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English Department Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The English Department at Ohio University commits to fostering and sustaining a diverse, equitable, respectful, and antiracist community. As a department, we understand that words matter, that reading, writing, and critical thinking matter, and that history, theory, and empathy matter. We recognize that the study of English, literature, rhetoric, writing, and culture require us to engage openly and thoughtfully with questions of power, difference, canonicity, representation, language, and imagination. Meaningful engagement with these questions requires conversations about diverse and at times difficult topics like race and racism, gender and sexuality, class, nation, colonialism, disability, indigeneity, religion, and other timely issues. Therefore, the department strives to interrupt and combat discrimination, intolerance, disenfranchisement, abuse, and other oppressions to align with and support Ohio University’s efforts to develop “inclusive practices, policies, curricula, and programs that lead to a welcoming, respectful, supportive, and affirming environment, especially for those who have been marginalized within higher education settings” (See "About Diversity and Inclusion" (opens in a new window)).

The department aims to enhance diversity, inclusion, and equity through

  • The recruitment, retention, and promotion of diverse faculty
  • The recruitment and retention of diverse students (minors, majors, and graduate)
  • Mentoring and advocating for historically underrepresented, marginalized groups and protected categories including but not limited to: Black students, Indigenous students, and students of color; LGBTQ+ students; neurodiverse students; students with disabilities; students of diverse faiths; first-generation, international, and veteran students
  • Increasing diverse course offerings to foreground intersectionality, particularly underrepresented or marginalized authors, texts, and perspectives, particularly developing BRICKS’ “Diversity & Practice” and “Intercultural Explorations” courses
  • Increasing diversity-related programming, events, and partnerships with other departments, programs, centers on campus, as well as community partners
    • Develop and support professional development opportunities, trainings, and programming on diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g. OCTC Inclusive Teaching Endorsement)
    • Align with Ohio University’s Inclusive Excellence Strategic Plan.
  • Supporting a departmental Diversity and Equity Committee made up of pre-tenure, tenured, and instructional faculty as well as a graduate and undergraduate representative

Department of English Diversity & Equity Committee

This committee undertakes to evaluate diversity, equity, and inclusion in the English Department, including among faculty, in department pedagogy, and among English students, using objective measures and measures of subjective experience. It also makes recommendations for improving measures of diversity, equity and inclusion to appropriate department committees or to the department as a whole. Periodically, the committee will review and recommend changes to departmental Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  The members of the committee are appointed by the Chair of the English Department.

Diversity Courses

The following English courses engage questions, texts and theories of diversity, inclusion, belonging, and intercultural differences. Courses that satisfy BRICKS (opens in a new window) general education requirements are marked as such. Course offerings vary depending on need, staffing, and scheduling; not every course is offered every year. General course descriptions are available via the university’s course catalog (opens in a new window).

  • ENG 1100 - Crossing Cultures with Text (Foundations: Intercultural Explorations, Pillar: Humanities: Text and Contexts)
  • ENG 2320 - Literature and Social Justice (Arch: Constructed World)
  • ENG 2820 - Writing About Literature as Social Action
  • ENG 3060J - Women and Writing (Foundations: Advanced Writing)
  • ENG 3240 - Jewish American Literature
  • ENG 3250 - Women and Literature (Bridge: Diversity and Practice)
  • ENG 3260 - Lesbian and Gay Literature (Bridge: Diversity and Practice)
  • ENG 3270 - Queer Rhetorics and Writing
  • ENG 3280 - Women’s Rhetorics
  • ENG 3370 - Black Literature to 1930 (Bridge: Diversity and Practice)
  • ENG 3380 - Ethnic American Literature (Bridge: Diversity and Practice)
  • ENG 3390 - Black Literature from 1930 to the Present (Bridge: Diversity and Practice)
  • ENG 3550 - Global Literature (Bridge: Diversity and Practice)
  • ENG 3830 - Politics and Literacy: Issues of Race, Class and Gender
  • ENG 3850 - Writing About Culture and Society (Bridge: Diversity and Practice)
  • ENG 3870C - Composing for the Community (Bridge: Learning and Doing)
  • ENG 3980 - Critical Theory for Multi-Ethnic/Cross-Cultural Studies
  • ENG 4500 - Postcolonial and Transnational Literature
  • ENG 4660 - International Authors (Bridge: Speaking and Listening, Capstone: Capstone or Culminating Experience)