Fire Log

These statistics include a description of a fire reported in a residence hall on the Athens Campus

Fire Statistics by Campus

Athens Campus Fire Statistics
Residence HallYearTotal FiresDate Fire ReportedDate and time of FireClassification of FireInjuriesDeathsProperty Damage
Brown Hall 22 N. McKinley Ave2025103/07/202503/07/2025 @ 2:27 PMArson00$0-99
Treudley Hall 41 Oxbow Trail2023103/08/202303/08/2023 @ 4:15 PMUnintentional: Burnt clothes in dryer00$128.00
Read Hall 48 E Green Dr202311/19/202301/19/23 @ 1:50 AMUnintentional: Motion Detector overheated and caught fire00$0-99