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Communities of Practice

Introduction: What is a Community of Practice?

Communities of Practice (CoP) is a term used to describe a “group of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area by interacting on an ongoing basis” (Wenger et al., 2002). The CoP is formed to collaborate across disciplines about a shared topic to enrich professional knowledge and personal development.

A CoP has the following three characteristics:

Domain: the shared topic of interest

Community: regular engagement, activities, and relationships and;

Practice: A set of frameworks, ideas, tools, information, styles, language, stories, best practices, resources, and documents that contribute to the body of knowledge about the topic (Wenger et al., 2002; Wenger et al., 2015).


The Communities of Practice are established in CHSP to support interprofessional education, collaboration, and communication. Each CoP will identify the specific purpose, goals, and outcomes for their domain. Each CoP will identify the appropriate activities, level of engagement, resources, and technological needs to support the CoP.


CoPs are designed using a framework centered around Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies.  The four core competency domains include values & ethics, roles & responsibilities, communication, and teams & teamwork (IPEC, 2023). 

2024/2025 Communities of Practice:


The CHSP Pediatrics CoP is established and designed to engage individuals with shared expertise and passion for pediatrics. The Community is committed to fostering engagement both within the College/University and with the external community around pediatric interests, health,  and education. We welcome participants from faculty, staff, and students to engage in meaningful activities that support teaching, clinical practice, scholarship, and/or service efforts. Currently, the Community is collaborating to produce a series of workshops focused on what every healthcare professional should know about pediatrics. The first workshop is planned for early Spring Term on the topic of peri-delivery maternal and fetal health. Additional Spring workshops in the series will focus with topics on prematurity and neonatal issues.

Climate & Health

The Climate and Health CoP will explore the connections between current and projected climate change impacts and health outcomes. We welcome participants from all disciplines to engage in meaningful conversation and activities that have the potential to enhance teaching, research, and practice.

Interprofessional Healthcare Technologies (IHT)

The Interprofessional Healthcare Technology (IHT) Community of Practice (CoP). This dynamic and inclusive community is designed for faculty, staff, community members, and students who are passionate about harnessing cutting-edge technology to enhance student learning and pioneer innovative research. By exploring innovative tools such as simulation, podcasting, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, we are transforming educational practices and fostering breakthroughs in health sciences.

Aligned with CHSP’s experiential and interdisciplinary philosophy, our community empowers diverse learners and practitioners, fostering innovative solutions that serve communities, solve critical health challenges, and prepare tomorrow’s healthcare leaders. It also embodies Ohio University’s pillars of Learn, Discover, Engage, and Work, reflecting our commitment to teaching excellence, groundbreaking research, and meaningful community engagement.

The Longevity Lab

The Longevity Lab at Ohio University is an emerging Community of Practice bringing together passionate individuals to explore the multifaceted journey of living longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. With a flexible and evolving mission, the group fosters dynamic discussions on themes like innovative technologies, health equity, and societal perspectives related to later life. By connecting researchers, clinicians, and thought leaders through engaging forums and guest speaker events, The Longevity Lab aims to inspire collaboration and spark fresh ideas. Looking ahead, the group envisions offering workshops and resources that benefit the Athens, Ohio community and beyond, creating a vibrant space for learning and connection. 

Sports & Human Performance

The CHSP Human Performance and Sports Science Initiative is committed to a comprehensive and integrated approach to sports science and human performance, leveraging education, research, service, and innovation to drive excellence in athletic performance and health outcomes across Ohio University and Southeast Ohio. (New Membership is currently on hold).

How to Join:

For individuals interested in the Pediatric CoP email: Kimberly Ephlin at

For individuals interested in the Climate & Health CoP, please contact Michele Morrone at

For individuals interested in the Interprofessional Healthcare Technologies (IHT) CoP, please contact Sherleena Buchman at

For individuals interested in The Longevity Lab, please contact Brooke Vaughan at

If you are interested in developing a Community of Practice for the academic year 2025/2026 or general questions or concerns, please contact Kimberly Ephlin at

Upcoming Events

March 27th 2pm-3pm

Climate & Health CoP: Monthly meeting in Grover W338 or on Teams

April 3rd 12pm-1pm

Pediatric CoP: Child Abuse & Neglect Awareness and Prevention from the perspectives of Nursing, Social Work, and Nutrition. Join us in the live streamed interactive presentation by Jenny Shadik, PhD, MSW, LISW-S, Christy Watson DNP, APRN, CPNP, and Amber Sheeks, MPH, RD, LD, IBCLC.

Pediatric Workshop Teams Link

April 15th 12pm-1pm 

IHT CoP: We are excited to invite you to join the Interprofessional Healthcare Technology (IHT) Community of Practice (CoP) Launch! Snacks and Water provided.

Event Highlights:

• VR Experience: Engage with a NARCAN simulation using VR headsets

• Safety Simulation: Participate in an interactive scenario where you’ll identify safety concerns upon entering the room.

• Interactive Mannequin Session: Explore patient assessment techniques using a mid/high fidelity mannequin and stethoscopes.

Please use the provided Qualtrics link to register for the event.

April 24th 2pm-3pm

Climate & Health CoP: Monthly meeting in Grover W338 or on Teams


Interprofessional Education Collaborative (2023). IPEC core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Version 3. IPEC Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Version 3 (

Wenger, E., McDermott, R., & Snyder, W. (2002). Cultivating communities of practice: A guide to managing knowledge. Harvard Business School Press.

Wenger, E. (2015, June). Introduction to communities of practice: A brief overview of the concept and its uses