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Employee Involvement

As part of our constant effort to foster an inclusive, welcoming workplace, OHIO is home to various involvement opportunities for faculty and staff including:

Employee Involvement Event

On-campus and Community Programming

Calendar of University Events

The Calendar of University Events (opens in a new window) (CUE) is a central location for all OHIO-sponsored activities from training sessions to community events and everything in between. Managed by University Communications and Marketing, the calendar allows users to add events to personal calendars, send text and email notifications about events, and publicize events via social media and RSS feed. Anyone with an OHIO ID can add an OHIO event on the CUE.

For more information, email

WOUB Community Calendar

The WOUB Community Calendar includes a wide array of events focusing on primarily on community and non-profit events in Athens and Southeast Ohio. Users can submit their own events through the "Add Event" button at the top of the page. WOUB approved and may lightly edit submissions to fit the format of the calendar, but users can include graphics and artwork and include a Google map for their event venue. The events on this calendar are also used by WOUB announcers for radio broadcasts.

the Band playing a concert on college green

University Senates

Administrative Senate

The Ohio University Administrative Senate (opens in a new window) is an elected body representing administrators at Ohio University. Senate's purpose is to "promote and enhance the profession of university administration and, specifically, the profession at Ohio University. We are committed to providing a collective and independent voice to those having administrative responsibilities in the conduct of the educational mission of the University."

For more information, or to learn about other involvement or committee opportunities (opens in a new window), please email Please note: committees are chaired by Senators but committee membership is open to all OHIO administrators.

Faculty Senate

The Ohio University Faculty Senate (opens in a new window) is an elected representative body that acts on behalf of all Ohio University faculty on matters related to university planning, governance, and resource allocation. As a key partner in University governance, the Senate provides representatives to all relevant University committees, boards, and task forces. Additionally, the Faculty Senate provides a forum for the Ohio University faculty to participate in discussion about their concerns.

For more information, or to learn about involvement or committee opportunities, please email

senate meeting

Employee Affinity Organizations

American Association of University Women

AAUW seeks to empower girls and women and provides a variety of networking and advocacy tools to support women's voices by hosting a variety of programs and meetings to enrich our members' well-being, social network, and circles of influence. Locally, AAUW Athens provides programs focused on STEM education and advocacy, such as Tech Savvy for middle school girls and sponsors various scholarships for girls and women. AAUW Athens also partners with local organizations to strengthen the programming available to empower women and girls in the Athens area and beyond. Nationally, AAUW provides grants and fellowships to continue to support women's education, equal pay, and ending violence against women, among many other issues.

For more information, please visit the national AAUW website (opens in a new window) or email the leadership of the Athens chapter at

Council of Employees and Staff of African Descent (COESAD)

COESAD is an informal volunteer group geared towards faculty, staff, and graduate students of African descent at Ohio University. While there is not a formal meeting schedule, COESAD hosts various themed events throughout the year at both lunch and dinner times on various days, to accommodate schedules for all faculty and staff.  Programming covers a wide array of events and typically includes a Welcome Roundup in early fall and end of the year celebration in spring; supporting other campus events such as the MLK Celebration, Women’s Appreciation Dinner hosted by the Women’s Center; and additional community service and engagement opportunities throughout the year.


We are excited to have you as a member of the Bobcat family. Please feel free to reach out to our network and learn more about our events by contacting the current chair, Tamika Williams, at

Latino Caucus

Ohio University's Latino Caucus promotes the equitable participation of Latino/a/x faculty and staff at Ohio University and generally in higher education, provides a network of support for Latino/a/x faculty and staff to assist their professional advancement and success, and supports and encourages Latino/a/x students' access to and success at Ohio University and beyond. All faculty and staff members who support this mission are welcome and invited to join.

For more information, please contact Michael Rodriguez at

OU Women's Group

The Ohio University Women's Club (opens in a new window) is a social organization for women who work at Ohio University and the spouses/partners of Ohio University employees. The Women's Club provides a unique support system to members of all ages, sharing passion for and support of the Ohio University and Athens communities. With interest groups offering monthly wine tastings, lunch uptown, dinner parties, book clubs and movie nights, there is something for everyone.

For more information, please visit the Women's Club website (opens in a new window) or Facebook page (opens in a new window) or email


Out OHIO is an affinity organization for employees of Ohio University who share our focus of welcoming and engaging LGBTQ+ faculty and staff through a variety of opportunities for social gatherings, professional networking, and inclusive community involvement.

For more information, please email

University Interfaith Association

University Interfaith Association (UIA) is an association of clergy and campus ministers from the Athens religious community committed to meeting the religious and spiritual needs of Ohio University students, faculty and staff. Members of UIA provide advice and counsel to the Dean of Students on matters of campus religious activity and student spiritual development. UIA members are eligible to serve as advisors to registered student organizations at Ohio University.

For more information, please visit the UIA website or contact the current chair, Katie Beth Miksa, at


Women's Event

Mentoring, Development, and Continuing Education

Professional Development Pathways (PDP)

In support of our vision, and to support each employee's pursuit of excellence, continuous improvement, and professional growth, Ohio University has developed a comprehensive framework for professional development called Professional Development Pathways (PDP).

PDP provides tools, guidance, and learning opportunities for employees and supervisors who want to invest in talent development and career growth. Through this program, competencies (knowledge, skills, and behaviors) required for success are clearly defined, specially-designed training and certificate programs add structure and excitement to the development journey, and meaningful development discussions and on-the-job learning experiences are encouraged.

For more information, please visit the Professional Development Pathways website.

Women Leading OHIO

Women Leading OHIO (opens in a new window) is an early career faculty and staff development designed to address and reduce the confidence and leadership gap that exists for women in higher education. This program, which lasts for a full academic year, is cohort based and includes workshops, guest speakers, networking and social opportunities.

For more information, please email

Women's Mentoring Program

The Women's Mentoring Program (opens in a new window) is a two semester-long program in which student mentees are paired with a female mentor in their personal and professional fields of interest during the Fall semester. Mentors and mentees decide on the format of their mentoring relationship and the time commitment they wish to make, but all are required to meet at least once a month, face-to-face, and to attend four cohort events each year, including the meet and greet, spring kick-off and mentor appreciation dinner.

Mentor applications from OHIO faculty and staff are accepted throughout the year, and are available on the Women's Center website (opens in a new window). For more information, please contact the Women's Center at


If you would like to have an engagement opportunity or involvement group added to this page, or if you have updated information for anything listed here, please contact Cat Russell, HR Liaison, at 740-593-0766 or