
Graduate Study in Journalism
The E.W. Scripps School of Journalism offers a dynamic graduate program that allows for flexibility and opportunity to work with engaged faculty members who are experts in their fields.
OHIO is widely noted as a leader in journalism education, and our Bobcat alumni are working in a wide range of jobs in our profession. Scripps graduates hold leadership positions at major media companies, broadcast networks, advertising agencies, and public relations firms around the country and around the world. We are truly international in scope, and our students have taken advantage of opportunities to travel the globe with us while being based at our beautiful campus in Athens, Ohio.
The most effective journalism and strategic communication depends on a diversity of viewpoints and we make sure our master’s and doctoral cohorts bring a wide range of experiences to the classroom. We look for applicants from a wide range of educational and professional backgrounds.
At the master's level, prior education or professional experience in the field is not required. We offer an effective mix of professional courses including reporting, writing, audio/video production, podcasting, data journalism, and mobile journalism, in addition to advanced theoretical coursework to get students ready to either enter the profession or begin doctoral-level work.
At the doctoral level, students immerse themselves in scholarly research methods and theory, preparing for faculty positions at outstanding colleges and universities. Many of our graduates are professors, chairs or deans of their journalism departments. Others are working at research firms and think tanks.
We offer competitive financial aid packages that include tuition waivers and stipends for our graduate assistants.
For more information, contact:
Jatin Srivastava, Associate Director of Graduate Studies
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701-2979
Voice: 740.593.3336
Email: srivastj@ohio.edu
Why Grad School at the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism?

Our PhD students get good teaching jobs at major universities. Universities such as the University of North Carolina, Florida, Auburn, Brigham Young, Duquesne, Hampton, Quinnipiac, Memphis, and Drake.
Our master’s students have entered prestige PhD programs including Penn State, Michigan State, and North Carolina, and gotten jobs at major newspapers and magazines, broadcast outlets, and digital companies.
Personal attention
The program is small to medium-sized. Grad students get to know their professors, and their fellow students, extremely well. Many have described out circle of scholars as family—supportive and caring.
Publishing opportunities
Grad students often work one-on-one with professors on cutting-edge research projects resulting in conference papers and journal articles.
Teaching opportunities
Unlike most PhD programs, the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism requires PhD students to be teachers of record for one course per term. Our students teach what they know from their professional and academic backgrounds—not as assistants to full-time faculty, but as instructors in charge of syllabi, lesson plans, classroom instruction, and grading. When it’s time to interview for a job, our students can demonstrate classroom effectiveness. MS students with professional mass media experience also may have the opportunity to teach.
Financial support
PhD students accepted into the program get three years of tuition waivers and a stipend of $16,800-20,000 per year. Master’s students in our two-year program are eligible for graduate assistantships, which include a tuition waiver and stipend. GA positions vary from working in the Scripps College to working outside the school in a corporate communications capacity in various departments across Ohio University.
Areas of excellence
The E.W. Scripps School is widely known for its excellence in teaching and researching journalism ethics, journalism history, international journalism, and advertising and public relations, among other subjects.
Athens, Ohio
Small but vibrant, Athens, city of brick streets, rolling hills, Georgian architecture and giant elms and sycamores on College Green, has a special charm that wins over visitors.