Dean's Fellow for Curriculum and Student Affairs and Associate Professor
- PhD, Instructional Technology, Ohio University, 2016
- MSN, Nursing, University of Phoenix, 2006
- BSN, Nursing, University of Rio Grande, 2003
- ASN, Nursing, University of Rio Grande, 2002
- LPN, Nursing, Buckeye Hills Career Center, 1998
Research/Professional Interests
- Nursing educational studies
- Interprofessional education
- Educational Technologies
Clinical Experience
- 2002-current Registered Nurse in practice in acute care setting with staff nurse, supervisor and administrative nursing leadership experiences.
- 1998-2002 Licensed Practical Nurse in practice in a long term care facility with a focus on psychological conditions.
- 2018-2019 Internal. PI. Program to Aid Career Exploration (PACE). Awarded: $2,490.00.
- 2017-2018 Internal. Co-PI on Interdisciplinary Research Award. Nurses’ Pursuit of Higher Education: Are Burnout and Resilience Motivating Factors? Awarded: $1,994.00
- 2017-2018 Internal. Co-PI on Interdisciplinary Research Award. Social Cohesion and Hospital Community Engagement. Awarded $1,854.97
- 2017-2018 Internal. Co-PI on Interdisciplinary Research Award. Measuring Motivation and Empathy in Health Professions Students. Awarded: $1,965.00.
- 2016-2018 Co-investigator on the Immersive Media Initiative grant. This grant was approved for $877,849.00. This is a multifaceted grant with several layers of innovative projects.
- 2015-2017 PI on Choose Ohio First Grant for Nursing (COFN). This grant awarded $236,079.00 for nursing student scholarships annually.
- 2015-2017 Co-PI on MEDTAPP Grant. This grant awarded $713,157.00 annually. I was responsible for introducing, developing, assessing and evaluating Simulation into two preexisting Interprofessional courses.
Awards and Honors
- 2016-2017 CHSP Innovative Teaching Award
- 2012-2013 Patton College of Education, Sandra Turner Memorial Instructional Technology Student Award
University/Professional Service
- 2018-current Chair School of Nursing BSN Curriculum Committee
- 2017-2018 Co-Chair School of Nursing Annual Review Committee
- 2017-2019 Member School of Nursing Annual Review Committee
- 2018-2019 Member Critical Thinking Faculty Learning Committee
- 2017-current Reviewer: Clinical Simulation in Nursing
- 2017-current Chair School of Nursing Overall Curriculum Committee
- 2014-current Member CHSP College Curriculum Committee
- 2010-current Assistant Professor, Nursing, Ohio University
- 2010-2016 Advisor, BSN Student Organization
- 2010-current Member School of Nursing BSN Curriculum Committee
- 2005-current Member, Sigma Theta Tau, National Nursing Society
- 2002-current Member via Institution, National League of Nursing
- 2015-2016 Member CHSP Interprofessional Taskforce
- 2014-2015 Member CHSP Program Learning Outcomes Committee
- 2011-2014 Member CHSP Technology Advisory group