berries on top of a waffle
Nutrition Specialty Programming
Cohort-based programs for employee well-being

Nutrition Programs

Notice Regarding Wellness Program (opens in a new window)

Specialty Programming Overview

Ohio University benefits-eligible employees and their spouses/partners are invited to participate in cohort-based specialty programming aimed at supporting healthy habits. 

Two nutrition-based programs exist under this offering: Mindful Eating (January-March) and Practical Nutrition (September-November). Details about these programs can be found below. 

In addition to nutrition-based programming, employees/spouses/partners can also participate in Risk Reduction


What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating is a type of eating that focuses on eating experiences, body-related sensations, and thoughts and feelings about food, with heightened awareness without judgment. When you eat mindfully, you use all of your physical and emotional senses to experience and enjoy the food choices that you are making.

Mindful Eating Specialty Class: 

If you are ready to toss the New Year diet tradition and heal your relationship with food and your body, this is the program for you. In this 6-module program, you will not only learn the foundations of Mindful Eating, but also how to use these concepts when eating for your best health, eating out and meal planning. You will look at the reasons why you eat and gain the tools, skills and support you need to avoid emotional eating. You will learn to listen to your body’s cues and how to best respond to them. This updated program is packed with new information, research and fun!

  • Eligibility: This program is available to all Ohio University benefits-eligible employees and their spouses/partners. The course is facilitated via Teams, so is open to all work types (remote/in-person/hybrid) and locations.
  • Dates: The 6-module program meets (virtually via Teams) every other week, January through March, annually.
  • Cost: $0, thanks to support from Ohio University Benefits Office
  • Registration for the next cohort is now closed.
Woman eating mindfully

Practical Nutrition Specialty Class:

We find that many people know what they are “supposed to do” when it comes to nutrition, but not how to do it in a way that fits their lifestyle. Practical Nutrition will provide you with the “how” that you have been looking for. You will learn new skills and get fresh ideas to improve your nutrition intake. You will also walk away with delicious recipes to try with your family.

In this six-session program, participants will meet every other week via Teams, where our Registered Dietitian, Louise Cruz RDN, LD,  will present on specific topics (noted below). This will then be followed by pre-recorded food demonstrations to support the topic. You will receive recipes after each presentation and will be encouraged to share your own recipes with the group.

Topics include: fruits and vegetables, fats and oils, label reading, plant based meals, meal planning/savvy shopping, and creating new habits.

Registration for the Fall Cohort is now closed.

Additional Nutrition Services

Check out the various additional nutrition offerings available to the campus and community:

  • Nutrition Counseling

    WellWorks offers private one-on-one nutrition counseling services. 

  • Produce Buying Club

    Joining a Produce Buying Club is a great way to get fresh, local, pesticide-free vegetables without going to the market.

  • Presentations

    Request to have the WellWorks RDN attend a staff meeting to present on a variety of nutrition topics,