Summer Program



Kids on Campus Summer Camp 2024 is approaching!




CAMP DATES: June 17th - July 19th, 2024 

WHERE: Ohio University, Grover Center, Athens, OH

WHO: Rising 1st grade and above 

Flyers and applications are being provided to eligible school districts!

Applications available for pick-up in school offices or by contacting your KOC Coordinator at your school!


Other Information:

Camp will run from 9:00 AM- 2:30 PM M-F.

There will not be camp on June 19th, July 4th, or July 5th.

Transportation will be provided as available, but is not guaranteed.

All activities during camp are free; however, space is limited. 

Breakfast, lunch and snack will be provided daily. 



We have received several questions regarding Kids on Campus funding and how it affects summer camp applications. While we aim to accommodate all children, it's not always possible. Kids on Campus, an outreach program of Ohio University's College of Health Sciences and Professions, is 100% funded through grants and donations, not through the Ohio University budget. Our funding includes partnerships with local schools for 21st Century Community Learning Center grants, which are competitive and based on specific school eligibility criteria, such as the percentage of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch. These grants require a school-community organization partnership, like ours, to develop and submit proposals. 

Summer camp admission primarily depends on whether a partner school has available funding. Occasionally, we can admit a small number of students from schools without current funding, based on commitments to future grants or private donations. We strive to offer opportunities to students from various schools each year. While a school's decision not to partner on a grant is respected, we continue to engage with local districts annually to explore potential partnerships. For specific inquiries about a school's decision on whether to partner with us to apply for funding, please contact the school administration 




Please call (740) 566-8543 or email 



Check out the pictures below for a glimpse of the fun had during Summer Camp 2023


STEM learning activity with bubbles
A quick safety lesson before fishing at Lake Hope
Using 3-D technology to learn how to make animal prosthetics














Campers getting some kitchen tips before cooking lessons at the Atrium Cafe in Grover Center

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