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Evaluation Procedures

  1. Every six months throughout the year, interns are given verbal and written feedback about their progress in the competency areas listed under the objectives of the internship program. Semester evaluation periods include feedback from seminars, group supervisions, and individual clinical
    supervision. In addition, interns give their seminar facilitators, supervisors, and the Training Director feedback about the program, their training experiences, and their supervision. Beside the specific evaluation forms designed for the separate seminar areas, an overall Intern Performance
    Evaluation form is completed by individual clinical supervisors. This form covers primary areas of competency that are appropriate for clinical work, including professional and ethical conduct, therapy, assessment, multicultural skills, etc. Just before this evaluation is due, all staff involved
    in an intern’s training meet to discuss their experiences with each intern, including the strengths and weaknesses, growth areas, and goals that they would suggest to the intern, in order for the staff to clarify their feedback and catch any potential areas that might need more attention. Information from that meeting and from all evaluations is shared with the intern by the relevant supervisor or seminar facilitator. A copy of the Six-Month Intern Evaluation is sent to the home department of each intern after it has been signed and a copy is placed in the intern’s personnel file. Copies of all written evaluative material are placed in the file, as well, throughout the
  2. Mid-way through each semester, training staff will meet to discuss intern progress and interns will be given informal, verbal feedback by their primary supervisor based on the recommendations of the staff at this time. If a problem is identified at this time, feedback may be documented in writing. Copies of this feedback may be placed in the intern’s file and the home program may be contacted if it is determined that this level of intervention in warranted.
  3. The six-month evaluation form that is sent to the home department will be accompanied by an overview letter to the Director of Clinical Training of that department from the Training Director with a cover letter. Any concern about an intern’s progress through the program is first discussed with the intern, then if a supervisor feels that a concern is not being addressed adequately, he or she approaches the Training Director who then determines the next course of action – whether it be more intensive supervision, consultation with the training committee or other experienced supervisory staff, or consultation with the Director. We make this process as transparent as possible to the intern, while also protecting the intern’s privacy.
  4. The supervisor and intern discuss written evaluations prior to their submission to the Training Director and before inclusion in the intern's file. Any evaluation report must be signed by the individual supervisor and the intern. The intern's signature on the document does not necessarily reflect agreement with the content, but rather that the document has been presented to the intern. The intern may provide a written reaction to the evaluation report. The evaluation report and any additional material must be submitted to the Training Director for inclusion in the intern's file.
  5. Interns are expected to evaluate their individual supervisors at the end of each semester (See Evaluation of Internship Supervision). A 1-hour exit interview with the Training Director is scheduled at the end of the year for interns to have the opportunity to express feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of the internship program itself.