Project Members

Dr. Courtney Koestler
“I’m really excited to be part of this team and to learn from the children, families, and teachers here in our region and in the Pacific Northwest.”
Dr. Courtney Koestler is the Director of the OHIO Center for Equity in Mathematics and Science (OCEMS) and an Associate Professor in the Department of Teacher Education in the Patton College of Education at Ohio University. Courtney’s scholarship centers on diversity, equity, justice, and critical pedagogies in early childhood education, elementary education, teacher education, and mathematics education. Courtney is a proud, former public school teacher and has served as a classroom teacher and mathematics coach in culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse elementary and middle schools. For more information see the OCEMS website (opens in a new window).

Dr. Amanda Sugimoto is an Assistant Professor in the elementary Graduate Teacher Education Program where she primarily teaches elementary mathematics methods. She completed her PhD in teaching and teacher education at the University of Arizona. She is also a proud elementary teacher with experience working with linguistically, culturally, and economically diverse students both in the United States and abroad. Her research focuses on improving the educational experiences, access, and outcomes of linguistically diverse students in schools, particularly in mathematics.

Dr. Mathew Felton-Koestler is a Professor and Interim Chair in the Department of Teacher Education in the Patton College of Education at Ohio University. Matt's scholarship focuses on issues equity, diversity, and social justice in mathematics teacher education. He also studies mathematical modeling, especially of students' out-of-school interests and of social justice issues, and Complex Instruction in mathematics education.

Dr. Eva Thanheiser is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Portland State University. Eva’s scholarship centers on teaching and learning mathematics in context and as a tool to make sense of the world at the elementary and middle school level. Eva also hosts two podcasts Teaching Math Teaching (opens in a new window) and Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (opens in a new window). Eva grew up in Germany and immigrated to the United States in her mid twenties. For more information see her website (opens in a new window).
I cannot wait to collaborate with everyone to develop and implement tasks that connect the mathematics classroom to the real world.

Laura Wolfe is a Graduate Assistant/Project Manager for Teacher Education in the Patton College of Education at Ohio University. Laura is a high school teacher (clinical intern) and graduate student in the Master’s of Special Education in Mild to Moderate Needs Intervention Specialist program. Laura is a proud parent, OHIO alumni, substitute teacher, and Junior High Basketball coach.

Howard Bartels is a Ph.D. student in Mathematics Education at Ohio University. He has 8 years of experience teaching high school mathematics. Howard is interested in exploring mathematics teacher knowledge in contexts.

Molly Robinson is a Masters and PhD student in Mathematics Education at Portland State University. She was born and raised in Alaska, but now calls the Pacific Northwest home. She has 15 years of experience as an academic and mathematics coach. Molly’s research interests include equity and equity-centered mathematics teaching practices.

Simon Byeonguk Han is a Ph.D. student in Mathematics Education at Portland State University. He has 10 years of mathematics teaching experience in Korea. His research interests include how to connect a rigorous understanding of mathematics to the real world, the effect of mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT), teachers’ mathematical identity, and teachers' mathematical flexibility for a more equitable mathematics learning environment.