OHIO Libraries 2018 Homecoming Display Video Recap
Although the Libraries’ traditional Homecoming display, filled with materials depicting 200+ years of OHIO history, is still relatively new in comparison to a duration of a couple hundred years, the highly-anticipated event has quickly gained momentum for students, alumni and faculty members—as witnessed in this Oct. 20, 2018 video above. Check it out!
“For the people who have visited us every year since we have been doing this display, there always seem to be things within the display that interest them, jog their memories, and bring them back the next year,” said Bill Kimok, Ohio University archivist and records manager.
Homecoming Week has a long-established custom of watching football games and parades, and reuniting with old friends—but memorable walks through the past can also be found in the Libraries’ annual Homecoming display.
Video by Stephen Zenner/Ohio University Libraries