Student Hiring Process
Hiring departments are encouraged to post student hourly vacancies through the Ohio University job site (opens in a new window). To request a new account and for assistance with this process, please contact the Employee Service Center at 740-593-1636 or
Review Tips for Managing Students for guidance on supervising student workers and using best practice.
New students and students who are changing work locations are required to complete employment paperwork PRIOR to their first day of work. The required paperwork may be completed within your Center of Excellence, if applicable.
Minor Student Employees
Please be familiar with the State of Ohio Minor Labor Laws (opens in a new window).
Student employees under the age of 18 require the following documents to be completed PRIOR to their first day of work:
- Proof of Age (copy of a driver's license, birth certificate, etc.)
- Wage Agreement (to be completed by the hiring department)
- Parental Consent Form (to be completed by a parent/guardian)
- Work Permit
- Required for all employees 14 and 15 years old.
- Required for 16 and 17 year-olds IF they are currently enrolled in high school. Exception: Work permit is not required during summer break.
- 16 and 17 year-olds are not required to have a work permit if they have graduated from high school. It is the hiring department's responsibility to ensure the student has a proper work permit when continuing work into the fall.
Non-Ohio University Students
Please verify enrollment status of non-Ohio University students each semester. Review the Student Employment Eligibility page for further details.
Hiring Students
Hiring Managers who ARE NOT in a Center of Excellence should follow the following steps when hiring a student employee.
Only NEW student employees who do NOT exist in our systems will need to complete the full new hire paperwork packet. To determine whether your student employee is active in our systems, please check the Employee Lookup (opens in a new window).
- If the employee does not appear in the employee lookup, complete a New Student Employee Pre-Hire form. The new employee will then get an automated email with instructions regarding new hire paperwork.
- Once the student completes the I-9 verification process, they will receive a verification email from which confirms the I-9 is complete.
- Departments may not allow students to begin work until the email confirmation is received.
- If no confirmation is received, contact UHR at (740) 593-1636 for verbal verification that the I-9 is complete.
- Enter the student into Workforce only after confirmation of the I-9. Information and training materials for Workforce can be found on the HR System Training page.
- If the employee does appear in the employee lookup, have them complete the Existing Student Employee Information Sheet.
- Hiring managers should maintain proof of enrollment for each non-Ohio University student employee each semester.
- All newly hired student employees will have 30 days from their date of hire to complete state-mandated Fraud Reporting Training. Within a week of being hired, student employees should receive an email from “Ohio University Compliance Training by Vector Solutions” with instructions for the training. Student employees can also access the training directly using this link (opens in a new window). If the Ohio Auditor of State Fraud Training does not yet appear on the landing page, the employee should select “Extra Training” from the left menu and enter the word “Fraud” in the search bar to find the training. The video for the state mandated training program takes less than 8 minutes to complete, and the training program as whole will take less than 11 minutes to complete. Emails from Ohio University Compliance Training by Vector Solutions will be sent weekly until the training is completed. Hiring mangers must verify their student employees completed this training as soon as employment begins.
For general questions regarding student employment paperwork, please contact Human Resources at 740.593.1636.