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Middle Childhood Generalist Endorsement

Middle Childhood teachers are licensed to teach in two content areas (Language Arts, Mathematics, Science or Social Studies) in grades 4-9. The Generalist Endorsement will allow licensed Middle Childhood teachers to add one or two additional content areas for grades 4-6. State requirements require six semester hours for each content area, evidence of preparation in pedagogy in each of the additional content areas, and the appropriate required Ohio Assessments for Educators exam. Students currently need six semester hours with 3 of those hours being a content methods course to meet state requirements.

Ohio University has been approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education and the Ohio Educator Standards Board to offer the Middle Childhood Generalist Endorsement.  The Endorsement is optional, but available to candidates for the Middle Childhood teaching license who wish to add an additional teaching field, or two additional teaching fields, for grades 4 through 6 only.

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Frans Doppen (opens in a new window)
Program Coordinator

Generalist Endorsement: Language Arts

Complete the following courses with no grade below B. No transfer credit will be accepted. Any substitution must be approved by the chair of the Middle Childhood program. In addition, you must achieve a passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators for Middle Childhood Language Arts.

Complete all of the following courses:

  • EDMC 3100 Teaching Middle Childhood Language Arts (3 credits)
  • EDMC 3100L Teaching Middle Childhood Language Arts - Lab (1 credit)

Complete one of the following courses:

  • EDMC 3210 Children’s Literature for Middle Childhood (3 credits)
  • ENG 3500 Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage (3 credits)
  • JOUR 1330 Precision Language for Journalists (3 credits)

Generalist Endorsement: Mathematics

Complete the following courses with no grade below B. No transfer credit will be accepted. Any substitution must be approved by the chair of the Middle Childhood program. In addition, you must achieve a passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators for Middle Childhood Mathematics.

Complete all of the following courses:

  • EDMC 3300 Teaching Middle Childhood Mathematics (3 credits)
  • EDMC 3300L Teaching Middle Childhood Mathematics - Lab (1 credit)

Complete one of the following courses:

  • MATH 1101 Elementary Topics in Mathematics I (3 credits)
  • MATH 1102 Elementary Topics in Mathematics II (3 credits)

Generalist Endorsement: Science

Complete all courses with no grade below B. No transfer credit will be accepted. Any substitution must be approved by the chair of the Middle Childhood program. In addition, you must achieve a passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators for Middle Childhood Science.

Complete all of the following courses:

  • EDMC 3400  Teaching Middle Childhood Science (3 credits)
  • EDMC 3400L Teaching Middle Childhood Science - Lab (1 credit)

Complete one of the following courses:

  • ASTR 1000 Survey of Astronomy (3 credits)
  • CHEM 1210 Principles of Chemistry I (4 credits)
  • GEOL 1010 Introduction to Geology (4 credits)
  • PBIO 1000 Plants and the Global Environment (3 credits)

Generalist Endorsement: Social Studies

Complete the following courses with no grade below B. No transfer credit will be accepted. Any substitution must be approved by the chair of the Middle Childhood program. In addition, you must achieve a passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators for Middle Childhood Social Studies.

Complete all of the following courses:

  • EDMC 3500 Teaching Middle Childhood Social Studies (3 credits)
  • EDMC 3500L Teaching Middle Childhood Social Studies - Lab (1 credit)

Complete one of the following courses:

  • GEOG 2320 - Geography of Ohio (3 credits)
  • HIST 3170 - Survey of Ohio History (3 credits)