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Click on Link to Download Form

The following downloadable forms can be printed out, completed, and turned in to the main office or via email attachment to the student's academic adviser. NOTE: these forms also are available in the main office of the JSchool.

Adviser/Track Forms

DARS Change/Specialization Declaration Forms

Students must submit these requests to their academic adviser for approval.

Carr Van Anda Track 


Internship Forms

Minors and Certificates

  • Students in the Scripps College of Communication (JOUR, COMS, VICO, MDIA or ECT) can add (or delete) a minor or certificate using the following link:  To add (or delete) a minor or certificate [Qualtrics]
  • Students who have majors in a different college need to contact the student services office in their college to add the Journalism minor, the Advertising/Public Relations minor or a certificate.
