Original Work Grant and Travel Award

The Graduate College, in collaboration with the Graduate Student Senate, offers current graduate students two grant opportunities to support their research, scholarship and creative activities.

  • The Original Work Grant (OWG) supports research and creative work. It is intended to fund direct, project-related expenses such as travel, lodging, materials and equipment related to research.

  • The Travel Award (TA) supports travel to present original work, including research and creative works. The Travel Award is intended to enhance graduate education through participation in seminars, workshops, and conferences. 

View this year's award recipients

Original Work Grant (OWG)

The OWG supports research and creative work. It is intended to fund direct, project-related expenses such as travel, lodging, materials and equipment related to research. Any graduate student enrolled for at least 1 credit hour and pursuing a graduate degree at Ohio University can apply for this grant.

Note: Students that are classified as nonresident aliens for tax purposes will have income tax withheld at the time of payment. More information regarding tax withholdings can be found on the following Office of the Bursar website (opens in a new window)


Original Work Grant (OWG) Deadlines
When research expenses
can begin*
When research expenses must end*What review cycle should I apply for?DeadlineNotification Date
1-Nov30-JuneOWG - Fall Review 13-Sep
(5 P.M.)
1-May31-DecOWG - Spring Review14-March
(5 P.M.)

* Applications with funding requests outside these outlined dates will be deemed ineligible and removed from funding consideration.


Email any questions to gssgrantreview@ohio.edu or call the Graduate College at 740.593.2800.

Travel Award (TA)

The TA supports travel to present original work, including research and creative works. The Travel Award is intended to enhance graduate education through participation in seminars, workshops, and conferences, fostering professional development to further students’ careers. The award attempts to cover a majority of the costs associated with such travel.

Note: Students that are classified as nonresident aliens for tax purposes will have income tax withheld at the time of payment. More information regarding tax withholdings can be found on the following Office of the Bursar website (opens in a new window)


Travel Award (TA) Deadlines
When travel
can begin*
When travel
must end*
What review cycle should I apply for?DeadlineNotification Date
1-Oct30-April**TA - Fall Review18-Sept
(5 P.M.)
1-March30-SepTA - Spring Review14-Feb
(5 P.M.)
1-Jul31-DecTA - Summer Review6-June
(5 P.M.)

* Applications with funding requests outside these outlined dates will be deemed ineligible and removed from funding consideration.

**Exceptions to this expense window may be granted to any enrolled graduate student who plans to travel pre-November 1st but was not a student at the time of the summer session deadline.


Email any questions to gssgrantreview@ohio.edu or call the Graduate College at 740.593.2800.

Submission Process

All proposals must be submitted through the following links. To submit a proposal:

  1. Download and review all of the materials provided above.
  2. Prepare your proposal document as described and convert to a PDF. Please note - your document will be converted to Word for the formatting compliance check, so be sure to check that your document follows the guidelines outlined above (e.g., 11-point font size, double-spaced, with at least 1-inch margins).
  3. Complete the signature sheet, obtain all signatures, and scan into a PDF.
  4. Select the appropriate link, complete the forms, and upload the two PDF documents when prompted. Please use the following guide for naming your proposal and signature sheet documents:
    • Proposal Naming Convention for Original Work Grant (OWG) or Travel Award (TA):
      First Name Last Name.Initials of Grant/Award.Term of Application.Year
      (e.g., Jane Doe.OWG.Fall.2018 or John Smith.TA.Spring.2019) and
    • Signature Sheet Naming Convention for Original Work Grant (OWG) or Travel Award (TA): 
      First Name Last Name.Signature Sheet.Initials of Grant/Award.Term of Application.Year
      (e.g., Jane Doe.Signature Sheet.OWG.Fall.2018 or John Smith.Signature Sheet.TA.Spring.2019).

Original Work Grant (OWG) ApplicationTravel Award Submission (TA) Application (opens in a new window)


Email any questions to gssgrantreview@ohio.edu or call the Graduate College at 740.593.2800.

Review Process

The review process differs for the OWG and TA submissions.

  • Travel Awards are awarded on a purely random selection. All proposals meeting the requirements outlined in the guidelines are entered into a lottery. Those selected will be contacted by the Graduate College and disbursement of the funds will be coordinated by the academic department.
  • Original Work Grants are awarded by a review committee of graduate students. The Graduate Student Senate will submit to the Graduate College a slate of nominees to serve on the review committee. The committee will forward the proposals to be funded, in ranked order, to the Graduate College. The Graduate College will initiate the disbursement of funds, in ranked order, until all available monies in the award pool are expended.


Email any questions to gssgrantreview@ohio.edu or call the Graduate College at 740.593.2800.

Final Report

All recipients must provide a final report by the close of the award window. The report will be collected via a web form, and detail how the monies were spent. Failure to submit a final report will disqualify the recipient for future awards and may disqualify students from the academic department from receiving future awards. Before completing the Final Report, review the needed information below.

Final Report Submission (opens in a new window) 

Information needed in the final report includes the following:

  1. Type, term, and year of the award, and
  2. A single PDF detailing your expenses and how the grant/award helped your research/work as a graduate student (2-page maximum). Please use the following guide when naming your final report:

    Final Report Naming Convention for Original Work Grant (OWG) or Travel Award (TA): 
    Last Name.Final Report.Initials of Grant/Award.Term of Application.Year
    (e.g., Jane Doe.Final Report.OWG.Fall.2018 or John Smith.Final Report.TA.Spring.2019).


Email any questions to gssgrantreview@ohio.edu or call the Graduate College at 740.593.2800.