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CARE Candidate Manual

Table of Contents 




A.1 Welcome

Welcome to C.A.R.E. “Back in the day,” teacher education candidates spent most of their time in college classrooms having little exposure to children and the real work of teachers until they student taught at the very end of their college career. In the late 1980s and early 1990s professors in Ohio University’s Colleges of Education and Arts and Sciences worked with Athens County educators to develop a new program, one that got pre-service teachers into classrooms early and often and which stressed a progressive approach to teaching designed to prepare students for life in a democratic society. In time, this program came to be called, “Creating Active and Reflective Educators,” or CARE. Over 30 years later, we are still at it. CARE is the Patton College of Education’s oldest partnership. It still believes that it is essential to get teacher education candidates into classrooms working with teachers and doing things that impact the education and lives of students in pre-K through twelfth-grade classrooms. Furthermore, we still believe that our democracy didn’t just happen and that it won’t just continue unless elementary and secondary school students have many, many opportunities to learn and use the skills needed by citizens of a democratic society. The CARE and Federal Hocking School District faculties are excited that you’ve chosen to join us. And the students of Federal Hocking also look forward to working with you and getting to know you. You will impact their lives just as they will change yours. Welcome to CARE!


A.2 CARE’s Impact On Federal Hocking Local School District

C.A.R.E.’s Impact upon Federal Hocking Local School District

Patton College's former Dean, Renée Middleton stresses that a most important part of the Patton College’s mission is to serve Southeastern Ohio’s public school students and teachers. CARE does that. What we do in Federal Hocking Schools is real (as opposed to contrived assignments to be handed in, graded, and forgotten) and has a significant impact on students. We hear this from teachers, administrators and from students themselves.

C.A.R.E. is designed to provide students and teachers in Federal Hocking Schools with a number of unique services and opportunities. Among them are:

  1. Federal Hocking teachers and students benefit from a deliberate overstaffing of their classrooms. One or more C.A.R.E. candidates work with a cooperating teacher, often over two or more years. Our goal is to give teachers pre-service colleagues whom they can trust because a) they have developed a long-term relationship with them and because b) they have therefore had the time and opportunity to significantly impact the classroom practice of these pre-service colleagues. This was one of Federal Hocking’s main interests when the C.A.R.E. partnership was designed.
  2. Teachers in Federal Hocking are able to impact the development and practice of a significant number of future teachers. The C.A.R.E. partnership recognizes that Federal Hocking teachers have a tremendous wealth of knowledge and skills, and we are anxious for our teacher education candidates to learn from them as we work with their Pre-K to 12th-grade students.
  3. C.A.R.E. candidates also learn while providing service to teachers, students, and the Federal Hocking community. In recent years, our candidates have:
    • planned field trips to local businesses, Conkle’s Hollow and Kilvert Community Center. Our candidates were involved in all aspects of these trips. They did the majority of the planning, made all contacts and arrangements and provided educational activities before and after the trips;
    • supported a high school journalism class’s oral history project;
    • helped to plan and chaperone Adventure Club canoeing, backpacking trips and white water rafting trips;
    • served as assistant coaches in football, volleyball, softball, basketball and baseball;
    • assisted in the production of plays;
    • worked in the Band Boosters’ Concession stand during football and track events.
A.3 CARE’s Advantages For Teacher Education Candidates

C.A.R.E. is a partnership that Middle Childhood, AYA, and Spanish Education majors may join. It offers many advantages:

  1. You will have early and frequent classroom experiences. Your placements in Federal Hocking classrooms begin during your first semester in C.A.R.E., which for most candidates, is in the fall of their sophomore year. By the time you do your professional internship, you will have spent at least 300-350 hours in Federal Hocking classrooms.
  2. C.A.R.E. is the only partnership that allows—even encourages—you to develop long-term mentor/mentee relationships with teachers. It is common for CARE candidates to work with a teacher at the high school or middle school for 2 or 3 semesters. Mentor teachers get to know you well. They feel a commitment to you and trust you to do more because they’ve helped you grow as a professional.
  3. You will move through the program’s seven courses with a cohort of 15-20 other CARE candidates. You will get to know one another well, so you will be able to give one another a great deal of help and support in and out of class and with your placements.
  4. C.A.R.E. classes are taught by Federal Hocking teachers. Our instructors have a wealth of practical, experience-based knowledge: they know what works. Our candidates can walk into their instructors’ classrooms and see them doing the things that they talk about.
  5. C.A.R.E. is the only O.U. partnership with philosophy at its core. We believe that public schools are essential to the maintenance of our democratic society. We further believe that public schools need to provide children with real-life experiences using the skills necessary for life in a democracy. This doesn’t reduce the importance of the subject matter, but it does affect how it is presented and used. Math, science, language, social studies, and other courses should help students to understand the world in which they live; to make informed decisions; and participate in a respectful, fact-based discussion of public policy.
  6. C.A.R.E. is a small partnership, so you get to know the faculty well. We work hard to ensure that everything works well for you.
  7. On-campus classes build on candidate experiences in field placements and involve discussions, planning for various teaching experiences, and lots of candidate involvement. 8. CARE offers possibilities to work with students in extracurricular activities such as drama and sports.

Some CARE candidates are coaches or assistant coaches at Federal Hocking Secondary School. Questions? Contact: Brett Noel (opens in a new window).

A.4 CARE's History 101

The C.A.R.E. partnership is rooted in a group of local educators that met regularly during the late 1980s and early 1990s to discuss common concerns and to study a progressive, democracy-centered teaching style. A number of Federal Hocking teachers were involved in this group, which was led by future Federal Hocking principals and superintendent George Wood.

Later, a group of local educators and O.U. professors decided to incorporate many of the ideas discussed by the teachers’ group (and many other ideas as well) into a new program designed to change teacher education in many significant ways. George Wood and Cindy Hartman (then principal at Amesville Elementary School) were important members of this group. While the program has changed over the years, its principles and associated practices have remained the same.

C.A.R.E. began as “Teacher Education for Civic Responsibility (TECR)” in 1989. At this time, candidates were able to schedule classes in such a way as to allow them to attend placements in large groups. Some O.U. TECR classes were held at Coolville Elementary School. In addition to taking many education classes together, cohorts took TECR classes in the Political Science and Cultural Studies Departments as well. The political science classes dealt with concepts centered around democracy and democratic government. Unfortunately, CARE candidates are no longer able to take political science or cultural studies classes as a cohort.

Initially, candidates from all teaching majors could participate in TECR/CARE. Early Childhood and Special Education majors later left the program as licensure requirements changed and as the College of Education reorganized to provide other partnerships for these programs. Some Spanish Education majors continued to join C.A.R.E., but that is becoming more difficult due to a requirement that they complete a semester in a Spanish-speaking country.

In the early 2000s CARE became a part of the Center for Partnerships as the Patton College began developing relationships with local school districts. At this time, the program lost the college support of a Group One (tenure track) faculty member, and the coordinator’s position was split between Bill Elasky, an adjunct faculty member, and Cindy Hartman, a Group Two faculty member. CARE continues to receive strong support and encouragement from the PCOE dean and the Department of Teacher Education.

In about 2010 CARE candidates and staff began presenting at national conferences. As of 2020, we have given presentations at conferences sponsored by the National Network for Educational Reform (in Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Charlotte, and, with seventh graders, in Cincinnati), the National Board for Professional Teaching standards (in Washington D.C. with a group of seventh graders) and the National Association for Professional Development Schools (in Washington D.C., again with a number of high schools and middle school students).

CARE has received National Recognition from the National Network for Educational Reform and from the National Association for Professional Development Schools. Federal Hocking Local Schools, our partnership school district, has received recognition from the National Network for Educational Reform. CARE faculty nominated them for this award.

A.5 Checklist of Candidate Responsibilities
Checklist of Candidate Responsibilities
What to doWhen to do it
(joined CARE
fall of Sophomore year)
When to do it 
Apply for BCI/FBI checkSpring  - Freshman YrApply at least 2 weeks before
you expect to apply for Teacher
See information below table
Apply for Teacher CandidacySpring  - Freshman YrBEFORE joining CARE. End of Semester
when all requirements for teacher
candidacy are met.
Follow the link in DARS
Check-in with Patton College Advisor
Purchase LiveTextSophomore YrDuring the first year in CAREPCOE requirement
Apply for BCI/FBI checkEnd - Sophomore YrAt least 2 weeks before you
expect to apply for Advanced
See information below table
Apply for Advanced StandingSpring - Sophomore YrEnd of Sophomore year.  If you started
CARE late, after taking 60 hours and
required 2000-level classes
Follow the link in DARS
Check-in with Patton College Advisor
Must have in order to take
junior-level classes
Apply for Admission to
Professional Internship
Fall - Junior YrFall of Junior year or after 3000-level
required classes.  Must have 90 hours
and have completed 75% of the program
Check-in with Patton College Advisor
Apply for BCI/FBI CheckSpring - Junior YrAt least 2 weeks before you expect
to apply for admission to Professional Internship
See information below table
Discuss Student TeachingJanuary Junior YrAt least 1 full semester before you
begin your year-long practicum
Apply for GraduationJan/Feb Senior YrApply at the beginning of the semester
in which you expect to graduate
Check-in with Patton College Advisor
Complete graduation application (opens in a new window)

BCI/FBI check information:

  1. You can order a BCI/FBI check at the Bobcat Depot on the first (lowest) floor of Baker Center or at many police department and sheriff’s offices. The code number you should use is: 3319.291. As of 2021, the checks cost a combined total of $50.
  2. It generally takes two weeks or more for BCI/FBI checks to be processed. It can take up to six weeks.
  3. Have BCI/FBI checks sent to: Attn: Debra Fanning, The Patton College of Education Student Affairs, Patton Hall 103, Athens, OH 45701
  4. You will be notified when it comes in. GET A COPY and keep it in a safe place. ALWAYS keep a copy for yourself.
B.1 C.A.R.E. Courses and Faculty

EDCR 1010, Introduction to Democracy and Education 
This course explores the philosophical framework underpinning the CARE program. Candidates also learn about the history, geography, and people of the Federal Hocking School District as well as the history and requirements of CARE. Students design and execute a service-learning project as part of this class. They also have two placements in elementary classrooms, each about 7 weeks long. Ideally, one is in an early childhood classroom and the other is in an upper elementary classroom. We also try to give candidates an experience at both Coolville and Amesville schools. Placement hours for this semester: 75 classroom hours; 10 service-learning hours; and 3-5 extra-curricular or community hours.

Zach Ballew teaches this class during fall semesters. Most candidates are sophomores

EDCR 2010, Childhood In America, Birth Through Elementary School 
This class focuses on child development. While none of our candidates will be certified to teach Pre-K through 3rd grade, we feel that it is important that they understand the totality of the child development process. For that reason, placements during this semester are with elementary teachers. This class is taught through a social justice lens and focuses on child development in a holistic manner that takes into account not only children’s social development but also how students develop within the cultural context. In practice, this means: that the curriculum is anti-biased, with an emphasis on culturally sensitive teaching and learning. Children’s family and cultural identities are integrated into the daily life of the classroom, while teachers and schools acknowledge the ways in which their own cultural identities shape their teaching. The final piece of culturally responsive early childhood development in education is an emphasis on the process of advocating for children, schools, and communities. Work in this course coordinates with placements in EDCR 1010.

Jadey Gilmore teaches this class during the fall semesters. Most candidates are sophomores.

EDCR 2015, Childhood In America, Middle School Through Adult
This is a continuation of EDCR 2010, focusing on older children. It involves a service-learning project in which candidates will work with middle and/or high school students to accomplish something of value to their school or community.

Amy Buchman teaches this course during the spring semesters. Most candidates are sophomores.

EDCR 2100, Democratic Teaching Methods
This is a general methods class (not specific to any one subject) that explores teaching in a progressive, democracy-centered fashion. Smokey Daniel’s book, Subjects Matter, is an important resource for this course.

Ann Cell teaches this course during spring semesters. Most candidates are sophomores.

EDSP 2710, Introduction to Exceptionalities
This course is designed to be a broad introductory level course dealing with the education of students with all kinds of exceptionalities. The course will present a brief general overview of learners with exceptional needs along with educational and social issues that surround them.

Molly Mason-Hurst teaches this course during spring semesters. Most candidates are sophomores.

EDCR 3100, Advanced Democratic Methods
Building upon skills and knowledge developed in EDCR 2100, this course helps students to understand and implement additional knowledge and skills necessary for creating and maintaining a democracy-centered classroom. Specific topics include differentiating instruction, management skills, and developing experience-based activities for students. John Dewey’s Experience And Education is an important resource for this class. In addition to a standard placement, candidates co-teach a high school or middle school inquiry class. Groups of CARE students rotate into the class for an extended period and, with a great deal of support from the CARE instructor and classroom teacher, do most of the planning and teaching.

Ann Cell teaches this class during the fall semesters. Most candidates are juniors.

C.1 General Placement Information

CARE Early Field Placements

Frequent and meaningful early field placements have always been a central aspect of the CARE Program. In most courses, we will expect that you spend about 90 hours in classrooms or doing school-related activities. In some courses, part of your placement time will be allocated to working with an extracurricular activity or with a community group such as the Band Boosters (they run the football concession stand).

You will have several responsibilities related to your placement in addition to being present when you are scheduled to be and actively participating in activities. You must:

  1. Fill out a placement contract, get the required signatures, and give copies to the people indicated on the contract form. This should be done the first time you go out to your placement.
  2. You must give copies of the evaluation form to your mentor teacher six weeks and 14 weeks into the semester. These forms have a place for you to include personal goals to be included after you read the evaluation.
  3. You must fill out, get required signatures and turn in paperwork related to absences.
  4. You must keep a journal and a log of your placement times. The log should be signed by your mentor teacher each time you go out.


The ONLY acceptable excuses for missing one are:

  • sickness (it should be serious and/ or contagious)
  • death in the immediate family
  • religious observance
  • involvement in University-sponsored activities and
  • jury duty

While not covered by University policy, the CARE program will also accept abduction by aliens and the end of the Universe as legitimate reasons to miss a placement. However, these excuses cannot be used for an extended period of time.

IF YOU SHOULD FIND THAT YOU MUST MISS A PLACEMENT, you must follow the procedures outlined under “CARE Candidate Absence Policy,” which you will find later in this section. 

Our goal is to work with mentor teachers to give you as realistic and intense of a classroom experience as possible. We don’t want you to sit in the back of the room and observe. Placements need to be active, hands-on experiences working with children under the guidance of both a mentor teacher and a CARE faculty member.

SO…. be enthusiastic and always be ready and willing to jump in and do things. If you find that you are not having active, meaningful placements, please notify your CARE instructor.

Don’t wait! You will find some of the ways your mentor teacher may use your services below. (S)he may also have you assist with grading papers, walking children to activities, giving tests, and similar activities.

Co-Teaching and CARE Candidates

We encourage mentor teachers to put CARE Teacher Candidates to work from the very first day. They may have developed a variety of ways to use candidates effectively in their classrooms. Several additional ways can be based on standard co-teaching models.*

  1. “One Teach, One Observe.” One co-teacher leads the lesson while the other makes detailed observations of the students and their engagement in the learning process. Information gathered is used to make teaching and learning more effective.
  2. “One Teach, One Drift.” One co-teacher takes primary responsibility for leading the lesson while the other circulates, assisting students as needed.
  3. “Station Teaching.” Both content and students are divided between stations. Students rotate from one co-teacher’s station to another. In a variation, students rotate between multiple stations with co-teachers providing help and instruction as needed.
  4. “Parallel Teaching.” Both co-teachers teach the same lesson simultaneously, but they divide the class into two groups.
  5. “Alternative Teaching.” One co-teacher completes a planned lesson with a large group, while the other co-teacher teaches an alternate lesson or the same lesson taught at a different level or using different methods.
  6. “Team Teaching.” Both co-teachers deliver instruction to the class simultaneously, sharing responsibilities seamlessly.
  7. “Watch and Repeat.” The classroom teacher teaches a lesson while the CARE candidate watches. Later, the CARE candidate delivers the same lesson to a different group of students.

*1-6 adapted from “Co-teaching models,” found at “Training Module: E-learning Design for 55+ Audiences”

Special Field Placement Activities:

There are several times when you will do special early field placement activities.

EDCR 1010 and EDCR 2010: These courses have a combined required placement time of 90 hours.

  • You will be placed in two elementary classrooms, one at each of the Federal Hocking elementary schools. Each placement will last for seven weeks and at least one of these will be in an early childhood classroom. There are several reasons for placing you in elementary classrooms:
    • EDCR 2010 is a child development course covering the elementary years; this arrangement gives you experience working with the age child that you are studying.
    • For the most part, educational policy is made by people with little or no direct knowledge of child development and good educational practice. You need to have the knowledge and experience to effectively advocate for children of all ages.
  • EDCR 1010 has a required service learning project. You will most likely work with middle school and/ or high school students.
  • EDCR 1010 also has a requirement that you work with either a community/ parent organization or with an extracurricular activity
  • EDCR 2010 and EDCR 2100: These courses have a combined required placement time of 90 hours.
  • You will be a part of an all-school service day. You will work with a Federal Hocking National Honor Society member to organize and lead a service project somewhere in Athens County.
  • You will also need to spend part of your placement hours working with an extracurricular activity.

EDCR 3100: 

  • In addition to a placement in your area of certification and licensure, you will participate in a “co-teaching” experience in an elective course at the secondary school. You and a group of your cohort members will take a turns planning for and leading the class with guidance from the CARE instructor and the classroom teacher. While taking your turn in the elective classroom, you will not be required to work in your “regular” placement.
C.2 Placement Responsibilities

The CARE Partnership Candidate is responsible for:

  • Providing a current BCI & FBI report to the Patton College, the placement school’s office, and the course instructor. You cannot work in a school until you have a current BCI/FBI check on file in each of these places.
  • Wearing a Patton College photo identification name badge at all times when in the school.
  • Conducting oneself as a courteous guest, conforming to the rules and customs of the school district and classroom including appropriate professional attire and good personal hygiene.*
  • Holding personal information regarding students in strict confidence with your assigned Classroom Teacher(s).
  • Introducing yourself to important school personnel in your building: the principal, secretary, custodians, cooks, etc.
  • Learning the names of students as quickly as possible.
  • Familiarizing yourself with the classroom, your teacher’s language and teaching style, and with current topics being studied in the classroom. Candidates must also familiarize themselves with the standards for assigned grade levels.
  • Promptly completing assigned responsibilities in teaching and making them available by due dates for the classroom teacher’ (s) for examination, criticism and revision. Plans should always be available to the faculty coordinator and teacher liaison.
  • Having lesson plans available for your mentor teacher for your assigned responsibilities whenever you are late or absent due to a University approved reason.
  • Taking the initiative to discuss questions or concerns with your assigned classroom teacher(s), teacher liaison, or faculty coordinator. This may mean setting aside a specific time each day or week to go over questions or concerns in depth.
  • Continuously evaluating and reflecting upon your own work and strive to effect appropriate improvements.
  • Showing readiness to assume increasing responsibility as the year progresses.
  • Being willing to participate in opportunities that extend beyond the regular classroom experience when invited by classroom teacher(s). These may include by are not limited to things such as staff meetings, professional development opportunities, athletic events, dramatic productions, parent conferences, open houses, and PTO meetings.
  • Meeting all responsibilities promptly and effectively on a daily basis--especially notifying the assigned classroom teacher(s), teacher liaison, faculty coordinator and school by telephone if an emergency arises which forces you to be late or absent from school.
  • Maintaining professional behavior at all times
  • Adhering to national, state and local laws as well as the policies and procedures of the host school/district.

*Defined as a conservative business casual. While some staff at your placement school may not adhere to this dress standard, the Patton College and the schools hold you to this standard.

C.3 Placement Contract

Contact your advisor for a placement contract.

C.4 Absence Policy & Form

C.A.R.E. Candidate Absence Policy

Candidates who need to be tardy or miss a school partnership day due to a university excused absence are responsible for contacting the assigned classroom teacher, the school secretary, the teacher liaison, and the OU coordinator. It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide arrangements for any responsibilities that might be missed that day (i.e. lesson plans, lesson materials, etc.). If candidates need to miss a day, it is the responsibility of the candidate to make up the time missed, arranged jointly with the classroom teacher and the teacher liaison. This might be done another day that week or if necessary, at the end of the semester during exam week. The candidate will consult with the appropriate teacher. It is important to note that any time missed must be made up in the classroom where the absence occurred.

During the spring semester, the University and local PDS district calendars have different weeks scheduled for spring break. Every day in the classroom is essential for teacher candidate development so it is the responsibility of the teacher candidate to make sure a plan is made to make up the time missed. These days are to be scheduled with the assigned classroom teacher and can be done the week before the spring semester starts or on other days that do not interfere with on-campus coursework. Candidates may not miss university coursework to complete PDS classroom requirements so candidates must plan to make a schedule that fulfills the requirement.

Candidates are responsible for signing the absence report. The following are identified as “excused absences” in the University Policies and Procedures and appropriate documentation must be provided for each.

  • illness
  • religious observance
  • death in the immediate family
  • jury duty
  • involvement in University-sponsored activities

Failure to give appropriate notifications for an absence or being absent for an unapproved reason may cause the instructor to file a negative disposition regarding the candidate's behavior with the Patton College of Education. 


Contact your advisor for a copy of the absence policy and form (use each time absent).

C.5 Placement Log

Contact your advisor for a placement log (have your mentor teacher sign each time you go out)

C.6 Placement Evaluation

Contact your advisor for a placement evaluation (submit at mid-term and semester’s end)

C.7 Schools Driving & Info

Directions to and Information About Federal Hocking Schools

Amesville Elementary School: serving students in Pre-School through Sixth Grade

Principal: Jennifer Spero.
Secretary: Tammy Sisk
Partnership Liaison: Molly Mason-Hurst. Molly teaches EDSP 2710, “Introduction to Exceptionalities”.

Driving Directions: 

  • Take Stimpson Avenue to the roundabout, where it joins Rts 33/50 toward Columbus
    • to get to Stimpson from Patton: turn left out of the lot onto Stewart Street (NOT the street "Jeff Hill" is on!)
    • Dead-end onto Mill Street. Turn left. Make an IMMEDIATE right turn onto Palmer Street
    • Dead-end onto Stimpson. Turn right.
  • Get off at Columbus Road/ Amesville Exit north of Athens
  • Turn right onto State Route 550 toward Amesville
  • After about 10 miles, you will enter the village of Amesville
  • Pass the Coonskin Crossing store/café/ gas station and immediately turn left onto State Route 329
  • The school is on your right about a block after the turn.

Parking: Park adjacent to the road on the right below the school or in the lot across from the school.

Notes: Push the intercom button on the right by the door and wait for someone to answer. Give your name and let them know you are CARE candidates from OHIO University. The office is up one flight of stairs and to the right. Sign in. The secretary’s name is Tami Sisk.

Telephone Number: (740) 448-2501. Someone is usually in the office from around 8:30-4:30, often earlier. There is no cell service in Amesville.

Address: 23 Main Street, Amesville, Ohio 45711

Amesville can have flooding problems when the rest of the district does not, so it is advisable to sign up for closure/early release notification (opens in a new window). If you encounter water on the road coming or when leaving Amesville, DO NOT drive through it. Also, Amesville does not have reliable or consistent cell phone service.


Coolville Elementary School: serving students in Pre-School through Sixth Grade.

Principal: Mary Mitchell. Mary taught CARE courses for several years.
Secretary: Heather Allen

Partnership Liaison: Kim Householder. Kim teaches third grade. She is both a Federal Hocking and a CARE graduate.

Coolville Driving Directions: 

  • Take Stimpson Ave. to the roundabout, where it joins Rts. 33/50 toward Columbus. Get RIGHT IMMEDIATELY so that you can exit RIGHT onto U.S. 50 toward Belpre/Parkersburg. If you miss the exit, get off at East State Street and follow it past Walmart to the end, where it joins Rt. 50. [To get to Stimpson Ave. from McCracken, see the Amesville directions.]
  • After about 15 miles, the road splits. Go LEFT toward Belpre/Parkersburg/Coolville. Pass Go Mart and continue down the hill. Turn RIGHT onto SR 144 just before the bridge.
  • Turn RIGHT onto Main Street, the first turn. The school is up the hill on the left. 

Parking: Park across the street in front of the church. Occasionally there are spaces available in the school lot, but it is difficult to get out of the lot late in the day.

Notes: Push the intercom button on the right by the doors, tell them your name,and indicate that you are a CARE student from O.U. The office is up one flight of stairs and to the left. Sign in at the window by the office. The secretary is Janice Pullins.

Telephone Number: (740) 667-3121. Someone is usually in the office between 8:30 and 4:30, often earlier.

Address: 26461 Main Street, Coolville, Ohio 45723


Federal Hocking Secondary School: Serving Middle School & High School Students.

Principal: Cliff Bonner. Mr. Bonner taught social studies at the high school for many years before becoming principal.
Secretaries: Jessica Randolph, Julie Gillian

Building CARE Liaison: Ann Cell. Ann teaches EDCR 2100 and EDCR 3100.

Driving Directions: 

  • Take Stimpson Ave. to the roundabout, where it joins Rts. 33/50 toward Columbus. Get RIGHT IMMEDIATELY so that you can exit RIGHT onto U.S. 50 toward Belpre/ Parkersburg. If you miss the exit, get off at East State Street and follow it past Walmart to the end, where it joins Rt. 50.
  • After about 10 miles, you come to State Rt. 329. There is a Marathon gas station on the left. Turn LEFT and go through Guysville.
  • About two miles outside of Guysville, enter Stewart. Go through Stewart until you are almost out of town. Turn RIGHT downhill at the only crossroad you come to. The old Daniel Stewart house (brick) is in the far right corner.
  • Go down Zimmerman Hill and join SR 144. Cross the bridge, go up the hill, and see the school on the right. Go in the doors on the right of the main building. Note: any right turn in Stewart will take you to SR 144.

Parking: you may park anywhere in the lot.

Notes: Push the intercom button on the right by the doors, tell them your name, and indicate that you are a CARE student from OHIO University.  The office is straight ahead on the left after you enter. Sign in. There are several secretaries; Julie Gillian is usually at the desk.

Telephone: (740) 662-6691 option# 2, then option# 2. Someone is usually in the office between 7:15 and 3:30.

Address: 8461 State Route 144, Stewart, Ohio 45778


Federal Hocking Closings for Floods and Snow:

Because numerous creeks and the Hocking River cross or parallel major roadways in Federal Hocking, flooding is sometimes an issue even when it isn’t in other parts of the county. Furthermore, the many gravel roads, steep hills, and the number of roads on narrow ridge tops make it difficult for buses to travel on snowy days. Federal Hocking is often forced to cancel for snow even when snow is not an issue in Athens. So, it is wise to:

  1. Listen to the radio on any day that you feel might be even remotely “iffy.”

Directions for getting to Federal Hocking Secondary School “the back way” when State Route 329 is flooded:

Instead of turning on State Route 329 at the Marathon, continue on U.S. 50 for 4 ½ to 5 miles. After going up a fairly steep grade, you will see County Road 53. Turn LEFT. Follow Co. Rd. 53 (“Bethany Ridge”) until it ends on State Route 144, just past Stewart. Turn RIGHT and head up the hill to the school.

C.8 Federal Hocking Operating Principles

Federal Hocking Local Schools

Our Mission

The Federal Hocking School District uses a progressive approach to help all young people become productive and engaged citizens. Our graduates will be creative thinkers and problem solvers, able to make positive choices about their careers, education, and community.

Operating Principles

In order to fulfill our mission, we embrace the following operating principles:

As an educational community, we know children learn when:

  • they are actively engaged in a variety of tasks including exploration, play, reading, research conversation, and invention;
  • they are in an environment where they feel safe and supported, where their social-emotional and physical health needs are met, and where they are not afraid to fail knowing they will be given more chances to succeed;
  • they have a personal connection to or interest in what they are learning and can see how it applies in the world in which they live;
  • they are encouraged to think for themselves, reflect upon their work, make appropriate choices, and to build connections to prior learning;
  • they receive ongoing feedback, see and share models of expected outcomes, feel competent and not overwhelmed, and are provided with time for monitored practice;
  • they are exposed to a wide variety of learning experiences, materials, technologies, and environments.

In responding to how children learn, our classrooms will be...

  • child-centered, flexible learning environments with multiple resources and technologies, and full of displays of student work;
  • learning communities where children feel respected, safe, and well-known;
  • environments that enhance communication, collaboration, engagement, and enjoyment;
  • flexible, but with established routines and shared norms, and a balance of learning activities;
  • comfortable places for students to ask questions, learn to make choices, and engage in both individual and group work;
  • utilizing authentic and performance assessments in order to modify and adapt instruction and reporting student progress to parents in ways that are easily understood and reflect student development;
  • inviting to parents, family members, and our communities as they too are valued resources in the learning process.

To support such classrooms, our schools will be...

  • filled with the voices of kids and where their natural excitement and curiosity is nurtured and accepted;
  • places where teachers are encouraged to collaborate and are provided time to do so, hold consistent beliefs on how children learn, and share a collective responsibility for the welfare of all students;
  • exemplified by a climate of mutual respect and trust among all community members, focused on positive behavior as opposed to punishment;
  • flexible in terms of age grouping, schedules, classrooms, and curriculum, all based on student needs;
  • focused on the whole child, her/his social, emotional, physical, and intellectual well-being; *filled with exhibitions of student work and activities in all areas with regular times for schoolwide gatherings and celebrations;
  • concerned with more than just test scores, knowing that every child is more than a test score;
  • open and welcoming to all parents, encouraging their active involvement;
  • supportive of teachers, providing focused professional development to help teachers create, develop, and expand child-centered, thought-provoking, and engaging classroom practices using a wide range of instructional strategies and educational technologies.

The district in support of these schools, is committed to...

  • nurturing and encouraging a purposeful, common vision across our district through focused goals and action plans that allow for staff to do their work well;
  • utilizing available resources and searching for additional resources to support this common vision as well as to provide appropriate staffing, teaching resources (including technology, texts, materials, and access to the world outside of school), and time for teachers to collaborate;
  • listening to and responding to the needs of staff to carry out our shared visions;
  • supporting the development of an infrastructure where teachers and students have access to current technologies, learning tools, and the world beyond the schools;
  • encouraging and expecting that staff will take unique and flexible approaches to our shared goals and vision;
  • providing a focused, district-wide professional development program consistent with our vision that is effective, meaningful, and sustainable;
  • communicating with our community and with policymakers about our schools’ programs, successes, and needs;
  • supporting the economic and civic health of our communities;
  • communicating regularly with our educational community in ways that include all staff and provide the information necessary for collaborative decision-making.
D.1 Fundamental Principles and Dispositions

The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education are committed to a set of fundamental principles and dispositions that guide the practice and development of our students, faculty, and staff.

Commitment to Social Justice (i.e., the ideal of fairness & the belief that all students can learn)

  • Professional practice incorporates multicultural and international perspectives.
  • Professional practice respects the dignity of all stakeholders in the education environment.
  • Professional practice attends to issues of social, economic, and political equity for individuals and groups that differ by gender, race, social class, disability, and sexual orientation.
  • Professional practice entails the creation of a challenging, student-centered learning environment that makes use of multiple approaches.

Commitment to Ethics 

  • Professional practice attends to codes of ethical conduct relevant to the candidates' respective education specialties.
  • Professional practice demonstrates responsible, principled behavior.
  • Professional practice respects the human dignity of all members of the school community.

Commitment to the Well-being of Students, Families, and Communities 

  • Professional practice promotes the development and welfare of all students.
  • Professional practice attends to students' health and safety.
  • Professional practice models caring and empathy.
  • Professional practice initiates productive relationships with peer candidates, students, families, communities, and colleagues.

Commitment to Professional Competence and Ongoing Professional Development

  • Professional practice involves decision-making and problem-solving based on reflection, critical thinking, and self-awareness relating to intra/interpersonal functioning.
  • Professional practice demonstrates proficiency in the ethical use of technology.
  • Professional practice demonstrates engagement with continuing education relating to both content and pedagogy.


The Unit for the Preparation of Education Professionals (UPEP) and The Patton College treat this assessment seriously. If a candidate meets or exceeds these dispositions, s/he will continue in the chosen field of study without interruption. However, if a faculty member or school-based partner indicates a concern, the following procedures take place.

  1. This disposition assessment is printed.
  2. The assessor meets with the candidate to discuss the dispositional issue. Both the assessor and the candidate sign this form and submit a copy to the Office of Clinical Experiences (OCE), McCracken Hall 119D.
  3. A corrective action plan is designed by the assessor to address the identified issue(s). The plan should identify the issue(s), contain suggestions to remedy the situation, and describe any action taken, including dates, parties involved, and agreements reached.
  4. The OCE forwards all dispositions to The Patton College Credential Review and Candidate Progress Board (CRCPB) for review. Depending on the severity of the disposition, the CRCPB may meet with the candidate and develop a corrective action and/or may decide that removal from the educator preparation program is necessary.
  5. The CRCPB will provide a list of names and general area(s) of concern to the OCE for follow-up. On the 5th week of the subsequent term, the OCE will identify the education courses in which the candidate is enrolled and send an email to those faculty to follow up on the candidate's progress. Based on the response, the CRCPB will determine the next course of action.

**Note that some inappropriate behaviors may be so severe and extreme that a direct referral to University Community Standards Board may be necessary.

Professional Dispositions are the "Professional attributes, values, and beliefs demonstrated through both verbal and nonverbal behaviors as educators interact with students, families, colleagues, and communities. These positive behaviors support student learning and development" (NCATE, 2008, p. 89- 90)

Please ask your advisor for a disposition form. (You will be evaluated at least twice while in the PCOE using this form)