Required Courses
The Middle Childhood Program requires coursework focused on engaging in teacher research, curriculum and instruction, reading (state requirement for all concentrations), teaching methods, and a professional internship (classroom-based field placement). See the Graduate Catalog (opens in a new window) for additional information.
Teacher Research
EDTE 6670 Teacher as Action Researcher (3 credits)
EDTE 6940 Master’s Research Project (3 credits)
Curriculum and Instruction
EDTE 5100 Principles of Curriculum (3 credits)
EDTE 5600 Advanced Studies of Children and Adolescents (3 credits)
EDSP 5700 Nature and Needs of Persons with Exceptionalities (3 credits)
Reading (State Requirement)
EDTE 5270 Phonics and the Structure of Language (3 credits)
EDTE 5200 Foundations of Reading (3 credits)
EDTE 5220 Diagnosis: Reading/Languages (3 credits)
EDTE 5260 Teaching Literacy in the Content Areas (3 credits)
Teaching Methods
Select two methods courses corresponding to your two subject areas.
EDTE 5300 Problems and Practices in Modern Elementary Mathematics (3 credits)
EDTE 5400 New Programs and Practices in Science (3 credits)
EDTE 5510 Teaching Middle Childhood Social Studies (3 credits)
EDTE 6932 Methods of Teaching English Language Arts (3 credits)
Professional Internship
EDPL 5620 Professional Internship (6 credits)
EDPL 5630 Professional Internship (6 credits)
EDPL 5650 Professional Internship Seminar (3 credits)
EDPL 6920 Internship: Theory into Practice (3 credits)
Total Credit Hours: 51
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