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Joe Meyer

Joe Meyer, Ambassador 2016-2018
Ambassador 2016-2018
email address

Hometown: Medina, Ohio

Expected Graduation: May 2018

When Joe first visited Ohio University, he didn’t think he would attend. However, after talking to a Bobcat friend, he was convinced he should pursue it. Now a senior, he knows he made the right decision.

Joe says the Russ College has given him great connections to advance in the professional world, and he has been able to gain valuable work experience outside of the classroom.

Joe also has been involved in organizations and activities outside of Engineering Ambassadors. A member of Theta Tau, the national co-ed engineering fraternity, he also served on its executive board.

Other activities include intramural softball, canoeing on Lake Hope, and, he says, commanding the 2007 Cleveland Browns to a Super Bowl in Madden ‘07.