Kruse Daniels, N., Green, R., Redinger, D., Jordan, B., Kennedy, K. (2017). Condition Evaluation of In-Service Chemically Stabilized Subgrades in a High Sulfate Environment. FHWA/OH-2017/41. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1.
- Sargand, S., Green, R., Zhu, J., Khoury, I. (2017). Forensic Study of Early Failures with Unbonded Concrete Overlays. FHWA/OH-2017/38. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1.
- Green, R., Sargand, S., Robbins, M., Jordan, B. (2017). Evaluation of Roadway Subsurface Drainage on Rural Routes. FHWA/OH-2017/37. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1.
- Sargand, S., Green, R., Burhani, A., Alghamdi, H., Jordan, B. (2016). Investigation of In-Situ Strength of Various Construction/Widening Methods Utilized on Local Roads. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 3.
- Sargand, S., Green, R. (2015). Investigation of In-Situ Strength of Various Construction/Widening Methods Utilized on Local Roads. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 3.
Report (1)
- Khoury, I., Green, R., Wilke, P., Gopallawa, P. (2017). Best Practices of Road User Maintenance Agreements Amongst Local Government Agencies in Ohio. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 92.
Research Report (3)
- Khoury, I., Naik, B., Green, R. (2020). Enhance ODOT's Highway Friction Management Program : Division of Engineering Research On-Call 135786. Task 6.. Athens: Enhance ODOT's Highway Friction Management Program : Division of Engineering Research On-Call 135786. Task 6.; 54. http://28 West Green Dr..
- Robbins, M., Green, R., Masada, T. (2019). Best Practices for Pavement Restoration of Open Cut Utility Installations/Repairs on Local Roadways in Northern Ohio.
- Sargand, S., Green, R., Burhani, A., Alghamdi, H., Jordan, B. (2016). Investigation of In-Situ Strength of Various Construction/Widening Methods Utilized on Local Roads. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 104.
Technical Report (9)
- Sperry, B., Staley, B., Khoury, I., Green, R., Russ, A., Lozier, B. (2019). Streamlining Local-let Federal-aid Transportation Processes in Ohio. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
- Green, R., Buss, A., Robbins, m., Sargand, S., Guirguis, M. (2018). Best Practices for Chip Sealing Low-Volume Roads in Ohio. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 238.
- Sargand, S., Al-Jhayyish, A., Khoury, I., Green, R. (2018). Determining Optimum Thickness for Long-Life Concrete Pavement in Ohio. Report No. FHWA/OH-2018-14. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 166.
- Sargand, S., Al-Jhayyish, A., Khoury, I., Russ, A. (2018). Determining Optimum Thickness for Long-Life Concrete Pavement in Ohio. FHWA/OH-2018-14. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 178.
- Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Kruse Daniels, N., Green, R., Redinger, D., Jordan, B., Kennedy, K. (2018). Condition Evaluation of In-Service Chemically Stabilized Subgrades in a High Sulfate Environment. FHWA/OH-2017/41. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 210.
- Sargand, S., Green, R., Zhu, J., Khoury, I. (2017). Forensic Study of Early Failures with Unbonded Concrete Overlays. FHWA/OH-2017/38. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 248.
- Green, R., Sargand, S., Robbins, M., Jordan, B. (2017). Evaluation of Roadway Subsurface Drainage on Rural Routes. FHWA/OH-2017/37. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 141.
- Sargand, S., Mitchell, G., Green, R. (2015). Design and Rehabilitation of Local Roadways for Ohio’s Counties: A Report from the Workshop held April 28, 2015 at the Cherry Valley Lodge in Newark Ohio. Athens OH: Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment ; 32.
- Sargand, S., Green, R. (2015). Investigation of In-Situ Strength of Various Construction/Widening Methods Utilized on Local Roads. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 120.
Working Paper (2)
- Sargand, S., Robbins, M., Green, R. (2018). Surfacing Afghanistan’s Aggregate Roads with Chip Seal Treatments. Kabul: Ministry of Public Works; 4.
- Sargand, S., Green, R. Subgrade Stabilization on I75. for Ohio Department of Transportation Research Office.