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Jordan Castelli

Jordan Castelli
2023-2024 Engineering Ambassador in Chemical Engineering
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Jordan Castelli 

Hometown: Dublin, OH 

Expected Graduation: Spring 2024 

Jordan Castelli is a senior Chemical Engineering Student from Dublin, OH. With a love for nature and the outdoors, Ohio University quickly felt like a second home for him. This has been supported with the constant opportunity for growth both in and out of the classroom. He hopes to use the skills he has developed over the years to help fight against climate change and make a more sustainable world.  

Besides being an Engineering Ambassador, Jordan participates in a variety of other activities on campus. He is currently working with Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service as a research scholar where he is partnered with Habitat for Humanity to help give back to the Appalachian community. He is also Vice Regent of Theta Tau, one of the professional engineering fraternities on campus, to make a network of engineers who work to build themselves professionally and highlight the importance of community service. To fill out his time, he is also a member of AIChE and Ohio University Extra Life. 

Over the past 2 summers, Jordan was lucky to land internship at Constellium and pH Matter, where he was able to use his knowledge of chemical engineering to help streamline processes in both a manufacturing and laboratory settings. His time with these companies taught him valuable skills that have translated to his in-class work and professional development. 

He enjoys spending his time playing board games with friends and hiking. A fun fact about Jordan is that his middle name is Gelato!