AHSW Promotion and Tenure Procedures

Guidelines for Faculty Evaluation 


Promotion and Tenure Procedures

Composition, Selection, and Term of Office for the P&T Committee

Chairperson of the P&T Committee

Responsibilities of the P&T Committee

Faculty Evaluation Responsibilities

External Review

Committee Responsibilities

  • Review of Prospective Administrators and Faculty for Rank and Tenure
  • Annual Review of the School Director
  • Promotion and Tenure Orientation for All New Group I Probationary Faculty


  1. Appendix A: List of Important Dates for Faculty Evaluation
  2. Appendix B: Examples of Items to Submit for Evidence of Teaching and Advising Effectiveness
  3. Appendix C: Examples of Research and Scholarship
  4. Appendix D: Acceptable Documentation of Service-Related Activities

Approval signatures:

Janet Simon, Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee 5/1/23

Chad Starkey, School Director 5/1/23 

John McCarthy, Dean of College of Health Sciences and Professions 5/2/23