Do all programs accept transfer credit?
Not necessarily. Refer to the program’s catalog entry or check directly with the department.
Academic programs decide if they will accept academic work completed at other universities for transfer credit. To request transfer credit you will need to provide a completed transfer credit form, a copy of the course syllabus, and a copy of an official transcript.
Please visit this page for more information on the process and the criteria for acceptable transfer credits.
Not necessarily. Refer to the program’s catalog entry or check directly with the department.
If you are working directly with a faculty advisor or program regarding possible transfer, you can discuss transfer credit options directly with the program.
Have your advisor/new Ohio University professor work with the academic program to discuss transfer credit options on your behalf. You will need to submit an application for admission to the Ohio University degree to complete your transfer.
Five years is the span between the end of the academic term/semester/quarter the class was completed and the start of the semester of the beginning of your Ohio degree program. For example, your course ended in spring semester 2022. That course is eligible for transfer credit up to beginning your Ohio program in summer term 2027.
Students who enter Ohio University with post-baccalaureate degrees granted by another accredited university will receive graduate credit hours per State of Ohio subsidy requirements. This is reflected on the Degree Audit Report (DARS) as Grad Mass hours. Master’s equivalent degrees are credited as 34 Grad Mass hours. Doctoral equivalent degrees are credited as 80 Grad Mass hours.
Yes, if the course meets the eligibility criteria and has not been applied to a previously completed master’s or doctoral equivalent degree. Students who hold three-year bachelor’s degrees plus a two-year master’s degree (e.g., India) may request transfer credit for courses earned in Part II of the master’s, if all other eligibility requirements are met.
If the class was part of degree requirements for a prior degree, the credits are included in the Grad Mass hours applied to your account. Talk to your academic program about the possibility of waiving the Ohio course requirement in lieu of an elective.
Yes, but please discuss your plans with your graduate advisor to confirm the program will accept the credit prior to registering for an external course.
Check with the university to see if they offer graduate transient status, which is a reciprocal status between universities. If they do not, inquire about obtaining non-degree guest student status.
Information is available here: Global Experiences Transfer Credit Approval Process | Ohio University (opens in a new window)
Credit for equivalent courses is limited to the fixed value of the Ohio University course.
Yes, if they have been completed in non-degree status and adhere to the eligibility criteria.
No. Your academic program can waive that degree requirement on your Graduate DARS. Check with your program to determine if you need to add an elective to replace credit hours represented by the waived requirement.
All transfer credit must be recorded on an official transcript from a regionally-accredited university or the international equivalent and applicable to a graduate program at that institution.