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Extensions and Appeals

A. Extension Process for all Faculty Tracks

For Tenure-Track faculty, extensions to the tenure clock can be granted for a variety of reasons. These extensions are typically made for only one year and must be sought prior to the penultimate year. The process is started with the candidate’s department/school director. For details see the Faculty Handbook.

If a faculty member has a situation that falls outside of the College Promotion and Tenure policy (e.g., illness), s/he must make the unit Director/Chair aware of the situation. The unit Director/Chair consults with the unit’s PTC and the Dean to determine the appropriate course of action (e.g., extension). The policies and procedures delineated in the Faculty Handbook will be followed.

B. Appeal Process for all Faculty Tracks

In the case of a negative recommendation for promotion, the candidate may begin an appeal process. At this point, a dated and digitally saved version is kept in a secure location by the academic unit considering the appeal. The candidate has direct supervised access to the document. The initial letter of appeal must be filed by the candidate within 45 days of written receipt of the negative recommendation (as stated in the Faculty Handbook). For further details about “Time Limits” regarding appeal of non-reappointment or denial of promotion, see ATTACHMENT C (excerpted from Faculty Handbook)

Grounds for an appeal may be based on one or more of the following conditions:

  1. inadequate consideration;
  2. denial of due process – a procedural error; or,
  3. denial of academic freedom.

It is the responsibility of the candidate to delineate the case for the appeal in relation to the submitted dossier.

The appeal process starts at the level where the negative recommendation was received. If that is the level of the unit PTC, then the candidate directs the letter of appeal to the unit PTC through the unit Director/Chair. The unit PTC will reconvene to review the issues of appeal based on the original dossier. The unit PTC must complete its review of the appeal and submit a written response to the candidate within 30 days. If the committee’s review upholds the appeal (agrees with the candidate), then the candidate’s original dossier is sent to the unit Director/Chair for review and the standard reviewing process occurs but on a modified timeline.

If the committee rejects the candidate’s appeal, then the candidate has 30 days to submit a letter of appeal to the Dean. During these 30 days, the original dossier will be forwarded to the Dean for secure keeping. Upon receipt of a letter of appeal, the Dean may convene the College PTAC to assist in the review process. The Dean’s decision on the appeal must be completed and a written decision submitted to the candidate within 30 days of receipt of the letter of appeal.

If the Dean upholds the original PTC decision (appeal is rejected), then the candidate has the right to appeal to the next level (Executive Vice-President and Provost). The candidate has the right to appeal through all levels up to the Faculty Senate (see Faculty Handbook for details).

The vote on the appeal by the Standing Committee on Promotion and Tenure of the Faculty Senate is binding and completes the appeal process within the University. The steps in the appeal process are:

  • Unit PTC
  • Dean
  • Executive Vice-President and Provost
  • Faculty Senate Standing Committee on Promotion and Tenure
  • Formal Proceeding
  • President

If the Dean supports the appeal, then the dossier is reconsidered by the unit’s PTC. At each step of a positive appeal, the dossier is returned to the unit’s PTC for further consideration and a vote. The candidate will have the original dossier returned to him/her at the completion of the appeal process.

Note: All appeals adjudicated by the Standing Committee on Promotion and Tenure of the Faculty Senate will be heard and voted on by tenured faculty who are at a rank equal to or higher than the rank the appellant is seeking. In the instance of an Instructional or Clinical track faculty appeal, two Instructional or Clinical track faculty senators will be appointed as voting members of the PTAC.