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Dustin Grooms, PhD, AT, CSCS

Dustin Grooms
Professor, Physical Therapy and Principle Investigator of the Neuromuscular Biomechanics and Health Assessment Laboratory

Research Focus

Dr. Dustin Grooms' research investigates the neurological and biomechanical changes that occur after musculoskeletal injuries. His work is rooted in understanding neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize after trauma, and its implications for rehabilitation. Through innovative approaches such as virtual realitycognitive-motor dual-tasking, and sensorimotor integration therapies, his lab aims to enhance recovery and reduce injury recurrence.

Breakthroughs from his lab include:

  • Discovery of neuroplastic changes post-injury, revealing how the brain adapts to trauma.
  • Development of sensory reweighting therapies and cognitively loaded return-to-activity protocols, which integrate advanced technologies like virtual reality.
  • Introduction of novel testing paradigms to improve orthopedic therapy and rehabilitation outcomes.


  • Ph.D. Neuroscience and Biomechanics, The Ohio State University (2015)
  • M.Ed. Kinesiology, University of Virginia (2009)
  • B.S. Athletic Training and Mathematics, Northern Kentucky University (2008)

Research Interests

  • Brain reorganization (neuroplasticity) associated with musculoskeletal injury, aging, and therapy
  • Biomechanical predictors of injury risk and interventions for motor control improvement
  • Post-concussion neurocognitive therapies
  • Integration of neuroimagingmotion capturevirtual reality, and sensory feedback systems in rehabilitation


Dr. Grooms teaches graduate-level courses focused on the integration of neuroscience and biomechanics into physical therapy, including:

  • Neuromechanics of Sports Injury Rehabilitation
  • Evidence-Based Practice in Physical Therapy
  • Clinical Reasoning in Physical Therapy Practice

Selected Awards and Grant Funding


  • Presidential Research Scholar, Ohio University (2024)
  • Faculty Research Award, College of Health Sciences and Professions, Ohio University (2023)
  • Outstanding Research Award, National Athletic Trainers’ Association (2023)
  • Award of Appreciation, Army Airborne Corps, for advancing military healthcare through research (2022)
  • New Investigator Award, National Athletic Trainers’ Association (2020)

Grant Funding:

  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 Observational Grant:
    Discovery of the Neural Drivers Underlying Injury-Risk Biomechanics (Principal Investigator)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 Ancillary Grant:
    Neuroplastic Mechanisms for the Acquisition and Transfer of Injury-Resistant Movement Patterns Assessed in Virtual Reality Simulated Sport (Principal Investigator)
  • Department of Defense (DoD) Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Research Program:
  • Rehabilitation 2.0: Addressing Neuroplasticity in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (Principal Investigator)
  • Bayesian inference as a way of understanding sensorimotor deficits resulting from ACL Injury (Co-investigator)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH):
  • Innovative Neurophysiological Techniques for Trunk Muscle Control and Function (Co-Investigator)
  • Targeting Neuroplasticity to Augment Orthopedic Rehabilitation (LRP program)
  • Mental Practice in Chronic Stroke-Induced Hemiparesis (Consultant)
  • Establishing Cognitive-Motor Function as a Missing Therapeutic Target after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (Co-Investigator)
  • National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA):
    Functional Evaluation to Optimize Patient-Reported Outcomes and Decrease Subsequent Lower Extremity Injury Risk (Co-Investigator)

Recent Publications

Dr. Grooms has published extensively in the field, with over 100 refereed publications. Since 2020, notable works include:

  • Zuleger TM, Slutsky-Ganesh AB, Kim H, Anand M, Warren SM, Grooms DR, et al. "Differential neural mechanisms for movement adaptations following neuromuscular training in young female athletes with a history of sports-related concussion." Neuroscience, 2024.
  • Chaput M, Simon JE, Taberner M, Grooms DR. "From Control to Chaos: Visual-Cognitive Progression During Recovery from ACL Reconstruction." JOSPT, 2024.
  • Farraye BT, Simon JE, Chaput M, Kim H, Monfort SM, Grooms DR. "Development and Reliability of a Visual-Cognitive Reactive Triple Hop Test." Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2023.
  • Andrushko JW, Carr JC, Farthing JP, Lepley LK, Grooms DR, et al. "Potential role of cross-education in early-stage rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction." British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2023.
  • Criss CR, Lepley AS, Onate JA, Clark BC, Grooms DR, et al. "Brain activity associated with quadriceps strength deficits after ACL reconstruction." Scientific Reports, 2023.

For a complete list of publications,