The following is a selected list of commonly requested data and research sources related to enrollment trends at OHIO and beyond.
OHIO Resources | Description |
Enrollment Data | The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics compiles the Enrollment Statistics Report at the end of each academic term. It contains information by major as well as by student characteristics (sex, race, full-time or part-time status, residency, etc). |
Retention Rates (opens in a new window) | Dashboard on Tableau Public shows retention rates by campus and college over time. |
Graduation Rates (opens in a new window) | Dashboard on Tableau Public shows graduation rates by campus and college over time. |
First-Year and Transfer Student Profiles | These tables show characteristics of entering first-year undergraduate and transfer students over seven years. Separate first-year undergraduate tables are available for each academic college and for the entire class. Data includes numbers of applicants and students admitted; numbers and percentages for enrolled students by gender, race/ethnicity, residency and academic college; and summary statistics on high school percentile rank, ACT scores and SAT. *An OHIO faculty/staff ID is required to access these reports. |
University Data | Includes Ohio University data such as The Compendium of Planning Information and The Common Data Set (CDS). |
External Resources | Description |
WICHE Data Resources (opens in a new window) | Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) reports provide relevant state and regional data related to postsecondary access and success, demographics, higher education finance and affordability and more. |
Current Term Enrollment Estimates (opens in a new window) | The Current Term Enrollment Estimates report series is published by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center every December and May to provide the most current national enrollment estimates by institutional sector, enrollment intensity, age group, gender, major field as well as state-level enrollment estimates. |
Enrollment Trends (Updated Monthly) (opens in a new window) | The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center provides regular updates on higher education enrollment. |
DoED College Scoreboard (opens in a new window) | The U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard provides data on college costs, graduation and post-college earnings. |
ODHE Enrollment Reports (opens in a new window) | The Ohio Department of Higher Education publishes reports on enrollment in the state's postsecondary institutions. Detailed reports showing headcount and FTE by institution, campus and level are available, as well as annual preliminary enrollment (census) data. |
ODHE College Readiness Reports (opens in a new window) | The Ohio Department of Education annually publishes high school to college transition reports, focusing on need for remediation for Ohio high school graduates. Includes detail by district and school of graduation. |
U.S. High School Graduating Class Trends (opens in a new window) | ACT's annual study of the 2021 ACT-tested graduating class, including 10-year trend analysis regarding ACT college and career readiness benchmarks. Includes a data visualization tool. |
Trends in College Pricing (opens in a new window) | College Board report detailing the costs associated with one year of undergraduate study in the U.S. and how those costs have changed over time. |
Trends in Student Aid (opens in a new window) | College Board report on national trends in the awarding, source, amount and distribution of aid over time. | (opens in a new window) | Popular site featuring a user-friendly compilation of data provided by the National Center for Education Statistics on public and private American high schools. |
Open Doors 2023 (opens in a new window) | Comprehensive report published by the Institute of International Education (opens in a new window) (IIE) detailing trends in international students and scholars in the United States and in U.S. students studying abroad. |
NCAN's FAFSA Tracker (opens in a new window) | This interactive data dashboard tracks and ranks states’ progress toward 100% of their high school seniors completing the FAFSA and measures change. |