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Continuity in Family Medicine Elective


The rural “LIC” was designed in 2016 and piloted in academic year 2016-17 by Autumn Haynes D.O., an OMS III student at the time. Designed by Randy Longenecker, M.D., and further refined, and now directed by Scott Rogers, M.D., and Sharon Casapulla, Ed.D., MPH, it has been expanded to include urban underserved settings.

Continuity is a basic property of primary care, and LICs are their parallel in medical education. Students benefit from longitudinal relationships with preceptors, patients and place, and are much more likely to choose a career in primary care.

This elective is an introduction into real medical practice, allowing students to develop continuity with a preceptor and a panel of patients over one academic year. Students enrolled in the LIC perform a required one-month family medicine clerkship in a LIC office site at the beginning of their third year. Once the students begin normal clerkship block rotations and for the remainder of the year, students are excused one half day per week from their regular clerkship rotation to attend patients at their LIC site.

During their LIC experience, students develop their own “mini-practice.” They gradually acquire 50-75 patients they follow both in the inpatient and outpatient arenas over the age, gender and diagnosis spectrum of family medicine. Students have their own schedule in the office and have at least one home visit patient. During the year, students have the opportunity to identify, conduct and implement a quality improvement activity in the practice site.

    LIC Info Session Recording


LIC Students are Serving the People of Ohio


Heat map of the state of Ohio showing the distribution of patients seen by LIC students.


For more information, contact Scott Rogers MD, Associate Dean for Clinical Education or Sharon Casapulla Ed.D., MPH, Director of RUSP Program, both are co-directors of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (LIC) anchored in the Office of Rural and Underserved Programs.