*100 Day Challenge Transitioned from Fiscal Year to Calendar Year in FY24!
Transitioning began on July 1, 2023.
This transition was implemented to make earning the 100 days more accessible to all eligible individuals.
Tracking will occur on a rolling calendar year basis. This means that, when we run our monthly reports, you simply need 100 visits in the past 12 months. The program is no longer tied to the fiscal year.
Tracking Your 100 Days:
Each Month, WellWorks runs a report to identify any new eligible members who have reached their 100 days within the past rolling calendar year. So, internally, we'll be able to reach out to you when you have accomplished your 100 Days.
Intermittent tracking, however, will be a bit more difficult on the calendar year than it was on the fiscal year. When we were weighing the options on transitioning to these program parameters, the tracking roadblocks were, admittedly, the greatest drawback to our efforts.
For this reason, we do encourage members to utilize our simple paper tracking system. Ask for one of these trackers at the front desk and then write in the date of each of your visits to help you keep track of your own progress. Keep the tracker in your gym bag or locker so it's easily accessible to you.
In the past, members were able to ask the front desk staff to count visits. Unfortunately, that process will not be as easy for our staff when working on the calendar year system.