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2025 Faculty Awards


Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Sherleena Buchman

Project Title:  Podcasts in Nursing Education (PINE) Project

Co-Investigators: Marjorie Vogt and Tim Grubb

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Mel Brandau

Project Title:  Close the Gaps: Digital Literacy in Health Sciences Education

Co-Investigators: Carol Schaumleffel, Heather Highland and Tim Grubb

IGNITE Microgrant
Wenhan Guo

Project Title:  Hospital Characteristics and Post-Acute Care Transitions Among Older Adults

Co-Investigators: Cory Cronin and Graciela Muniz-Terrera

IGNITE Microgrant
Nilesh Washnik

Project Title:  Auditory effects of noise exposure among young video-game players

CHSP Excellence in Online Teaching Award

This award recognizes and rewards superior online teaching, provides models of excellence for fellow faculty, and encourages all faculty to continue to improve and advance their online teaching pedagogy.

School of Nursing
Mel Brandau

Title: Associate Professor


CHSP Faculty Research and Creative Activity Award

During the Bicentennial Campaign, this monetary award was made possible through several CHSP donors who place value on the ability of faculty to engage in productive research and creative activity.

Exercise Physiology
Melissa Anderson

Title: Assistant Professor

2024 Publications:

  • Anderson MN, Lynall RC, O’Connor PJ, Schmidt JD. Initial Investigation of Kinesiophobia as a Predictor of Functional Reaction Time One-Year After Concussion. Concussion. (2024).
  • Anderson MN, Claros CC, Brockmeier A, Qian W, Buckley TA. Integrative Data Analysis to Identify Persistent Post-Concussion Deficits and Subsequent Musculoskeletal Injury Risk. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine. (2024)

Presentations and Invited Talks:

  1.  "Neck Strength Results in Female Soccer Players: Implications for Concussion Risk and Targeted Intervention" at the Midwest American College of Sports Medicine Meeting.
  2. "Predictors of Post-Concussion Musculoskeletal Injury Severity: An Integrated Data Analysis Approach" at the United Kingdom Collaborating Centre on Injury and Illness Prevention in Sport: International Olympic Committee Research Centre.
  3. Ohio University, Athletic Training Program, “Concussions and Athletic Trainers,” (Anderson, MN), Athens, Ohio, August 2024
  4. Ohio University, Physical Therapy School Third Year Student Seminar, “Emerging Research on Concussions” (Anderson, MN), Athens, Ohio, October 2024

Excellence in Teaching in the College of Health Sciences and Professions Award

This award is presented to an outstanding faculty member who uses an innovative approach to teaching and preparing students for the professions included in CHSP.

Department of Physician Assistant
Cheryl Geng

Title: Associate Clinical Professor

CHSP Inspirational Teaching Award

This award recognizes a CHSP faculty member who provided an educational experience found to be inspiring and ultimately had a positive impact on student learning.

Department of Physical Therapy
Ashley Crow

Title: Associate Clinical Faculty and Associate Chair, Coordinator for Recruitment and Admissions

Nominated by: Leda McDaniel


I am writing to express my highest recommendation for Dr. Ashley Crow, PT, DPT, Associate Clinical Professor at Ohio University for the Inspirational Teaching Award. During my time as a student in the Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at Ohio University, I had the great privilege of learning from Dr. Crow in multiple capacities that were instrumental to my education as a physical therapist and continue to impact my work as a clinician and educator. I have looked up to Dr. Crow’s dedication to lifelong learning and commitment to excellence as a physical therapist, instructor, and mentor and this has been a true inspiration for me as I have pursued my own career of scholarship within physical therapy education and now serve as a clinician and an adjunct professor at Emory University in the Division of Physical Therapy.

Learning Experiences with Dr. Crow

My first interaction with Dr. Crow was during introductory DPT courses learning about physical therapy documentation and professionalism and later I took courses from her in the areas of cardiopulmonary and acute care physical therapy. From the very first basic documentation course that I took from her, it became clear that her standards for her own practice, care for her patients in physical therapy settings, and commitment to supporting student learning were exceptional.

I subsequently took her Advanced Vestibular course elective as a third year physical therapy student and continued to benefit from her vast knowledge base and rigorous dedication to integrating effective teaching practices to help students engage with and retain complex clinically relevant physical therapy knowledge and skills. Dr. Crow has been genuinely transformative in my educational experience through her evidence-based teaching approaches, clinical expertise, and commitment to providing the highest level care to her patients. There are several specific examples that illustrate her profound impact on my career as a physical therapist.

Collaborative and Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies

One of the instances that I remember from learning under Dr. Crow was the value that she placed on communication and collaboration between all members of the healthcare team. As part of an interprofessional learning opportunity that she devised, we (physical therapy students) were tasked with teaching transfer techniques to nursing students in CHSP. Not only did this experience allow for interprofessional learning and development, but it gave us a chance to better learn these techniques for ourselves as we had to teach them to others (i.e., teaching as a way to improve our learning, which is highly supported by learning science)! The extra efforts that she went to in order to set up and execute this learning experience for us were apparent and the value that it gave us all as on opportunity for working as part of a healthcare team was impactful to me as a student.

Clinically Focused Teaching

Another factor of Dr. Crow’s teaching that I remember was her ability to make physical therapy education clinically relevant. It was clear that Dr. Crow’s teaching was grounded in her great care for her patient’s and clinical skill and practice. She regularly included patient case examples in her teaching and made textbook principles “come alive” by speaking about complex patient cases that she was familiar with and that she had worked with in her clinical practice. Furthermore, she took every opportunity that she could to replicate “real” clinical skills, environments, and patient care practice for us as students, including setting up simulations for us with acute care lab equipment and working tirelessly to create clinically relevant practical examinations with opportunities for feedback and improvement. Rather than simply explaining, demonstrating, and discussing clinical care she challenged us do clinical care…and fail at it, and learn from our mistakes in many low-stakes clinical scenarios that improved our skills once we entered the clinic as students and ultimately as physical therapists.

Commitment to Lifelong Professional Growth

Beyond her work as a clinician and educator, Dr. Crow modeled lifelong learning within the profession of physical therapy and embraced every opportunity she could to contribute to the profession and enhance her own clinical knowledge to help her patients. That growth mindset has profoundly influenced my approach to professional development and inspired my pursuit of residency and fellowship level education. Not only did Dr. Crow regularly share recent research articles with us, but she also invited specialists for guest lectures, and was transparent about her own continuing education and evolving clinical practice to reflect best evidence care. One example of this that I vividly remember, is when she came back from a conference “Crowing” about the new research evidence that supported a “move in the tube” approach to post surgical precautions instead of the long carried out sternal precautions of old. She could not have been more excited to adopt this new evidence based practice and share this new clinically relevant practice and research with us as students. Dr. Crow also was very approachable and welcomed student questions. As students, we could tell she was committed not to “being right” but to the pursuit of truth and evidence, whether from herself, her reading and studying, or from a novel perspective from a student or colleague and this created a wonderful learning environment. I particularly admired how she would openly acknowledge when new evidence challenged previous practices and her willingly to maintain a flexible and adaptable practice is one I continue to aspire to emulate in my practice as a physical therapist. This intellectual honesty and commitment to evolution within the profession has inspired me to maintain the same standards in my own practice.

Dr. Crow's influence extends far beyond the technical skills of physical therapy. She has instilled in me and countless other students a deep appreciation for patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, and professional integrity. Her innovative teaching practices and boundless compassion for patients and students has impacted me deeply and uniquely prepared me to adapt to the complex and evolving healthcare environment.

In conclusion, Dr. Ashley Crow represents the highest ideals of didactic and clinical education in physical therapy. Her exceptional teaching, clinical expertise in specialized areas, and genuine dedication to student success have been truly inspirational throughout my educational journey at Ohio University and have continued to impact my professional trajectory as a clinician and educator. I feel that Dr. Crow epitomizes what is represented by the Inspirational Teaching Award and highly recommend her for this honor.


Dr. Leda McDaniel, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT

CHSP Inspirational Teaching Award Nominees

Department of Social and Public Health
Seonghee Hong

Title: Assistant Professor of Instruction

Nominated by: Ama Ofori-Birikorang


I am honored to write in support of Dr. Seonghee Hong, a professor whose teaching and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping my academic and professional journey at Ohio University. I had the privilege of taking two of Dr. Hong’s courses as part of my specialization in environmental communication at the Scripps College of Communication (MA Communication and Development Studies), with a particular interest in children from marginalized communities. These courses were CFS 5600: Child, Families, and Diversity in Spring 2023/24 and CFS 5610: Parent-Child Relations in Fall 2024/25. My learning experiences in her classes extended far beyond theoretical understanding, as she provided an environment where diverse perspectives were welcomed, and learning was enriched through experience-sharing.

One of the most impactful aspects of Dr. Hong’s teaching was how she facilitated discussions that allowed us to connect theoretical concepts to real-world events. The diversity of experiences within the class became a strength, as students were encouraged to share their perspectives, which deepened our understanding of how children’s development is shaped by their immediate surroundings and consequently shapes the world around them. Her approach ensured that the learning experience was engaging, inclusive, and thought-provoking. More importantly, she provided an approachable and supportive presence in the classroom, which made it easier for students like me – who struggle with social anxiety – to seek clarification and engage in discussions. This is a quality that, I believe, plays a very important role in student success.

Beyond the classroom, Dr. Hong has been an unwavering source of guidance and support. Her commitment to encouraging peer learning and interaction helped create a classroom atmosphere where students gradually became more comfortable opening up and engaging in meaningful conversations. Witnessing the transformation in how students interacted with the material and with each other was a testament to her impact as an educator. Her ability to cultivate a safe and inclusive learning space greatly influenced my decision to invite her to serve on my capstone research committee, not just as a member, but as the Chair. I firmly believe that her expertise, mentorship, and dedication to student success make her the ideal person to lead and guide my research.

Dr. Hong’s support extends beyond academics. Her genuine care about the social and psychological well-being of her students has been uplifting. From my time as a regular student in her courses to now being one of her advisees, her encouragement and understanding have been profound. She continuously goes above and beyond to ensure that her students feel supported, empowered, and equipped to succeed.

For these reasons, I believe that Dr. Hong’s exceptional ability to inspire and influence positive, student-centered learning and nurture academic growth deserves to be recognized. Her dedication to her students and her field is commendable, and I strongly advocate for her to be awarded the recognition she truly deserves. This would not only be a testament to her hard work but also an acknowledgment of the profound inspiration she has been to so many students, including myself.

School of Nursing
Mel Brandau

Title: Associate Professor

Nominated by: Jeffrey Goodrich


Thank you very much for the consideration of Dr. Brandau as a recipient of this award. Dr. Brandau is an exceptional instructor at Ohio University. I have known Dr. Brandau throughout my entire journey at Ohio University as she was my instructor for Nursing 7001, a course in professional writing for advanced nursing. Throughout my initial interactions with this instructor, she provided resources, insight, and guidance throughout the course. This reduced my anxiety about returning to school yet again and allowed for success. She makes learning interesting and engaging, which can be difficult for a lot of the material she taught. Many of the resources provided I am still using in my final two semesters at Ohio University, and I am grateful for that.

As great as she was an instructor, she has been a better mentor. This instructor gives out her personal phone number and always responds to emails in a timely fashion. She instructed every student to contact her with any concerns that they may have or projects they would like her to look at period I have done this throughout and every time received a response that improved my project, paper, or discussion board. I have three courses left to finish a doctorate and have maintained a 4.0 GPA as a result. This instructor pushes me to be my best. While she may have been the lead instructor of only one of my courses, I have utilized this instructor and not felt as though I was a burden or that I was inappropriately using her throughout the entirety of my program. I am so grateful to have such a great mentor, as it has allowed me to grow as a writer and build confidence.

Dr. Brandau has always been friendly and engaged when speaking with her. Though my most recent interaction and perhaps at the most nervous, I have felt Dr. Brandau push me to fill out grant paperwork stating that I am more than capable and that I need to believe in myself. As a result, I filed for a CHSP grant and was awarded funds to push my DNP project forward without cost to myself or my family. This is important as I am the sole provider for a family of five and an adult with a disability. Any additional funds I spend on school or materials take away from my family, and Dr. Brandau not only pushes me to fill out the application but supports me upon completion of the application by evaluating it for necessary changes and giving me the confidence to submit it by assuring me that it was well written means the world. Dr. Brandau is a wonderful instructor who does not stop being your instructor and your mentor when the course is over, he continues to mentor you long after her obligation is over, and she has made my experience at Ohio University one that I will truly remember. I am grateful to have her as a mentor, and instructor with the hopes that we will keep in contact long after my degree is complete at Ohio University. Thank you for considering Dr. Brandau for this honor I do believe she embodies change, patience, and scholarship at the highest level. 

Department of Social and Public Health
Kelly Nottingham

Title: Assistant Clinical Instructor 

Nominated by: Sophia Starkie


I am nominating Dr. Kelly Nottingham for the CHSP Inspirational Teaching Award. I first met Dr. Nottingham during my junior year. She taught my health behavior theory class. This class inspired me to approach Dr. Nottingham and ask if she knew of any research opportunities for public health undergraduate students. She kindly offered me a space on her research team. Little did I know this opportunity would change my life. I spent the next year working closely with Dr. Nottingham on her research project exploring the impact of COVID-19 on patient burden for individuals in the pre-approval stage of living kidney donation. This experience expanded my professional portfolio, taught me what it meant to be a team player and the importance of a strong mentor. I had many opportunities to share our findings with other students and faculty at Ohio University and people nationwide. Dr. Nottingham also taught my program evaluation course. I am so thankful that I got to spend my final semester at Ohio University with Dr. Nottingham. Through this course, I learned the ins and outs of program evaluation, and Dr. Nottingham also primed us to be young professionals. My time at Ohio University would not have been complete without Dr. Nottingham. She constantly pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I would not be where I am today without her. She is one of the most patient, caring, and knowledgeable professors I have encountered in my schooling and deserves recognition. 

Dr. Nottingham should be recognized for the Inspirational Teaching Award. From my first day in health behavior theory, I could sense that Dr. Nottingham was unlike any professor I had ever known. I can confidently say this based on my close research work with her. While working with Dr. Nottingham on one of her research initiatives, I felt empowered and excited to enter the public health field. Dr. Nottingham encouraged me every day to expand my horizons and pursue opportunities I may previously have let pass by. For example, Dr. Nottingham encouraged me to apply to speak at the North American Primary Care Research Group Conference. In full transparency, I did not think I would be accepted to share our findings. Nonetheless, Dr. Nottingham assured me that even if the abstract was not accepted, the experience would be worth it. So, I applied, and to my surprise, our abstract was accepted. Due to the conference's timing and cost, I could not attend in person; however, I still had the opportunity to share our findings virtually. If not for Dr. Nottingham, I would not have had this opportunity. This experience taught me the ins and outs of crafting an engaging, informative online presentation, as well as confidence and persistence. Dr. Nottingham continues to act as a source of inspiration to me. She always encouraged me to "go for it." She pushed me to ask questions and be a confident team member, but most of all, she taught me to believe in myself. She genuinely believes in her students, and therefore, her students believe in themselves. I have never seen any other teacher root so hard for their students' success. Because of Dr. Nottingham, I am an empowered young professional. She has been instrumental in my development as a student, person, and friend. She should be recognized for her impact on the students at Ohio University.

School of Nursing
Bethany Wolfe

Title:  Assistant Professor

Nominated by: Taelyn Caid

Lee Cibrowski Faculty Advising and Mentoring Award

The Lee Cibrowski Faculty Advising and Mentoring Award were created to recognize outstanding mentoring activities and accomplishments achieved by faculty members.

Integrated Health Studies
Tobe Gillogly

Title:  Associate Clinical Professor and Chair

  • Eleven years serving as an advisor
  • Twenty-two years serving as a mentor
  • an average of sixty advisees/mentees on campus and one hundred co-advising/mentoring on eCampus a year