Joshua Greenlee

Expected Graduation: April 2017
Hometown: Athens, Ohio
Born and raised in Athens, Ohio, Josh always saw himself going away for college. Ohio University had different ideas, as the Bobcat community and Russ College drew him in, making Athens his home for four more years. Uneasy about his decision at first, Josh quickly realized that there’s no place like home, and Ohio University was a perfect fit for him.
Apart from serving as an Engineering Ambassador, Josh is involved in Tau Beta Pi, where he is the activities chair. He also serves as a leader in Athens County Young Life at Trimble High School. Josh is also honored to be a 2016 Society of Chemical Industry Scholar, which gave him the opportunity to work for Eastman Chemical Company this summer.
Josh conducts undergraduate research in a biomedical engineering lab focusing on drug discovery and cancer treatment. He plans to go to graduate school for a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, and he eventually wants to pursue a career in academia.
Outside of class, Josh enjoys longboarding, gaming, basketball and golf.