Research Labs
See the index below; with the Institute or Academic Unit name – or contact the faculty member via the OHIO Email directory.
Akeso Lab: Nicholas Karayannis [PT]
The Appalachian Institute to Advance Health Equity Science (ADVANCE): Cory Cronin [SPH]
Auditory Electrophysiology Research Lab: Fuh-Cherng Jeng [HSLS]
Auditory Prosthesis Research Lab: Li Xu [HSLS]
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Research Lab: John McCarthy [HSLS]
Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Outcomes Research: Alexander Sergeev [SPH]
CARE (Cognitive Aging and Resilience Lab: Chorong Oh [HSLS]
Child Life and Family Experiences: Jenny Chabot [CFS]
Developmental Psycholinguistics Research Lab: Jim Montgomery [HSLS]
Digital Technologies and Aging, Gerontological Pedagogy, Aging in Place: Julie Brown [CFS]
Dysphagia Research Lab: Youngsun Kim [HSLS]
Exercise Biochemistry Research Lab: Angela Hillman [EP]
Exercise Physiology Research Lab: Sharon Perry [EP]
Food Innovation Lab: Robert G. Brannan [FNS]
Food Science Research Lab: Robert G. Brannan [FNS]
Global Health, Health Policy and Health Economics: Shyamkumar Sriram [HSA]
Health Disparities and Community-Engaged Research: Rebekah Crawford [CPH]
Hearing and Noise Research Lab: Nilesh Washnik [HSLS]
Interprofessional Simulation Labs: John McCarthy [HSLS]
Motor Control Research Lab: Neil Evans [PT]
Motor Control Lab: Dustin Grooms [PT], Janet E. Simon [AT]
Neuromuscular Biomechanics and Health Assessment Research Lab (NMBHAL): Dustin Grooms [PT], Janet E. Simon [AT]
Nutrition Counseling Lab: Jana Hovland [FNS]
Pediatric FUNctional Mobility Lab: Rachel Bican [PT]
Quality Food Lab: Dane Salabak [FNS]
Reproductive and Sexual Health Initiatives: Caroline Kingori [CPH]
Running and Gait Lab: Robert Wayner [PT]
Sensory Analysis Research Lab: Robert G. Brannan [FNS]
Science and Health in Artistic Performance Lab (SHAPe Lab): Jeffrey Russell [AT]
Social and Environmental Determinants of Health, Appalachia: Michele Morrone [EH]
Speech Processing Research Lab: Chao-Yang Lee [HSLS]
STEP (Strategies and Tools for Evaluating Play) Research Lab: Cheryl A. Howe [EP]
The Intersection of Healthcare Organizations, Policy, and Population Health: Cory Cronin [HSA]
Transitions in the Acquisition of Language Knowledge (TALK) Research Lab: Joann Benigno [HSLS]
The Voice Lab: Karen Perta [HSLS]
Research Websites in CHSP
College of Health Sciences and Professions Research
Academic Departments
AT: Athletic Training
HSLS: Hearing, Speech, and Language Disorders
FNS: Food and Nutrition Sciences
IHS: Interdisciplinary Health Studies
PA: Physician Assistant Practice