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Ph.D. Program (OLD)

How to Apply

Include with your application to the Graduate College:

  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) - REQUIRED. Official scores must be sent by the testing agency to the Graduate College for any required test. International students must also provide TOEFL or IELTS scores to the Graduate College.
  • Official transcripts from all universities previously attended.
  • Resume/CV
  • Statement of purpose
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Writing sample

The application process for the school’s doctoral program begins with your completing and submitting an application form. You must submit, directly to the Graduate College, your GRE scores and official transcripts from all colleges attended. International students* from non-English speaking countries also must submit a TOEFL score directly to the Graduate College.

To assist the E.W. Scripps School in evaluating your qualifications, you must submit a resumé, three letters of recommendation, and a statement of 500 words or less about why you want to attend graduate school, all of which you may send to Dr. Aimee Edmondson at the address below. Letters of recommendation should be printed on letterhead, signed in ink, and mailed with the recommender's signature across the sealed flap. If you have completed the online version of the application, you may choose to have recommendation letters sent electronically through the online portal (see link above). You also are welcome to submit samples of your professional work to Dr. Edmondson, but they are not required. You need not have an undergraduate major or master's degree in journalism to apply for a Ph.D. in mass communication.

A Ph.D. requires a minimum of 90 semester hours. A minimum of 37 must be in Journalism and Media Arts and Studies, with a minimum of two courses at the 7000 or 8000 level in the School of Media Arts and Studies. Students may transfer in up to 33 semester credit hours from a master's degree, not including thesis or internship hours.

Ph.D. students who have successfully completed a graduate-level law or ethics class in the five years prior to starting the Ph.D. program may waive the class. 

Ph.D. students typically come from professional backgrounds and MS programs, meaning they are likely to have the required background in graphics, newswriting, and news editing. If not, they must take 6011, with those classes not counting toward the degree.

Remaining hours are distributed among courses selected with the approval of a program committee that advises the doctoral candidate on the program of study that will best serve the student’s personal and career goals. Students must take four of the school’s tool skills courses. In this case a minimum of 12-15 credit hours of research tools courses are required. 

Journalism doctoral students admitted for fall may start in summer.

Deadline for Application

The application deadline is February 1. International students are strongly encouraged to submit applications by Dec. 31 for fall admission. This earlier deadline for international applicants is to allow time for international transcripts to be received and evaluated. Even earlier submission of materials is strongly encouraged.

For More Information Contact

Aimee Edmondson
Director of Graduate Studies
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism
Ohio University Athens, OH 45701-2979

*Read additional information for international applicants.