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Shad Sargand

Shad Sargand
Russ Professor, Vice Director for Business Development of the Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment
Stocker Center 208
Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment
email address
phone number 740.593.1467

Shad Sargand was named Russ Professor in 1990. He has authored over 200 journal articles, conference papers and technical reports. Since its inception in 1995, he has been the lead researcher of the Ohio Strategic Highway Research Program National Test Road on US Route 23 in Delaware County, Ohio, which has contributed enormous amounts of valuable data for the Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) database. He also led another test road effort on US Route 30 in Wooster, Ohio. He is the Associate Director of the Ohio Research Institute at Ohio University, which operates the Asphalt Laboratory and Accelerated Pavement Load Facility in Lancaster, Ohio. Sargand has at least five nationally recognized awards and honors for his research, including most recently the William W. “Bill” Baker Award from Flexible Pavements of Ohio in March 2011 for his “commitment to quality and overall impact on the Ohio asphalt paving industry.”

Research Interests: rigid and flexible pavements, finite element methods, soil-structure interaction, pipes and conduits

All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1981; M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska, 1978; B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska, 1976


  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. M., Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Study in Ohio: Further Analysis of Field Performance Data, Journal of Pipeline Systems – Engineering and Practice, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 2, No. 4, Nov. 2011, p. 132-138.
  • Liao, J.M., and S.M. Sargand, Viscoelastic FE Modeling and Verification of a U.S. 30 Perpetual Pavement Test Section, International Journal on Road Materials and Pavement Design, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2010.
  • Shad Sargand, Teruhisa Masada, and David Keatley, Pennsylvania Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Project: The 20th-Year Investigations, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Reston, VA, Volume 23, No. 4, July/Aug. 2009, pp. 262-268.
  • Sargand, S. M., and Masada, T., Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe Field Performance over Five Years, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 134, No. 8, August 2008, pp. 118-119.
  • S.M. Sargand, S. Wu and J.L. Figueroa, “A Rational Approach for Base Type Selection”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Reston VA, Volume 132, No 10, pp 753 – 763 (October 2006).


  • Gayle F. Mitchell and Shad M. Sargand, Pipeline Security Grid; Filing Date 12/2010
  • Gayle F. Mitchell and Shad M. Sargand, Exfiltration Apparatus, Application Number 60/869,308; Filing Date 12/08/2006


  • Russ Professor of Civil Engineering since 1990
  • D.R. Harting Award of the Society of Experimental Mechanics in 1992 & 1999
  • Certificate of Achievement for the SHRP Test Road from Ohio Governor George Voinovich in 1995
  • Certificate of Appreciation for the SHRP Test Road from the Federal Highway Administration in 1998
  • William W. “Bill” Baker Award from Flexible Pavements of Ohio in March 2011

Something you may not know about me: Originally from Afghanistan

Journal Article, Academic Journal (103)

  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Jordan, B., Hussein, H. (2020). Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC). Task 3, Ultimate load capacity of corrugated steel pipe with extreme corrosion. Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC). Task 3, Ultimate load capacity of corrugated steel pipe with extreme corrosion.
  • Sargand, S., Russ, A., White, K. Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC). Task 4, Re-rounding of thermoplastic conduit. Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC). Task 4, Re-rounding of thermoplastic conduit.
  • Al Rikabi, F., Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Kurdziel, J. (2019). A new test method for evaluating the long-term performance of fiber-reinforced concrete pipes.
  • Mutashar, R., Sargand, S., AlRikabi, F., Khoury, I. (2019). Response of a composite-Adjacent Box Beam Bridge with Skewed Beams under Static and Quasi-Static Loads. 3. 33.
  • Al Rikabi, F., Sargand, S., Kurdziel, J. (2019). Evaluation of synthetic fiber reinforced concrete pipe performance using three-edge bearing test. 2. 47.
  • Hussein, H., Sargand, S., Khoury, I. (2019). Field investigation of ultra-high performance concrete shear key in an adjacent box-girder bridge. 5. 15: 15.
  • Sargand, S., Zhu, J., Green, R., Khoury, I. (2018). Forensic Study of Premature Failures with Unbonded Concrete Overlay on Interstate 70 in Ohio. 1. Inderscience; 4: 1-19.
  • Hussein, H., Sargand, S., Al-Rikabi, F., Steinberg, E. (2018). Experimental Validation of Optimized Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Shear Key Shape for Precast Pre-Stressed Adjacent Box Girder Bridges. Nov. 30, 2018. Elsevier; 190: 178-190.
  • Al-Rikabi, F., Sargand, S., Kurdziel, J., Russ, H. (2018). Experimental Investigation of Thin-wall Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pipes. 6. Farmington Hills MI: American Concrete Institute; 115: 1671-1681. http://POB 159, Apt, Suite, Bldg. (optional).
  • Hussein, H., Sargand, S., Khoury, I. (2018). Field Investigation of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Shear Key in an Adjacent Box-Girder Bridge.
  • Mutashar, R., Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Al-Rikabi, F. (2018). Response of a Composite Adjacent Box Beam Bridge with Skewed Beams under Static and Quasi-Static Loads. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Al-Rikabi, F., Sargand, S., Hussein, H. (2018). Design Proposal for Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pipes Using Finite Element Analysis. online. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing Materials.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Masada, T., Hussein, H. (2018). Load Capacity of Corrugated Steel Pipe with Extreme Corrosion Under Shallow Cover. 4. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 32.
  • Al-Rikabi, F., Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Russ, H. (2018). Material Properties of Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete Under Freeze-Thaw Conditions. 6. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 30.
  • Sargand, S., Hussein, H., Steinberg, E. (2018). Shape Optimization of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Shear Key for Precast Pre-Stressed Adjacent Box Girder Bridges. 4. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers; 23: 16.
  • Al-Rikabi, F., Sargand, S., Kurdziel, J. (2018). Evaluation of Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pipe Performance Using Three-Edge Bearing Test. online. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: ASTM International.
  • Sargand, S., White, K., Masada, T., Wang, C. (2018). Evaluation of Load Rating Procedure for Metal Culverts Under Shallow Soil Covers. 1. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers; 9: 9.
  • Al-Rikabi, F., Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Hussein, H. (2017). Material Properties of Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete Under Freeze-Thaw Conditions. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Khoury, I., Sargand, S. (2017). Impact of base type on performance of rigid pavement: a case study. Oxford: Taylor & Francis.
  • Hussein, H., Sargand, S., Al-Jhayyish, A., Khoury, I. (2017). Environment-Induced Behavior of Transverse Tie Bars in Adjacent Pre-Stressed Box-Girder Bridges with Partial Depth Shear Keys. 5. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 31.
  • Hussein, H., Walsh, K., Sargand, S., Al-Rikabi, F., Steinberg, E. (2017). Modeling the Shear Connection in Adjacent Box-Beam Bridges with Ultra-High Performance Concrete Joints - Part I: Model Calibration and Validation. 8. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 22: 14.
  • Sargand, S., Walsh, K., Hussein, H., Al-Rikabi, F., Steinberg, E. (2017). Modeling the Shear Connection in Adjacent Box-Beam Bridges with Ultra-High Performance Concrete Joints - Part II: Load Transfer Mechanism. 8. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 22: 11.
  • Sargand, S. (2017). Forensic Study of Premature Failures with Unbonded Concrete Overlay on Interstate 70 in Ohio. Genève : Inderscience.
  • Hussein, H., Sargand, S., Al-Jhayyish, A., Khoury, I. (2017). Contribution of Transverse Tie Bars to Load Transfer in Adjacent Prestressed Box-Girder Bridges with Partial Depth Shear Key. 2. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 31:
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Masada, T., Mutashar, R. (2016). Forensic Study of Collapsed Structural Plate Arch Culvert in Ohio. 6. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 30.
  • Bsisu, K., Sargand, S., Hussein, H. (2016). The Use of Hashin Damage Criteria, CFRP–Concrete Interface and Concrete Damage Plasticity Models in 3D Finite Element Modeling of Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Beams with CFRP Sheets. December. Berlin and Dhahran: Springer Verlag and King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals; 2016: 14.
  • Khoury, I., Sargand, S., Drew, H. (2016). Impact of base type on performance of rigid pavement. International Journal of Pavement Engineering.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Richardson, W., Contreras, G. (2016). Field Inspection of Corrugated High Density Polyethylene Pipeline Network Under Heap Piles at Copper Mine Site in Chile. 2. Reston VA: ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems - Engineering and Practice; 7:
  • Bsisu, K., Sargand, S., Ball, R. (2015). The Effect of Width, Multiple Layers and Strength of FRP Sheets on Strength and Ductility of Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams in Flexure. 1. Amman: Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering; 9.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2015). The Modulus of Soil Reaction Values Measured in Ohio Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Project. 1. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 6: p. 1-8.
  • Al-Rawashdeh, A., Sargand, S. (2014). Performance Assessment of Warm Asphalt Binder in Presence of Water by Using Surface Free Energy Concepts and Nano-Scale Techniques. 5. Reston, VA: Amercan Society of Civil Engineers; 26: 1-10.
  • Al-Rawashdeh, A., Sargand, S. (2014). The Effect Of Chemical Composition Of Aggregate On The Performance Of Hot And Warm Mix Asphalt In Presence Of Water. 1. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: American Society for Testing and Materials; 3: 43-56.
  • Sargand, S., Vega-Posada, C., Arboleda-Monsalve, L. (2013). Long-Term Performance of Existing Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Sections – Case Study (Desempeño a Largo Plazo de Secciones de Pavimentos Existences de Concreto con Cemento Tipo Portland – Estudio de Caso). Medellin: Dyna, a journal of the School of Mines of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Richardson, W., Contreras, G. (2013). Field inspection of corrugated HDPE pipeline network under heap piles at copper mine site in Chile. Amsterdam: International Journal of Mining Science and Technology;
  • Sargand, S. (2013). Field load testing of copper extraction aeration pipes under simulated high heap pile. 5. Elsevier B.V.; 23: 751-756.
  • Qin, J., Sargand, S., Edwards, W. (2013). Forensic Investigation of Flexible Pavements in Ohio. 3/4. London, England: Inderscience Publishers; 1: 320-341.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S., Goddard, J. (2013). Field Service Conditions of the Oldest Corrugated HDPE Pipe Culvert Under Ohio’s Roadway. 3. Reston VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE; 27: 326-333.
  • Tarawneh, B., Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2013). Estimated and Measured Settlements of Shallow Foundation Supporting Bridge Substructure. 2. Irbid : Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering; 7: 224-235.
  • Sargand, S., Nazzal, M., Al-Rawashedh, A., David, P. (2012). Field Evaluation Of Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies. 11. Reston VA: ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering; 24: 1343-1349.
  • Sargand, S., Qin, J. (2012). Forensic Investigation of Flexible Pavements in Ohio, International Journal of Forensic Engineering. International Journal of Forensic Engineering.
  • Tatari, O., Sargand, S., Tadlock, B., Tarawneh, B. (2012). Neural Network Approach to Risk Assessment of Highway Culverts: A Case Study in Ohio. Reston VA: ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems.
  • Sargand, S., Nazzal, M., Al-Rawashdeh, A., Powers, D. (2011). Field Evaluation of Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies. ACSE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S., James, G. (2011). Field Service Conditions of the Oldest Corrugated HDPE Pipe Culvert Under Ohio’s Roadway. Reston VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2011). Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Study in Ohio: Further Analysis of Field Performance Data. Reston VA: Journal of Pipeline Systems – Engineering and Practice, ASCE.
  • Nazzal, M., Sargand, S., Al-Rawashdeh, A. (2011). Evaluation Of Warm Mix Asphalt Mixtures Containing Rap Using Accelerated Loading Tests. ASTM Journal of testing and Evaluation.
  • Liao, J., Sargand, S. (2010). Viscoelastic FE Modeling and Verification of a U.S. 30 Perpetual Pavement Test Section. 4. Cachon: Road Materials and Pavement Design: an International Journal; 11: 993.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Keatley, D. (2009). The Pennsylvania Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Project: The 20th Year Investigation. 4. Reston, VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, American Societh of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 23: 7.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Moreland, A. (2008). Measured Field Performance and computer Analysis of Large-Diameter Multi-Plate Stell Pipe Culvert Installed in Ohio. 6. Reston, VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 22: 391-397.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2008). Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe Field Performance over Five Years. 8. Reston VA: ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering; 134: 118-119.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Tarawneh, B. (2007). Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe Field Performance Over Five Years. 8. Reston, VA: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 134: 1181-1191.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2007). Discussion on "Full-Scale Field Tests on Flexible Pipes Under Live Load Application" by Arokiasamy et al. 1. Reston, VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 20: 21-27.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S., Tarawneh, B., Mitchell, G., Gruver, D. (2007). Inspection and Risk Assessment of Concrete Culverts Under Ohio's Highways. 3. Reston, VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 21: 225-233.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2007). Peaking Deflections of Flexible Pipe During Initial Backfilling. 2. Reston, VA: Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 133: 105-111.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S., Tarawneh, B., Mitchell, G., Gruver, D. (2006). New Inspection and Risk Assessment Methods for Metal Culverts Under Ohio HIghways. 1976. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Record, No. 1976, Transportation Research Board; 141-148.
  • Sargand, S., Wu, S., Figueroa, L. (2006). A Rational Approach for Base Type Selection. 10. Reston, VA: Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE; 132: 753-763.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Tarawneh, B., Gruver, D. (2006). Closure to Discussion on "Field Performance and Analysis of Large Diameter HDPE Pipe Under Relatively Deep Soil Fill" by Yahia E-A Mohamedzein. 7. New York, NY: Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 132: 960-961.
  • Sargand, S., Swanlund, M., Wise, J., Edwards, W. (2005). Evaluation of Slab Shape Under Controlled Environmental Conditions. 4. American Concrete Institute Structural Journal; 102: 588-595.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Tarawneh, B., Gruver, D. (2005). Field Performance and Analysis of Large Diameter High-Density Polyethylene Pipe Under Deep Soil Fill. 1. New York, NY: Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers; 131: 39-51.
  • Steinberg, E., Sargand, S., Bettinger, C. (2004). Forces in Wingwalls of Skewed Semi-Integral Bridges. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering; 563-571.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Tarawneh, B., Yanni, H. (2004). Use of Soil Stiffness Gauge (SSG) in Thermoplastic Pipe Installation. 6. Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineernigs; 130: 768-776.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2004). Field Demonstration Test on Construction and Strength of Flexible Pipe Drainage System Using Flowable Fill. 6. Journal of ASTM International (JAI); 1: Unknown.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Abdalla, B. (2003). Evaluation of CPT-Based Settlement Prediction Method for Shallow foundations on Cohesionless Soils at Highway Bridge Construction Sites. 10. New York, New York: Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 129: 900-908.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., White, K., Altarawneh, B. (2002). 1,050-mm (42-in.) Diameter, Profile-Wall HDPE Pipes Under Deep Soil Cover: Comparisons Between Field Performance Data and Analytical Predictions. Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 1814: 186-196.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Schehl, D. (2002). Soil Pressure Measured at Various Fill Heights Above Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe. Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 1770: 227-235.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., White, K., Moran, A. (2002). Time Dependent Deflection of Thermoplastic Pipes Under Deep Burial. Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 1770: 236-242.
  • Steinberg, E., Beier, J., Sargand, S. (2001). Effects of Sudden Prestress Force Transfer in Pretensioned concrete Beams. Chicago, IL: PCI Journal, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute; 64-75.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., White, K. (2000). Performance of Large Diameter HC-HDPE Pipe Under Highway Embankment. 5. Canadian Geotechnical Journal; 37: 1099-1108.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Engle, R. (2000). Effect of Bearing Soil Layer Surface Finish Methods on Performance of Highway Bridge Spread Footing. Hershey, PA: Performance Confirmation of Constructed Geotechncial Facilities, American Society of Civil Engineers; 170-183.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Wasniak, D. (2000). Variability of Initial Subgrade Modulus at Ohio SHRP Test Road, STP 1384. ASTM Symposium on Constructing and Controlling Compaction of Earth Fills; 274-289.
  • Das, Y., Sargand, S. (1999). Forced Vibration of Laterally Loaded Piles. 33. International Journal of Solids and Structures; 36: 4975-4989.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I. (1999). Sensor Installation in Rigid Pavement. Journal of Experimental Techniques; 25-27.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Engle, R. (1999). Spread Footing Foundation for Highway Bridge Applications. 5. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering; 125: 373-382.
  • Hazen, G., Sargand, S., Haque, M., Hurd, J. (1997). Field Performance of Instrumented Concrete Pipe Under Deep Burial. Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 1594: 224-234.
  • Sargand, S., Green, R., Khoury, I. (1997). Instrumenting Ohio Test Pavement. Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 1596: 23-30.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Hurd, J. (1996). Effect of Rib Spacing on Deformation of Profile Wall Plastic Pipes Buried in Coarse Granular Backfill. Philadelphia, PA: American Standards of Testing and Materials; 217-222.
  • Das, Y., Sargand, S. (1996). Dynamics of Fluid Conveying Pipe on Elastic Foundation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Structural Dynamics and Vibration.
  • Sargand, S., Das, Y., Jayasuriya, W. (1995). A Mathematical Model for Falling Weight Deflectometer. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Structural Dynamics and Vibration; 70.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Liu, X., Masada, T., Hurd, J. (1995). Structural Performance of Buried PVC Pipes Under Large Distributed Load. Transportation Research Record; 1514: 59-67.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Vaithianathan, E., Hurd, J. (1995). Performance Verification of a Concrete Pipe. 7. Concrete International ACI; 17: 23-27.
  • Zhang, L., Sargand, S. (1995). Tensile and Compressive Shaft Capacity of Piles in Sand. 4. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering; 121: 403-405.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Hurd, J. (1994). Long Term Field Study of a Deep-Corrugated Metal Box-Type Culvert. Canadian Geotechnical Journal; 31: 175-180.
  • Masada, T., Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Shashikumar, B. (1994). Modified Direct Shear Study of Clay Liner/Geomembrane Interfaces Exposed to Landfill Leachate. 3. Geotextiles and Geomembranes; 13: 165.
  • Rauch, A., Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1994). Behavior of a Deeply Corrugated Steel Plate in Culvert. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering; 1651-1655.
  • Rauch, A., Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1993). Performance of a Deep Corrugated Steel Box-Type Culvert. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering; 119: 433-452.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Hurd, J. (1992). Structural Evaluation of Box Culverts. ASCE Structural Division; 118: 3297-3314.
  • Sargand, S., Das, Y. (1992). Method of Initial Functions for Axially Symmetric Elastic Bodies. Journal of Solids and Structures; 29: 711-719.
  • Sargand, S., Das, Y., Liu, X. (1992). A Refined Model for Dynamic Analysis of Circular Plates on Elastic Foundations. 3. Journal of Sound and Vibration; 155.
  • Sargand, S., Mitchell, G., Rogers, R. (1992). Monitoring of Strains in Small Diameter Pipes. 1. Journal of Experimental Techniques; 16: 40-42.
  • Sargand, S., Das, Y., Jayasuriya, A. (1992). A New Approach for Dynamic Analysis of Timoshenko Beams on Elastic Foundations. Dynamics and Vibrations Symposium, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 44: 97-102.
  • Sargand, S., Mitchell, G., Kastner, R., Rueda, J. (1992). Structural Performance of Perforated PVC Pipe. Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 1371: 162-167.
  • Collier, J., Collier, B., Chauing, C., Sargand, S. (1991). Drape Prediction Using Finite Element Analysis. 1. Journal of the Textile Institute; 82: 96-107.
  • Hurd, J., Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Suhardjo, S. (1991). Structural Performance of an Aluminum Box Culvert. 1315. Washington, D.C.: Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 46-52.
  • Rauch, A., Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Hurd, J. (1990). Instrumentation of Deep Corrugated Steel Culverts. 1277. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Record No. 1277; 40-43.
  • Sargand, S., Jayasuriya, A., Das, Y. (1990). Improved Free Vibration Analysis of Axially Symmetric Circular Plates. Journal of Sound and Vibration; 137.
  • Wilson, B., Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Green, R. (1990). Multiaxial Testing of Subgrade. 1278. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Record No. 1278; 91-95.
  • Jayasuriya, A., Sargand, S. (1989). Modified Model for Analysis of Circular Plate on Elastic Foundation. Journal of Sound and Vibration; 135: 166-170.
  • Hazen, G., Sargand, S., Hurd, J., Zhao, J. (1989). Bolted Connections of Rib-Plate Structure. 1219. Washington, D.C.: Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 43-55.
  • Hurd, J., Sargand, S. (1988). Field Performance of Corrugated Metal Box Culverts. 1191. Washington, D.C.: Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 39-45.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1988). Highway Damage Due to Subsurface Subsidence. 19. ASCE Spring Convention, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 19; 18-32.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1987). Deformation Behavior of Shales. 6. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences; 24: 365-370.
  • Sargand, S., Zheng, Z., Das, Y. (1987). Free Vibration of Circular Footing on Elastic Foundation. 1. Journal of Sound and Vibration; 118: 141-149.
  • Sargand, S., Das, Y. (1985). Discussion on Eigenvalues for Beam-Columns on Elastic Supports. 6. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering; III.
  • Desai, C., Sargand, S. (1984). Hybrid FE Procedure for Soil-Structure Interaction. 4. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE; 110: 473-486.

Journal Article, Professional Journal (10)

  • Shaheen, E., Sargand, S., Masada, T., Masada, T. (2020). Laboratory evaluations of corrugated HDPE pipes containing postconsumer recycled material under constant deflection conditions. Issue 3. Reston, VA: Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice; Volume 11: http://224 Stocker Center, Civil Engineering De.
  • Al-Jhayyish, A., Sargand, S. (2018). Incorporating the Strength Provided by Subgrade Stabilization in the Flexible Pavement Design Procedures. 1. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: ASTM International; 41.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Hussein, H., Masada, T. Load Capacity of Corrugated Steel Pipe with Extreme Corrosion Under Shallow Cover. Athens: ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities; http://149 Stocker Center, Civil Engineering De.
  • Hussein, H., Walsh, K., Sargand, S., Steinberg, E. (2017). Modeling the Shear Connection in Adjacent Box-Beam Bridges with Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete Joints. I: Model Calibration and Validation. Journal of Bridge Engineering; 22.
  • Sargand, S., Walsh, K., Hussein, H., Steinberg, E. (2017). Modeling the Shear Connection in Adjacent Box-Beam Bridges with Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete Joints. II: Load Transfer Mechanism. Journal of Bridge Engineering.
  • Hussein, H., Sargand, S., Al Rikabi, F., Steinberg, E. (2016). Laboratory Evaluation of Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete Shear Key for Prestressed Adjacent Precast Concrete Box Girder Bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering.
  • Hussein, H., Walsh, K., Sargand, S., Steinberg, E. (2016). Interfacial Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Strength Concrete Bridge Connections. New York, NY: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering; 10.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2013). Neural Network Approach to Risk Assessment of Highway Culverts. 4. Reston, Virginia: ASCE Journal of Infrastructure; 19: 409-414.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2012). Field Load Testing of Copper Extraction Aeration Pipes Under Simulated High Heap Pile. International Journal of Mining Engineering & Rock.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2012). Estimated & Measured Settlements of Shallow Foundations Supporting Bridge Substructure. Aman, Jordan: Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering.

Patent (2)

  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. Pipe Shield System. 11014/27211/04349.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. Exfiltration Apparatus. Application Number 60/869,308.

Book, Scholarly (2)

  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., White, K. (1998). Proceedings of the Conference on Structural Performance of Pipes 1998. Naperville IL: Publisher’s Graphics, Inc.
  • Sargand, S., Mitchell, G., Hurd, J. (1990). Proceedings of the Conference on Flexible Pipes. Rotterdam, South Holland: A. A. Balkema.

Conference Proceeding (114)

  • Fouad, A., Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Kurdziel, J., Hussein, H., Safiya, A. (2019). Thin-Wall Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pipe Performance under Cyclic Loading. 547-554.
  • Garcia Ruiz, J., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2018). ccelerated Degradation Test on Coating Materials for Steel Pipes. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; Construction and Rehabilitation: 154-162.
  • Al-Rikabi, F., Sargand, S., Kurdziel, J., Hussein, H. (2018). Thin-Walled Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pipes Performance under Three-Edge Bearing Load. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; Planning and Design: 355-363.
  • Russ, A. (2018). Minimizing Ends’ Cracks of Skewed Pre-Tensioned Box Beam Concrete Girders. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 133-144.
  • Sargand, S. (2017). Instrumentation of a perpetual test pavement in Ohio. Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg: Springer Procedia.
  • Pashtun, M., Sargand, S. (2017). Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Sensor for Detecting Groundwater Contamination. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers; 373-383.
  • Hussein, H., Sargand, S., Al Rikabi, F., Steinberg, E. (2017). Evaluation of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Grout Performance under Longitudinal Shear. First Congress on Technical Advancement.
  • Mutashar, R., Sargand, S., Khoury, I. (2017). End Zone Cracks for Skewed Pre-Tensioned Box Beam Concrete Girders. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Sargand, S., Hussein, H., Al-Rikabi, F., Steinberg, E. (2017). Evaluation of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Grout Performance under Longitudinal Shear. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Zhu, J., Sargand, S., Green, R. (2017). Forensic Investigation of Early Failures with Unbonded Concrete Overlay on Interstate 90 in Ohio. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers; 164-174.
  • Sargand, S., Al-Rikabi, F., Hussein, H., Khoury, I. (2017). The Thermal Expansion of Synthetic Fiber-Reinforced Concrete under Air-Dry and Saturated Conditions. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • White, K., Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2017). Evaluation of Load Rating Procedure for Metal Culverts Under Shallow Soil Covers. Amsterdam: International Conference on Control Applications for Flexible Structures; http://149 Stocker Center, Civil Engineering De.
  • Khoury, I., Sargand, S., Green, R., Jordan, B., Cichocki, P. (2016). Rutting Resistance of Asphalt Mixes Containing Highly Modified Asphalt (HiMA) Binders at the Accelerated Pavement Load Facility in Ohio. Berlin and San Jose: Springer Verlag; 429-439.
  • Khoury, I., Sargand, S., Jordan, B., Cichocki, P., Sheer, M. (2016). Structural Study of Perpetual Pavement Performance in Ohio. Berlin and San Jose: Springer Verlag; 441-459.
  • Hussein, H., Walsh, K., Sargand, S., Steinberg, E. (2016). Effect of Extreme Temperatures on the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for Ultra-High Performance Concrete. Ames Iowa: Iowa State University; 11.
  • Green, R., Khoury, I., Sargand, S., Cichocki, P. (2015). Rutting Resistance of Asphalt Mixes Containing Highly Modified Asphalt (HiMA) Binders at the Accelerated Pavement Load Facility in Ohio. San Jose.
  • Khoury, I., Sargand, S., Jordan, B., Cichocki, P., Scheer, M. (2015). Structural Study of Perpetual Pavement Performance in Ohio. San Jose.
  • Sargand, S., Goddard, J., Pashtun, M. (2015). TDR Sensor for Detecting and Mitigating Groundwater Contamination at a Copper Mining Facility. Reno NV: Heap Leach Solutions, 2015.
  • Jordan, B., Sargand, S. (2014). Asphalt Perpetual Pavement Design: Utilizing Existing Pavement Systems In Ohio. Athens, Ohio: ORITE;
  • Qin, J., Sargand, S. (2014). Determining Optimum Thickness of Perpetual Pavement. Athens, Ohio: ORITE;
  • Sargand, S., Edwards, W., Khoury, I. (2012). Assessment of response and performance of perpetual pavements with warm mix asphalt surfaces at the Accelerated Pavement Load Facility. Davis CA: Advances in Pavement Design through Full-Scale Accelerated pavement Testing, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing; 175-185.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I. (2012). Environmental and Load Effect On Doweled and Un-Doweled PCC Slabs. Davis CA: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing; 331-341.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., White, K., Goddard, J. (2012). Review of 12 Years of Performance Data and Observations of Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe in Ohio. Barcelona: Plastic Pipes XVI, Barcelona.
  • Huffman, J., Steinberg, E., Sargand, S. (2012). Finite Element Modeling a Full Scale Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge Span. Chicago, IL: 2012 PCI Convention and National Bridge Conference; 18.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., White, K., Goddard, J. (2012). Review of 12 Years of Performance Data and Observations of Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe in Ohio. Barcelona: Plastic Pipes XVI; XVI.
  • Sargand, S., Edwards, W., Khoury, I. (2012). Assessment of response and performance of perpetual pavements with warm mix asphalt surfaces at the Accelerated Pavement Load Facility. Davis CA: 4th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing; 4.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I. (2012). Environmental and Load Effect On Doweled and Un-Doweled PCC Slabs. Davis CA: 4th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing; 4.
  • Sargand, S. (2012). A Simplified Solution for the Design of Slotted Joint Corrugated Steel Structural Plate Pipe. Rydzyna: II European Conference on Buried Flexible Steel Structures.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2012). Removal of pollutants from simulated highway runoff using a laboratory model of an exfiltration trench. 91. Washington DC: Transportation Research Board.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2012). Removal of pollutants from simulated highway runoff using a laboratory model of a exfiltration trench . Paper No. 12-1803. Washington, D.C.: Proceedings of the Transporation Research Board;
  • Nazzal, M., Sargand, S., Powers, D., Morrison, E., Al-Rawashdeh, A. (2011). Evaluation of Fine Graded Polymer Asphalt Mixture Produced Using Foamed Warm Mix Asphalt Technology. 5. 2nd International Warm-Mix Conference; 36.
  • Sargand, S., Nazzal, M., Al-Rawashdeh, A. (2011). Evaluation of Warm Mix Asphalt Field Trials In Ohio. TRB 90th Annual Meeting.
  • Affleck, R., Sargand, S., Russ, A., Deegan, M., Seman, P. (2011). Perspectives on Design and Construction Challenges in Afghanistan. Newark NJ: Second Annual West Point Critical Infrastructure Symposium; 2.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2009). Latest Spread Footing Research Findings in Ohio. Orlanda, FL: Proceedings of International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo 2009; Unknown.
  • Sargand, S., Edwards, W., Bendana, L. (2008). Testing of Perpetual Pavement with Warm Asphalt Concrete Surface Mixes in the Ohio APLF. Madrid, Spain: Third International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., White, K. (2008). Stress Relaxation and Stabilization of Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipes. Budapest, Hungary: Plastics Pipes XIV.
  • Bendana, L., Ambrosino, J., Sargand, S. (2008). Evaluation of Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation Methods on I-86. San Francisco, CA: 9th International Conference on Concrete Pavements.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Keatley, D. (2008). Pennsylvania Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Project: The 20th-Year Investigations. 08-1591. 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.
  • Sargand, S., White, K., Masada, T. (2007). Laboratory and Numerical Investigations of Large-Diameter Multi-Plate Steel Pipe Culvert Behavior. Rydzyna, Poland: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Buried Flexible Steel Structures; Pages unknown.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Figueroa, L. (2006). Forensic Investigation of Sections 39103, 39108, 39109, and 390110 of the Ohio SHRP U.S. 23 Test Pavement. 6-9. Cleveland, OH: Forensic Engineering, Proceedings of the 4th Congress, ASCE.
  • Liao, Y., Sargand, S., Kim, S. (2006). Comparative Study on Fatigue Life of Unmodified and Polymer-Modified Asphalt Concrete by Laboratory Testing and Mechanistic Analyses. Atlanta, GA: Proceedings of ASCE 2006 Airfield and Highway Pavement Specialty Conference; 365-376.
  • Liao, Y., Sargand, S., Kim, S. (2006). Non-Nuclear Density Gauge Comparative Study for QC/QA in HMA Construction. Imad L. Al-Qadi. Atlanta, GA: Airfield and Highway Pavements 2006: Meeting Today's Challenges with Emerging Technologies, Proceedings of the 2006 Airfield and Highway Pavements Specialty Conference; American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 2006, p. 31.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S., Liao, Y. (2006). Resilient Modulus Prediction Model for Find-Grained Soils in Ohio: Preliminary Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Perpetual Pavements (ICPP).
  • Farrington, S., Sargand, S. (2006). Advanced Processing of Time Domain Reflectometry for Improved Slope Stability Monitoring. Atlanta, GA: Geotechnical Engineering in the Information Technology Age: Proceedings of GeoCongress 2006; 40.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S., Tarawneh, B., Mitchell, G., Gruver, D. (2006). New Inspection and Risk Assessment Methods for Highway Metal Culverts in Ohio. Washington, D.C.: Proceedings of 2006 TRB Annual Meeting.
  • Kim, S., Sargand, S. (2005). Forensic Study of the Ohio SHRP Test Road U.S. 23 Flexible Test Pavement. Osaka, Japan: 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering & Proceeding.
  • Sargand, S., Swanlund, M., Bendana, J., Castro, D. (2005). Evaluation of HPC Pavement in Nelsonville, Ohio, Using Non-destructive Methods. Colorado Springs, Colorado: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Concrete Pavements; 3: 980-994.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2005). Peaking Deflection of Flexible Thermoplastic Pipe. Houston, TX: Proceedings of ASCE Piplines 2005, ASCE.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2005). Basic Rheology Study of Highway-Grade Asphalt Concrete Material. Austin, TX: Proceedings of Geo-Frontiers, ASCE.
  • Sargand, S., Bendana, L., Wise, J. (2003). The Impact of Loss of Support on Load Response. XIII PanAmerican Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering.
  • Beegle, D., Sargand, S. (2003). Comparisons of Measured and Predicted Primary Response of Rigid Pavement for Different Truck Axle Spacings. Proceedings of the International Conference on Highway Pavement Data, Analysis & Mechanistic Design Applications; 2: 213-224.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S., Abdalla, B., Green, R. (2003). Mechanistic Properties of Pavement Materials Utilized in Ohio. Proceedings of International Conference on Highway Pavement Data, Analysis & Mechanistic Design Applications; 131-142.
  • Sargand, S., Wu, S., Swanlund, M. (2003). Monitoring of Dowelled and Undowelled PCC Pavement Under Environmental Cycling. Proceedings of the International Conference on Highway Pavement Data, Analysis & Mechanistic Design Applications; 2: 303-314.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Harrigal, A., Sargent, L. (2003). Preliminary Paper on Forensic Study for Sections 390103, 390108, 390109, and 390110 of Ohio SHRP U.S. Rt. 23 Test Pavement. Proceedings of the International Conference on Highway Pavement Data, Analysis & Mechanistic Design Applications; 2: 43-54.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Gruver, D. (2003). Thermoplastic Pipe Deep-Burial Project in Ohio: Initial Findings. Reston, VA: Proceedings of ASCE 2003 Pipelines Conference ASCE; 2: 1288-1301.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2003). Field Demonstration Test on Construction & Strength of Flexible Pipe Drainage System Using Flowable Fill. Denver, CO: Second International Symposium, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) STP 1459 (Innovations in Controlled Low-Strength Material) ; 115-126.
  • Kim, S., Sargand, S. (2003). Performance Evaluation of Polymer Modified Superpave Mixes. Transportation Research Board, Proceedings in CD-Rom.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2002). Measured Structural Performance of HDPE Pipe Installed in CLSM-CDF. Cleveland, OH: Proceedings of the ASCE Pipelines 2002 Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2001). Field Performance of Flexible Pipe Installed in Fly Ash-Based Flowable Fill. Philadelphia, PA: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management.
  • Kim, S., Sargand, S. (2001). Evaluation of Rutting Potential of Polymer Modified Superpave Mixes. Cambridge, Massachusetts (MIT): Proceedings of the 2001 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship.
  • Sargand, S., Kim, S. (2001). Performance Evaluation of Polymer Modified and Unmodified Superpave Mixes. Auburn, Alabama: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Moran, A., White, K. (2000). Thermoplastic Pipe Responses Under Deep Burial Conditions, Geotechnical Engineering Trends in the New Millenium. Hershey, PA: Central Pennsylvania Section ASCE and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S., Shah, J. (1999). Characterization of Flowable Material Based on Midwestern Coal Ash. Chicago, IL: ACI Spring Convention.
  • Das, Y., Sargand, S. (1999). Dynamics of Plane Elastic Bodies. Houston, TX: Proceedings of the Energy Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition.
  • Sargand, S. (1998). Three-Dimensional Finite-Element Software Development and Verification Case Study. Charleston, WV: 3-D Finite Element Modeling for Pavements.
  • Rauch, A., Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1998). Determination of Hyperbolic Soil Model Parameters for Sand Using Multiaxial Device. Niagara Falls, Canada: 3rd International Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics; 272-280.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (1998). Deformation Characteristics of Profile-Wall Thermoplastic Pipes Under Shallow Burial and Surface Loading. Proceedings of the Conference on Structural Performance of Pipes ‘98; 123-130.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1998). Load-Cell Tests on 1520 mm (60 in.) Concrete Pipe Designed for Deep Burial. Proceedings of the Conference on Structural Performance of Pipes ‘98; 131-146.
  • Sharkins, A., Sargand, S., Khoury, I. (1997). Monitoring Dynamic Response of Pavement by Strain Gauges, Abstract. Nashville, TN: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress on Experimental Mechanics and Experimental/Numerical Mechanics in Electronic Packaging; 341-342.
  • VonHandorf, J., Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1997). Stresses in Rigid Pavement Due to Environmental Factors, Abstract. Nashville, TN: Proceedings of the VII International Congress on Experimental Mechanics and Experimental/Numerical Mechanics in Electronic Packaging; 339-340.
  • Das, Y., Sargand, S. (1997). Dynamics of Laterally Loaded Pipes in Elastic Medium. Houston, TX: Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Energy Week Conference and Exhibition; 323-330.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Hurd, J. (1995). Performance of a Structural Plate Pipe Arch Culvert in a Cohesive Backfill Under Large Live Load. Malmo, Sweden: Nordic Steel Construction Conference ‘95.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Engel, R. (1995). Centrifuge Modeling - Settlement of Highway Bridge Spread Footings on Cohesionless Soils in Ohio. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
  • Sargand, S. (1994). Structural Evaluation and Performance of Plastic Pipe. 48th Annual Ohio Transportation Engineering Conference.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Mao, B., Yalamanchili, V., Hurd, J. (1994). Performance of Buried Corrugated HDPE Pipe. Singapore: Centrifuge ‘94 International Conference.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Hurd, J. (1993). Five Year Field Performance Study of Three Metal Box Culverts. Balkema, Rotterdam: Structural Performance of Pipes; 137-146.
  • Sargand, S., Mitchell, G., Masada, T. (1993). Structural Performance of an HDPE Leachate Collection Pipe. San Jose, CA: The Solid Waste Association of North America, Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Solid Waste Exposition.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (1993). Integrated Engineering Programs: Focus on Geoenvironmental. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL : Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 100th Annual Conference.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (1993). Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 100th Annual Conference. Champaign-Urbana, Illinois : Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 100th Annual Conference.
  • Kastner, R., Sargand, S., Mitchell, G. (1993). Structural Performance of PVC Leachate Collection Pipe. Columbus, Ohio : Proceedings of the 1993 Conference on Structural Performance of Pipes; 83-96.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Rueda, J. (1993). Permeability of the Drainage Layer in the Leachate Collection System. Marina Del Ray, CA : Proceedings of the WasteTech ‘93 Conference.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Rueda, J. (1992). Clogging of the Drainage Blanket in the Landfill. Karlsruhe, Germany : Proceedings of the Geo-Filters ‘92 International Conference on Filters and Filtration Phenomena in Geotechnical Engineering.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (1992). Leachate Collection Systems Components Research. Oak Brook, IL: Proceedings of the 1992 Waste Management, Inc., Fall Technology Conference.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Rogers, R. (1992). Experimental Analysis of Steel Dowels Used in Y and YU Type Contraction Joints for the Repair of Concrete Pavements Subjected to Truck Loading. Washington, D.C.: American Concrete Institute 1992 Spring Convention.
  • Mitchell, G., Masada, T., Sargand, S. (1992). Analysis of Erosion and Sediment Control Practices of State Departments of Transportation. Reno, NV : Proceedings of the 23rd International Erosion Control Association Conference.
  • Chang, M., Hazen, G., Sargand, S. (1992). Field and Analytical Analysis of Structural Damage Criteria from Blasting. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of AIEE.
  • Masada, T., Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (1991). Characteristics of Geotextile/ HDPE Geomembrane Interface Under Direct Shear Conditions. Lexington, KY: Proceedings of the Ohio River Valley Soils Seminar XXII; 3.1-3.10.
  • Mitchell, G., Masada, T., Sargand, S. (1991). Effect of Temperature on Interface Properties Between HDPE Geomembrane and Cohesionless Soils. Montreal, Canada : Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Environmental Geotechnics.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Masada, T. (1991). Erosion and Sediment Control Practices in Highway Construction. Orlando, FL: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Erosion Control Association; 57-68.
  • Amla, A., Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Hurd, J. (1990). A Comparison of Analytical and Field Data for a Rib-Reinforced Corrugated Steel Box-Type Culvert. Columbus, OH: Conference on Flexible Pipes; 17-26.
  • Oh, S., Hazen, G., Sargand, S., Hurd, J. (1990). Field Performance of Steel Corrugated Box-Culvert with Corrugated Plate Reinforcement. Columbus, OH: Conference on Flexible Pipes; 63-72.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Masada, T. (1990). Interface Properties Between Cohesionless Soils and Geomembranes. Cleveland, OH: Proceedings of the HMC Great Lakes ‘90 Conference.
  • Viswanathan, B., Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1989). Evaluation of Resilient Modulus by Back-Calculation Technique. New Delhi, India: Conference on Engineering Software-89.
  • Hazen, G., Sargand, S., Zhao, J. (1989). Analysis of Rib-Plate Response to External Loading. Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI: 21st Midwestern Mechanics Conference; 579-580.
  • Jayasuriya, A., Sargand, S. (1989). Nonlinear Foundation Model for Blast Induced Response Analysis. Virginia: 60th Shock and Vibration Symposium.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1989). Resilient Modulus. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH : 43rd Annual Ohio Transportation Engineering Conference.
  • Sargand, S., Janardhanam, R. (1988). Effect of Soil Strength on Numerical Simulation. Innsbruck, Austria : 6th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Zheng, H. (1988). Hybrid Finite Element Model Utilized for Fracture of Concrete Beams on Elastic Foundations. Innsbruck, Austria : 6th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics; 251-256.
  • Sargand, S., Das, Y., Jayasuriya, A. (1988). A Finite Element Model for Free Vibration Analysis of Beam on Elastic Foundation. Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil : Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics.
  • Hazen, G., Sargand, S., Mehta, J. (1988). Analysis of Orthotopic Medium with Lined Hole by Finite Element and Leknitskii’s Stress Function. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil : Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Zheng, H. (1987). Application of Hybrid Finite Element Model to the Fracture of Concrete. 20th Midwestern Mechanics Conference; 14(b): 741-747.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1987). Multiaxial Testing of Compacted Shales. Calgary, Alberta: International Symposium on Prediction and Performance in Geotechnical Engineering; 377-383.
  • Hazen, G., Sargand, S. (1987). The Effect on Highways of Surface Subsidence Resulting from Longwall Coal Mining. Pittsburgh, PA : Proceedings of the 38th Annual Highway Geology Symposium; 163-170.
  • Collier, J., Gunasekera, J., Sargand, S. (1987). Streamlined Dies and Profile Extrusion. Los Angeles, CA : Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference & Exhibit (SPE ANTEC); 203-205.
  • Collier, J., Gunasekera, J., Sargand, S. (1987). Streamlined Profile Extrusion Dies. Columbus, OH: Society of Plastics Engineers Regional Technical Conference - Profile Extrusion (SPE-RETEC); 8-14.
  • Hazen, G., Sargand, S. (1987). The Effect of Longwall Mining on Surface Subsidence of Highways and Bridges. Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME).
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Miller, K. (1987). Deformation Behavior of Shales. Washington, DC : 66th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting.
  • Sargand, S., Sheng, Z. (1986). Dynamics of Circular Footing on Elastic Foundations. State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY: 23rd Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science.
  • Sargand, S. (1986). Hybrid Stress Model in Geomechanics. State University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Numerical Models in Geomechanics; 769-778.
  • Sargand, S., Janardhanam, R. (1986). Numerical Study of Soil-Structure Interaction Problems in Loess. State University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium : Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Numerical Models in Geomechanics; 511-518.
  • Das, Y., Sargand, S. (1985). Beams on Hyperelastic Foundations. University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX : Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Global Methods, Integral Methods in Science and Engineering; 349-358.
  • Collier, J., Gunasekera, J., Sargand, S. (1985). CAD/CAM of Streamlined Dies. Ohio University, Athens, OH: The Regional Technical Conference, Engineering Plastics; 155-162.
  • Gunasekera, J., Collier, J., Halliday, K., Sargand, S., Lawrence, R., Adams, O., Collier, B. (1984). Research on CAD/CAM and Robotics at Ohio University. University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC : Proceedings of the International Robotics Conference.
  • Desai, C., Lightner, J., Sargand, S. (1982). Mixed and Hybrid Procedures for Nonlinear Problems in Geomechanics. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada : Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics; 1099-1116.

Abstract (1)

  • Sargand, S. (2017). Instrumentation of a perpetual test pavement in Ohio. Mumbai, Maharashtra: CTRG; 1.

Book, Non-Scholarly (1)

  • Sargand, S., Mitchell, G., Hurd, J. (1993). Proceedings of the Conference on Structural Performance of Pipes 1993. Rotterdam, South Holland: A. A. Balkema.

Journal Article, In-House Journal (1)

  • Al-Rikabi, F., Sargand, S., Kurdziel, J. (2017). Evaluation of Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pipe Performance Using Three-Edge Bearing Test. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: ASTM International.

Other (18)

  • Sargand, S., Al-Jhayyish, A., Khoury, I., Green, R. (2018). Determining Optimum Thickness for Long-Life Concrete Pavement in Ohio. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1.
  • Nusairat, J., Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Ahmed, S., Jozwiak, M. (2018). Validation and Calibration of Finite Element Model of Forces in Wingwalls. Columbus, Ohio: E.L. Robinson Engineering; 1.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Kruse Daniels, N., Green, R., Redinger, D., Jordan, B., Kennedy, K. (2017). Condition Evaluation of In-Service Chemically Stabilized Subgrades in a High Sulfate Environment. FHWA/OH-2017/41. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1.
  • Sargand, S., Green, R., Zhu, J., Khoury, I. (2017). Forensic Study of Early Failures with Unbonded Concrete Overlays. FHWA/OH-2017/38. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1.
  • Green, R., Sargand, S., Robbins, M., Jordan, B. (2017). Evaluation of Roadway Subsurface Drainage on Rural Routes. FHWA/OH-2017/37. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1.
  • Sargand, S., Green, R., Burhani, A., Alghamdi, H., Jordan, B. (2016). Investigation of In-Situ Strength of Various Construction/Widening Methods Utilized on Local Roads. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 3.
  • Sargand, S., Green, R. (2015). Investigation of In-Situ Strength of Various Construction/Widening Methods Utilized on Local Roads. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 3.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (2015). Hydraulics Engineering Research On-Call Services Task 1: Investigation of Aluminum-Concrete Interactions in Darke County Culverts. Report FHWA/OH-2015/25. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Jordan, B., Scheer, M., Cichocki, p. (2015). Implementation and Thickness Optimization of Perpetual Pavements in Ohio. Report FHWA/OH-2015/17. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 5.
  • Sargand, S., White, K., Khoury, I., Hussein, H., Mutashar, R., Russ, A. (2015). Structures Research Services Task 4 – Validation of ODOT Shallow Cover Rating Factor Method for Metal Culverts. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 4.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Gray, J., Al-Jhayyish, A. (2014). Incorporating Subgrade Stabilization in Pavement Design and Construction. FHWA/OH-2014/12 . Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 4.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2013). Exfiltration Trench for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects . Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1: 4.
  • Hoffman, B., Sargand, S. (2011). Verification of Rut Depth Collected with the INO Laser Rut Measurement System (LRMS). Columbus: Ohio Department of Transportation; 3.
  • Sargand, S. (2010). The Afghan Merit Scholars Program at Ohio University. Athens, OH: Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment; 29.
  • Steinberg, E., Sargand, S. (2010). Forces in Wingwalls from Thermal Expansion of Skewed Semi-Integral Bridges. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 4 pages.
  • Sargand, S., Edwards, W. (2010). Forensic Investigation of AC and PCC Pavements with Extended Service Life. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; FHWA/OH-2010/004A: 3.
  • Sargand, S., Figueroa, L. (2010). Monitoring and Modeling of Pavement Response and Performance. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; FHWA/OH-2010/03A : 3.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Hernandez, J., Kim, S. (2010). Determination of Mechanical Properties of Materials Used in Way-30 Test Pavements. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; FHWA/OH-2010/9: 6.

Research Report (9)

  • Sargand, S., Hurd, J., White, K., Masada, T., Garcia-Ruiz, J., Colorado-Urrea, G. (2016). Assessment of ODOT’s Conduit Service Life Prediction Methodology. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 212.
  • Sargand, S., Green, R., Burhani, A., Alghamdi, H., Jordan, B. (2016). Investigation of In-Situ Strength of Various Construction/Widening Methods Utilized on Local Roads. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 104.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Masada, T. (2014). Structures Research Services Task 6: Forensic Study of Collapsed Culvert in Licking County. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Gray, J., Al-Jhayyish, A. (2014). Incorporating Subgrade Stabilization in Pavement Design and Construction. Report FHWA/OH-2014/12 . Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Steinberg, E. (2013). Task 2 – Instrumentation and Monitoring of Precast.
  • Steinberg, E., Miller, R., Nims, D., Sargand, S. (2011). “Structural Evaluation of LIC-310-0396 and FAY-35-17-6.82 Box Beams with Advanced Strand Deterioration - Final Report,” . Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transporation; 131 pages.
  • Steinberg, E., Sargand, S. (2010). Forces in Wingwalls from Thermal Expansion of Skewed Semi-Integral Bridges. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 87 pages.
  • Sargand, S. (2010). Report on the First Afghanistan National Engineering Policy Workshop. Spokane WA: Afghan eQuality Alliances and United States Agency for International Development; 36.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (2009). Interim Report: Comparison of Pervious Concrete with Washed and Unwashed Aggregate in Terms of Porosity and Total Solids Removal . State Job No. 134384. Columbus, OH: ODOT; 8 pages.

Review, Technical Review (3)

  • Sargand, S. (2015). Review of Jabul Seraj to Khenjan Highway and Salang Tunnel Assessment Survey Report for Rehabilitation. 2.
  • Sargand, S. (2015). Sharan Angoor Ada corridor highway comments. 1.
  • Sargand, S. (2015). Design comments on road projects in Afghanistan. 2.

Technical Report (100)

  • Masada, T., Sargand, S., Abdalla, B., Figueroa, L. Materials Properties for Implementation of Mechanistic-Empirical (M-E) Pavement Design Procedures, Final Report. Ohio Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Russ, A. (2018). Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC) Task 7: Spiral Rib Conduit (707.12) Service Life. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 44.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Zhu, J., Qin, J., Burhani, A. (2018). JPCP Design Catalog for New York State. Ames, Iowa: Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University; 302.
  • Green, R., Buss, A., Robbins, m., Sargand, S., Guirguis, M. (2018). Best Practices for Chip Sealing Low-Volume Roads in Ohio. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 238.
  • Sargand, S., Al-Jhayyish, A., Khoury, I., Green, R. (2018). Determining Optimum Thickness for Long-Life Concrete Pavement in Ohio. Report No. FHWA/OH-2018-14. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 166.
  • Sargand, S., Al-Jhayyish, A., Khoury, I., Russ, A. (2018). Determining Optimum Thickness for Long-Life Concrete Pavement in Ohio. FHWA/OH-2018-14. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 178.
  • Nusairat, J., Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Ahmed, S., Jozwiak, M. (2018). Validation and Calibration of Finite Element Model of Forces in Wingwalls. Columbus, Ohio: E.L. Robinson Engineering; 127.
  • Pluimer, M., Sprague, C., Thomas, R., McCarthy, L., Walker, A., Sargand, S., Shaheen, E., White, K. (2018). Field Performance of Corrugated Pipe Manufactured with Recycled Content. NCHRP Report 870. Washington, District of Columbia: The National Academies Press; 158.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Kruse Daniels, N., Green, R., Redinger, D., Jordan, B., Kennedy, K. (2018). Condition Evaluation of In-Service Chemically Stabilized Subgrades in a High Sulfate Environment. FHWA/OH-2017/41. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 210.
  • Sargand, S., Russ, A., White, K. (2017). Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC) Task 4:Re-rounding of Thermoplastic Conduit. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 25.
  • Sargand, S., Green, R., Zhu, J., Khoury, I. (2017). Forensic Study of Early Failures with Unbonded Concrete Overlays. FHWA/OH-2017/38. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 248.
  • Green, R., Sargand, S., Robbins, M., Jordan, B. (2017). Evaluation of Roadway Subsurface Drainage on Rural Routes. FHWA/OH-2017/37. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 141.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Jordan, B., Hussein, H. (2016). Hydraulics Engineering Research On-Call Services Task 3: Ultimate Load Capacity of Corrugated Steel Pipe with Extreme Corrosion. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 94.
  • Sargand, S., Mitchell, G., Green, R. (2015). Design and Rehabilitation of Local Roadways for Ohio’s Counties: A Report from the Workshop held April 28, 2015 at the Cherry Valley Lodge in Newark Ohio. Athens OH: Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment ; 32.
  • Sargand, S., Green, R. (2015). Investigation of In-Situ Strength of Various Construction/Widening Methods Utilized on Local Roads. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 120.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (2015). Hydraulics Engineering Research On-Call Services Task 1: Investigation of Aluminum-Concrete Interactions in Darke County Culverts. Report FHWA/OH-2015/25. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 36.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I. (2015). Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), Comparison Pushes. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 82.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Jordan, B., Scheer, M., Cichocki, p. (2015). Implementation and Thickness Optimization of Perpetual Pavements in Ohio. Report FHWA/OH-2015/17. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 310.
  • Sargand, S., White, K., Khoury, I., Hussein, H., Mutashar, R., Russ, A. (2015). Structures Research Services Task 4 – Validation of ODOT Shallow Cover Rating Factor Method for Metal Culverts. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 164.
  • Vavrik, W., Evans, L., Stefanski, J., Sargand, S. (2013). PCR Evaluation – Considering Transition from Manual to Semi - Automated Pavement Distress Collection and Analysis. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 190.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Qin, J., Zhu, J. (2013). Calibration of MEPDG using New York and Ohio Experimental Sections. for Engineering and Software Consultants, Inc. and the New York Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Pooled Fund Study SPR-2(208) Contract No. DTFH61-11-D-00009 Task Order 5 Subcontract #12-15; 50.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Qin, J., Zhu, j. (2013). Collection of Materials Properties Data for Development of JPCP Design Catalog for New York State. for Engineering and Software Consultants, Inc. and the New York Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Pooled Fund Study TPF-5(101) Contract No. DTFH61-05-D-00017 Task Order 15 Subcontract #10-06; 42.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Qin, J., Zhu, J. (2013). Development of JPCP Design Catalog for New York State. for Engineering and Software Consultants, Inc. and the New York Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Pooled Fund Study TPF-5(101) Contract No. DTFH61-05-D-00017 Task Order 13 Subcontract #09-01; 178.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2013). Exfiltration Trench for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects: : Volume 2 of 3, Reno Field Study a. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1: 186.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2013). Exfiltration Trench for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects: Volume 1 of 3, Laboratory Study of Pervious Concrete and Filter Media. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1: 216.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2013). Exfiltration Trench for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects: Volume 3 of 3, Athens Field Study . Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 1: 186.
  • Hoffman, B., Sargand, S. (2011). Verification of Rut Depth Collected with the INO Laser Rut Measurement System (LRMS). Columbus: Ohio Department of Transportation; 82.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2011). Exfiltration Trench for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects – Interim Report on Laboratory Study of Pervious Concrete and Filter Media. State Job No 134384. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; Interim report: 218.
  • Affleck, R., Seman, P., Deegan, M., Freeman, R., Sargand, S., Alkozai, F. (2011). Documenting Lessons Learned in Afghanistan Concerning Design and Construction Challenges. ERDC/CRRL TR-11-02. Hanover NH: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center/Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.
  • Affleck, R., Sargand, S., Russ, A., Momand, F., Perez Canals, M. (2011). Roads and Retaining Structures Specifically for Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. ERDC/CRRL TR-11-01. Hanover NH: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center/Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Stuart, B., Russ, A., Steinberg, E., Kremer, G., Vassiliadis, C. (2010). Al Anbar University ABET Accreditation Services Project- Phase I and Phase II Report. U S Army Corps of Engineers; 185 Pages.
  • Sargand, S., Edwards, W. (2010). Forensic Investigation of AC and PCC Pavements with Extended Service Life. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; FHWA/OH-2010/004A: 480.
  • Sargand, S., Figueroa, L. (2010). Monitoring and Modeling of Pavement Response and Performance. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; FHWA/OH-2010/03A : 172.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T., Hernandez, J., Kim, S. (2010). Determination of Mechanical Properties of Materials Used in Way-30 Test Pavements. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; FHWA/OH-2010/9: 175.
  • Sargand, S., Figueroa, L., Romanello, M. (2008). Instrumentation of the Way-30 Test Pavements. Technical Report No. FHWA/OH-2008/7 . Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation State Job No. 14815.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2007). Inspection of Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipes in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Report for Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.
  • Wu, S., Sargand, S. (2007). Use of Dynamic Cone Penetrometer in Subgrade and Base Acce.. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2007). Long-Term Monitoring of Pipe Under Deep Cover. Ohio Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); 209 pages.
  • Sargand, S., Morrison, J. (2007). Truck/Pavement/Economic Modeling and In-Situ Field Test Data Analysis Applications – Volume 4: Effects of Slab Shape and Load Transfer Mechanism on Portland Cement Concrete Pavement. Report No. FHWA/OH-2006/3D for the Ohio Department of Transportation, State Job No. 147700 – SPR2(203).
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2007). Pennsylvania Deep Burial Study: The 20th Year Summary Report on ADS 24-inch Diameter Corrugated HDPE Pipline Structure. Final Report to Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. (ADS); 32 pages.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2007). Field Inspection and Testing of Thermoplastic Pipes on Future I-99 in Pennsylvania. Report for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S. (2007). Evaluation of Pavement Performance on DEL-23. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2006). Field Inspection and Testing of ADPE Drain Pipes at Future I-90 site Near State College, PA. Final Report to Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation; 64 Pages.
  • Sargand, S. (2006). Truck/Pavement/Economic Modeling and In-Situ Field Test Data Analysis Applications – Volume 3: Stiffness and Modulus Estimation for Different Soild Types Using FWD Deflection Data. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2006). Further Use of Spread Footing Foundations for Highway Bridges. Columbus, OH: Federal Highway Administration - Ohio Dept. of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Harrigal, A., Sargent, L., Kim, H. (2005). Evaluation of Pavement Performance on DEL-23 –Forensic Study for Sections 390103, 390108, 390109, 390110 of Ohio SHRP U.S. Rt. 23 Test Pavement. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S. (2005). Pavement Design Feature Effects on Subgrade Volumetric Moisture Content. Columbus, OH: Report for Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Kim, S., Farrington, S. (2005). A Working Review of Available Non-Nuclear Equipment for Determining In-Place Density of Asphalt. Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Wu, S., Figueroa, L. (2005). Truck/Pavement/Economic Modeling and In-Situ Field Test Data Analysis Applications – Volume 1: Influence of Drainage on Selection of Base. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Masada, T., Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (2005). Risk Assessment and Update of Inspection Procedures for Culverts. Columbus, OH: Final Report, FHWA/ODOT-2005/002; 414 Pages.
  • Sargand, S. (2005). Forensic Study of Cracking of Concrete on I75 Southbound near Finlay, Final Report. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S. (2004). Evaluation of HPC Pavement in Nelsonville, Ohio. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Moreland, A. (2004). Pressure Distribution Around a Metal Pipe Under Deep Cover. Columbus, OH : Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Sargent, L., Farrington, S. (2004). Inclinometer – Time Domain Reflectometry Comparative Study. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2003). Soil Arching Above Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe. 1849. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Record No. 1849, National Research Council; 109-123.
  • Sargand, S., Edwards, W. (2003). Accelerated Testing of Ohio SHRP Sections 390101, 390102, 390105 and 390107. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2003). Material Properties for Implementation of Mechanistic-Empirical (M-E) Pavement Design Procedures. Columbus, OH: Ohio Dept. of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S. (2002). Improving the Structural Performance of Highway Pavement (including Long Term (10-Year) Strategic Planning for Improving and Preserving the Structural Performance of Highway Pavements). Columbus, OH: Final report to Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Schehl, D., Moran, A., Altarawneh, B. (2002). Field Verification of Structural Performance of Thermoplastic Pipe Under Deep Backfill Conditions. Columbus, OH: Final report to Ohio Department of Transportation.
  • Sargand, S., Edwards, W., Kim, H. (2002). Determination of Pavement Layer Stiffness On The Ohio SHRP Test Road Using Backcalculation Technique. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S. (2002). Application of High Performance Concrete in the Pavement System and Structural Response of High Performance Concrete. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2002). Laboratory Characterization of Materials and Data Management for Ohio-SHRP Projects (U.S. 23). Columbus, OH: Final Report to Ohio Department of Transportation (includes CD-ROM).
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2002). Laboratory Characterization of Ohio-SHRP Test Road Pavement Material. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Kim, S. (2001). Pavement Performance Testing. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Kim, S. (2001). Pavement Performance Testing. Final Report to ODOT, Report #FHWA/OH-2001/14.
  • Steinberg, E., Sargand, S., Bettinger, C. (2001). Forces Exerted in the Wingwalls of Skewed Semi-Integral Bridges. Athens, OH: Ohio University, Center for Geotechnical and Environmental Research, Department of Civil Engineering.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2001). Construction of a Flexible Pipe System Using Controlled Low Strength Material – Controlled Density Fill (CLSM-CDF). Final Report, ODOT/FHWA; 276.
  • Steinberg, E., Sargand, S., Bettinger, C. (2001). Forces Exerted in The Wingwalls of Skewed Semi-Integral Bridges. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2001). Construction of Drainage Pipe System Using CLSM-CDF. Final Report, ODOT/FH.
  • Sargand, S., Edwards, W., Salimath, S. (2001). Evaluation of Soil Stiffness Via Non-Destructive Testing. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S. (2001). Performance of Dowel Bars and Rigid Pavement. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S. (2000). Evaluation of Forces in Dowel Bars Under Controlled Conditions. Federal Highway Admistration (FHWA).
  • Sargand, S., Edwards, W. (2000). Effectiveness of Base Type on the Performance of PCC Pavements on ERI/LOR 2. Report ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Wasniak, D., Masada, T., Beegle, D. (2000). Evaluation of Initial Subgrade Variability on the Ohio SHRP Test Road. Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Figueroa, L., Heydinger, A., Wolfe, W., Bodocsi, A., Sehn, A. (1999). Coordination and Load Response Instrumentation of SHRP Pavements. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T. (1999). Field and Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Spread Footings. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T. (1998). Structural Evaluation and Performance of Plastic Pipe. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1998). Field Verification of Standard Installation Direct Design (SIDD) Method for Concrete Pipe. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Young, B., Khoury, I., Wasniak, D., Goldsberry, B. (1998). Final Report on Forensic Study for Section 390101 of Ohio SHRP U.S. 23 Test Pavement. Final Report ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Young, B., Khoury, I., Wasniak, D., Goldsberry, B. (1997). Preliminary Report on Forensic Study for Section 390101 of Ohio SHRP U.S. 23 Test Pavement. Preliminary Report ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Metzger, A. (1997). Determination of Abutment Forces Due to Environmental Factors. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Cinadr, E. (1997). Field Instrumentation of Dowels. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., McCauley, J., Schweiger, D. (1997). A Demonstration Project on Instrumentation of a Flexible Pavement. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Bazeley, C., Copley, J., George, M. (1997). Instrumentation of a Rigid Pavement System. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Masada, T., Sargand, S., Mitchell, G. (1996). Performance of the Leachate Collection System in the Landfill. Cincinnati, OH: Final Report, U.S. EPA Cincinnati-Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory (RREL).
  • Sargand, S. (1994). Development of an Instrumentation Plan for the Ohio SPS Test Pavement (DEL-23). Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (1994). Performance of the Leachate Collection System in the Landfill, Part 1. Cincinnati, OH: Part 1, U.S. EPA Cincinnati Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory (RREL).
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Masada, T. (1994). Leachate Collection System Components Research, Phase IV - Drainage Blanket Compatibility/Clogging. Final Report, Rust Environment and Infrastructure, Inc.; 57 Pages.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Khoury, I., Pannila, I., Rogers, R. (1993). Evaluation of Pavement Joint Performance. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (1993). Leachate Collection System Component Research, Phase III. Final Report, Waste Management of North America, Inc.; 79 pp.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Devarajan, C. (1992). Failure Characteristics of a Structural Plate Pipe Arch Culvert. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA; 118 pp.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (1992). Leachate Collection System Components Research - Phase II. Final Report, Waste Management of North America, Inc.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1991). Experimental and Analytical Analysis of Blasting Criteria. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1991). Evaluation of Resilient Modulus by Back-Calculation Technique. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA; 242 pp.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (1991). Leachate Collection System Components Research, Phase II. Interim Report, Waste Management of North America, Inc.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (1991). Leachate Collection System Components Research, Final Report. Final Report, Waste Management of North America, Inc.; 78 pp.
  • Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (1991). Leachate Collection System Components Research, Interim Report. Interim Report, Waste Management of North America, Inc.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1990). Structural Analysis of Corrugated Metal Box-Type Culverts. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Sargand, S., Hazen, G. (1985). Development of a Mathematical Model to Describe the Deformation Behavior of Shales. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
  • Hazen, G., Sargand, S. (1985). The Effect of Longwall Mining on Surface Subsidence of Highways and Bridges. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.

Working Paper (7)

  • Sargand, S. (2018). Report on Condition of Pavements on the Bagrami-Separi-Surkhrod segments of the Kabul-Nangarhar Road. Ministry of Public Works; 30.
  • Sargand, S. (2018). Report on pavement deterioration on Khenjan Salang Highway. Kabul: Ministry of Public Works; 7.
  • Sargand, S. (2018). Improving safety and preserving pavement in Afghanistan using weigh-in-motion systems. Kabul: Ministry of Public Works; 3.
  • Sargand, S., Robbins, M., Green, R. (2018). Surfacing Afghanistan’s Aggregate Roads with Chip Seal Treatments. Kabul: Ministry of Public Works; 4.
  • Sargand, S., Pashtun, M. (2015). Evaluation of Drainage systems for Highways in Afghanistan. 20.
  • Sargand, S. (2015). Friction In Large Diameter Piles.
  • Sargand, S., Green, R. Subgrade Stabilization on I75. for Ohio Department of Transportation Research Office.