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Veronica Ammer

Veronica Ammer
Ambassador 2018-2019
email address

Hometown: Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Expected Graduation: Spring 2019

Veronica fell in love with Ohio University during a campus tour. Despite her initial search for a warmer climate, she decided to brave four more winters. She says the community, academics, and lush landscapes make up for long months wearing snow boots and mittens – and the blooming cherry blossoms along the Hocking River sweeten the deal.

In addition to being president of the Engineering Ambassadors, she’s a founding member of

Renaissance Engineers – a new Russ College student organization dedicated to promoting STEM – and a leader for Cru at OU, a campus Christian ministry. Veronica interned at Kroff Lab Services, Inc., in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, during summer 2016; and General Mills in Wellston, Ohio, during summer 2018.

In her free time, Veronica loves to sing and play her ukulele. She also enjoys reading, especially legal thrillers.